Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I know The Plans I Have For You

Jeremiah 29:11 is a comforting reminder for all who belong to sovereign God of all ages.
"I know the plans I have for you.  Plans not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future."

I declare that God has plans for me.
. . .that my Father knows my name.
. . .that He delights in me.
. . .that He wants me to be with Him always.
. . .that He never takes His eyes off of me.

I declare that all He plans is good - to bless me.
. . .that His plans are to give me a hope and a future.
. . .that when I call he hears and answers, for I am His beloved.
. . .that what He starts, He finishes.

I decree to my soul:
. . .I will not tolerate any negative thought to incubate within my mind.
. . .I will replace all negative imaginations and internal chatter with images that harmonize with the finished work of Christ.
. . .I am not an orphan.  I am a son/daughter.
. . .I am not a pauper.  I am royalty and being trained in Kingdom ways.
. . .I have the mind of Christ and can think like my Father the King.  I also have His heart.

Since I host the Presence of God,  since He is with me, it is not reasonable to allow the intruder, FEAR,  to rule and rob what Christ paid dearly for. 

God will not abandon what He purchased.  He is doing me good all the days of my life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Christ Is The "Yes". I Sound The Amen.

Since You, O lord, are my Rock, my Shepherd;  deliver me from the shame of my brokenness, my afflictions, my fears, my false self.  

Jesus You are the "Yes" to all of my human "no's". 

Give me a heart of compassion like Yours, Jesus, to forgive, to release peace and loving acceptance to those who need to know what You are prepared to do for them.  Empower me to see them as You see them and embody Your love to them.  They need Your love as  much as I do.

I decree
. . .that the steps of a righteous woman/man are ordered by the Lord.
. . .that no weapon formed against me; my family will prosper. Isaiah 54:10-17
. . .that Your words do not return to You empty. They are accomplished as You say. Isaiah 55:11
. . .that I have been given ears to hear and can come into agreement with throne room reality.
. . .that because my Shepherd is Jesus the Christ,  I lack nothing.  He is my supply.
. . .that Christ covers me on every front.  He prepared a table before me, even in the presence of enemies.
. ..that I have all I need to represent the Kingdom in the economy of God.  I do not lack patience, love, faithfulness,  endurance for righteousness sake. . .anything I need for life and godliness. II Peter 1:3-4

I enter into deliberate worship of the three in one God.  I turn  my whole heart and mind to hear, to see heaven's reality.  I am drawn into the throne room to be with the King, to be caught up in the over-powering influence of the Source of life. . .to have my eyes and ears adjusted so I can see and hear the sounds of heaven and get in the flow of God's activities and ways.

Through the finished work of Christ in the earth realm,  He has removed the "NOs" of condemnation, rejection, of lack, of fear.  In Heaven, I hear the "Yes" to all of God's promises.  I am now able to add the "Amen" to it for the sake of earth receiving heaven's supply. 

I find the Secret Place to be the vestibule of heaven.  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  I decree it because heaven declares it. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

He Is Faithful In All He Does

My heart rejoices this morning in Christ my God.
For the word of the Lord is right and true.

I decree to my physical body,  rejoice and rest
. . .in His overshadowing Presence,
. . .in His indwelling Presence and love.
He is faithful in all He does.

Yes Lord!  I say "Yes" to You. 

I decree that Your plan for me, for my family stands firm forever. 
I choose the purposes of Your heart for us.

I decree and I declare with confidence born by the Spirit,
. . .that Your eyes are on  me, You take notice
. . .that Your life in me delivers me from death,
. . .that You keep me alive in famine,
. . .that You Lord, are my hope and my shield,
. . .that Your unfailing love rests upon me and my family.

Psalm 33

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Abounding Grace

God is able to make all grace abound to me, so that in all things at all times, having all I need, I will abound to every good work.  II Corinthians 9:8

WOW Father, what a promise!  If Your servant Paul experienced this promise a reality in his life, so can I.  The same Spirit of Christ that lived in him, lives in me.

Spirit logic:  If God has called me to walk in Kingdom grace, will He withhold the grace supply?  Of course not.

Soul, come into agreement with God's reality concerning me, concerning my children, my grandchildren, my husband.  I decree to you that God's grace abounds, overflows at all times in our behalf.  Grace that is not deserved by me/us but deposited in us by the finished work of Christ.  Grace that supernaturally enables me /them to hear and obey, because we are one spirit with You.  I trust You, Holy Spirit, to continue to show me the barriers my soul has learned to use to limit Your life in me, due to fear and wrong thinking.

I declare that I have all I need.  I lack nothing with You as my Father and Shepherd.  Fear and lack will not intimidate me or limit me from living as Jesus modeled and doing the things He did and wants to do through me. John 14:12. 

Jesus Himself is my supply for all righteousness, therefore, my grace supply.  How more abundanat could it be?  Soul, let the truth of His words settle all fear and anxiety right now. 
Spirit truth:
I have been made rich in every way so that I can be generous on every occassion.  My generosity results in thanksgiving to God.  Christ is my supply.  I am graterful, for my life brings Him glory. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Kings and Priests Unto Him

This is a description of the generation of sons/daughters of those who seek the Lord. . .inquire of Him. . .require Him of necessity. . .seeking His face more than seeking His hand.

They go up into the mountain of the Lord.
They search out the secret place of intimacy.
They stand in His holy place and commune until their soul overflows with joy.
They lift up their heads and fling wide their doors.
They stand in His delegated authority to declare what He declares:  a blessing of restoration.
They are called kings and priests unto God.  Kings that properly represent the King's heart.        Priests that represent family & friends in the courts of the Lord as happy, joy-filled intercessors.

I decree and I declare
. . .that You, Father, do grant ( a son/daughter, mate, friend) supernatural ability and endurance to fight the good fight of faith and surrender to Your way, according to Your purposes.
. . .that I am qualified to share in the inheritance of Jesus through what He has done, not what I have done..
. . .that I am reconciled to God through Christ Jesus.  There is no condemnation against my account.
. . .that I am growing to  maturity (as a true son/daughter) with authority to speak His decrees in the earth.
. . .that I am firmly rooted, built up, established in love and faith, adequate for all I will face this day.

Thank you Father, You have not left me as an orphan.  Nor am I under pressure to prove my worth.  I hide myself in Christ and relax in Your love. 
I decree that as an ambassador of Christ,
. . .I am anointed to love, to be a blessing.
. . .I am a steward of great wealth.
. . .I will never lack any good thing from my Father.
. . .I have a purpose and assignment to fulfill.  My times are in Your hands.
. . .You cause me to know what I need to know, to understand Your heart and thoughts.

I declare with thanksgiving
. . .that You Father, equipt me/them with ideas and motivation, and strategies for Kingdom demonstration.
. . .that You represent me/them in the heavenly realm, so as to be effective in this earthly realm.
. . .that You give me/them authority to recognize and expose satan's tactics and to overcome his plans to steal, kill and to destroy.

I decree and I loudly declare that no weapon formed against me/them will prosper.  If You are for me, who and what can prosper againt me?  You are the one who promised to cause all things that concern me to work for my future gain and Your eternal glory.

I decree and agree with Your Word
. . .that Your blessing flows in and through me.
. . .that Your favor rests on me.
. . .that Your healing, restoring life is in me.
. . .that healing and restoring love flows through me/them to do the same works Jesus did, because He said that I should, and to speak His life-giving words to heal the heart.
. . .that I am anointed to speak His life-giving words only.  No place for complaining, criticizing, negative talk about myself or others. 

The Covenant written in the blood of Jesus Christ is complete.  I want to experience it fully.  I choose to go places past generations did not think they could.  We are not even scratching the surface of the abundance Christ died to give us while in this realm of earth.  Lord, open eyes,  open heart.  Teach me how to live as a king and a priest unto You in my generation.