Raw Chocolate is called Cacao. You can get it in Health Food stores in powder or nibs form, to make desserts and drinks. Cacao is a high energy food unlike the common chocolate candy bars, syrup, hershey kisses, etc. If you enjoy chocolate, this may be your answer.
I bought a small bag of Cacao Nips from the Health Food Store at the Crossing in Johnson City. I wanted to try it before I spent money on something I would not use. Cacao is not cheap, but worth it to me. I recently bought the larger bag of the Nips and ground it to powder in my coffee/herb grinder. Nips are cheaper than the powder. You can probably find it cheaper still on line.
Here is the smoothie I made. You can alter the liquid.
1 cup Coconut Water (buy cans or cartons at the HF Store.)
1 scoop Jay Robb's Whey Vanilla Protein or other good protein powder.
1 T. Cacao Powder
No sweetner is required. Jay Robb uses Stevia to sweeten.
Add ice and blend in your blender.
Taste this first, then you can add Strawberries, Banana, Raspberries.
You can use Almond Milk or Coconut Milk (don't get the real sweet cans of Coconut)
I used coconut water because of it's health benefits.
Hope you enjoy this one. Let me know if you do.