Christmas day meal at the Boinganu's and a snow picture from last year to represent the Christmas snow we enjoyed here. Tal's snow pictures did not show off the snow as this one posted does.
Wednesday was a day for shopping. Ben took us to a location of town that he had not been to since the communist stripped this city of it's life. The buildings were beautiful in their exterior architecture. People lived in apartments above the stores and they were actually trying to restore this section. Ben expressed sadness as well as delight as memories flooded his mind. He took us in a very small men's clothing store that sold some of the nicest dress shirts you will ever see and at a reasonable price. He explained that Braila manufactors these shirts that are sought after all over Europe.
The city police had blocked cars from driving on this street and it gave it the feeling of "holiday". A large covered deck like structure was in the middle of the street that allowed for relaxing with eatery or as a place for entertainers. This of course would happen in the summer. We made a purchase and headed over to Ben and Anna's for another of her good meals. Almost all meals begin with a soup of flavored broth with potato chunks, etc. sometimes a bit of meat or floating corn dumpling. Sliced bread, more dense than our, is eated at every meal.
We were finished by 3:oo and Ben announced we would go to Karrfore before taking us home for the evening. This is a super Walmart with a Mall attached. You can find almost anything in this grocery store. Some foods are more than I want to pay, so I will do without until I return home.
Before we left the house swarming with all ages of their foster children, 10 and three friends who came home from college with them, Anna and I put on a batch of Granola according to my recipe. After about 30 minutes of grocery shopping, Anna called the girls to check on it. They had already checked on it twice. I called about noon today to see how it turned out and if the family liked it. Anna said when she went downstairs the Granola was almost gone. We had made a 12 cup recipe. She saved me a bit to taste. I think the children liked it.