Saturday, September 28, 2013

#11 Detox Smoothie - Ultimate Green

This smoothie is a strong green drink that is a range of sour to sweet, depending on the fruit you add.
         This is how I did it this morning.

I placed the following greens in my blender:
2 handfuls of fresh Spinach
2 stalks of Celery  (chopped in large chunks)
Handful of Kale 
Small handful of Cilantro  or Parsley  or both
Half of an Apple
1 Lemon juiced
1 1/2 cup of water

Taste it so you will begin to get a baseline on the taste of certain combinations.  Drink some so as to get this strong alkalizing vegetables and lemon juice working for you.
Pour up the rest in a quart jar, leaving enough to make one smoothie.

Add 6 to 8 oz of green liquid to the following:

Half a frozen or fresh Banana
1 cup of frozen or fresh Pineapple  or more according to taste.

By this time you should have a pleasantly sweet smoothie.  Dilute it with more water or Kefir Water or coconut water if you prefer.  You could also add 1/4 of an Avocado to make it creamier and thick.

I would like to have feed back from any of you who are interested in these or are finding them useful.