I love Hummus ever since I tasted it in Romania in a Lebanonise restaurant. I don't like the store bought variety, so started making my own. It is not difficult but you do need a food processor. Use the S Blade and cream all ingredients together until smooth.
If you like Hummus, you probably have your favorite recipe, so I am giving you Tal's favorite. He loves recipes with Sun-dried Tomatoes. You can make your own sun-dried tomatoes when Roma Tomatoes are plentiful. Now you will want to purchase them in a jar.
1 or 2 Cloves Garlic, chop finely
1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
1 TBS. Tahini Paste (try it without if you don't have any)
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 15 oz. cans Garbanzo Beans or 2 cups you cooked yourself.
1/4 cup Olive Oil or use some of the oil off of the sun-dried tomatoes.
1/4 cup Oil packed Sun-Dried tomatoes chopped
Add all ingredients except the Sun-Dried Tomatoes in to the Food Processor.
Process until smooth.
Add the chopped Sun-Dried Tomatoes and process again.
Turn out into a serving bowl.
When you are ready to serve it, make a few grooves in the top, drizzle on a little Olive Oil and sprinkle with Paprika or a Cajun Spice Blend.
You can heat Pita Bread in the oven with Olive Oil and Cajun Spice Blend or Sea Salt and dip into the Hummus to eat.
Here is how I like to fix it for a meal. Warm half of an Arnold's Mulit-grain Sandwich Thins. Spread Hummus on top and then shredded Carrots, slices of Avocado and chopped Tomato. This is good with plain Hummus or this recipe.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Lord takes pleasure in those who FEAR Him and HOPE in His steadfast love. (which is revealed in grace and mercy). Psalm 147:11
That means then that I bring delight to God by something I see in Him, not by what He sees in me.
When I see in Him my only source of life and acknowledge Him, a respectful FEAR rises in me and HOPE floods my soul. It is this fear and hope Christ brings to me, that He sees and causes Him to say, "I take pleasure in her."
How can I please a holy God who sees everything about me? I don't please myself.
By my moral perfections?
By my sacrificial ministry to others?
By ritual attendance to religious traditions?
By purity of thoughts and godly attitudes?
I think not. I delight my God when I see Him as my greatest treasure and respond to His love.
The prayer of the upright is His delight. Proverbs 15:8
Upright of heart means sincere pursuit of God's heart and desiring His presence. Prayer is communication or dialogue. God actually delights for us to talk to Him. If we aren't in a rush to get on with our agenda for the day, or upset that He interrupt our schedule, He loves to chat.
I will cling in utter dependence to Him.
I will pursue Him and seek His face.
I will soak in His presence until He radiates from me.
It is not I who lives but Christ lives in me, my hope of glory.
"My fear reflects His power, my hope reflects His bountiful grace. God will never give up the glory of being the fountain of all joy. He will never surrender the honor of being the source of all safety.; He will never abdicate the throne of sovereign grace."
John Piper - The Pleasure of Beign God.
That means then that I bring delight to God by something I see in Him, not by what He sees in me.
When I see in Him my only source of life and acknowledge Him, a respectful FEAR rises in me and HOPE floods my soul. It is this fear and hope Christ brings to me, that He sees and causes Him to say, "I take pleasure in her."
How can I please a holy God who sees everything about me? I don't please myself.
By my moral perfections?
By my sacrificial ministry to others?
By ritual attendance to religious traditions?
By purity of thoughts and godly attitudes?
I think not. I delight my God when I see Him as my greatest treasure and respond to His love.
The prayer of the upright is His delight. Proverbs 15:8
Upright of heart means sincere pursuit of God's heart and desiring His presence. Prayer is communication or dialogue. God actually delights for us to talk to Him. If we aren't in a rush to get on with our agenda for the day, or upset that He interrupt our schedule, He loves to chat.
I will cling in utter dependence to Him.
I will pursue Him and seek His face.
I will soak in His presence until He radiates from me.
It is not I who lives but Christ lives in me, my hope of glory.
"My fear reflects His power, my hope reflects His bountiful grace. God will never give up the glory of being the fountain of all joy. He will never surrender the honor of being the source of all safety.; He will never abdicate the throne of sovereign grace."
John Piper - The Pleasure of Beign God.
Monday, January 25, 2010

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye."
This indwelling Christ, the Spirit of God, is my teacher. He has committed Himself to walk with me in HIS way, unite my heart and mind to fear HIS name above all other fears, and hope in HIS love.
Holy Spirit, You have not left me to navigate life on my own. You are in me and available to be for me all that pleases You and represents the Kingdom in this earth.
You are in me. . . .constant companion and friend, so that lonliness does not overwhelm me.
You are in me. . . .being wise, guiding me. . ."here is the way, walk in step with Me."
You are in me. . . .being peaceful. When I turn my attention and affection to You, peace floods my soul, because there You are.
You are in me. . . .singing over me with joy. Not because I respond right, but because I am Your blood-bought child, and I belong to You.
You are in me. . . .being strong. It takes Your strength to say "no" to my fleshly demands.
You are in me. . . .being patient and enduring the negative forces that press my life.
You are in me. . . .being forgiving, seeing the pain, fear and deception that drives our destructive actions and reactions.
You are in me. . . .ready to live Your own life through me when I surrender my way and turn my affection and focus to You.
Jesus, . . . .oh, You are everything I'm not, but You are everything I long to be. You are everything the Father wants me to be. And I can't be any of that. But You are in me to BE everything I am not and everything the Father needs me to be.
You are the Great I AM in me. . . .WOW! All I need is found in You. You are my portion forever.
BE in me now, holy, all-sufficient Jesus, all this day will demand of me. I gladly surrender to Your life available in me, as I BE-hold You, Lamb of God, my sufficiency.
By Your GRACE, empower me to make life's journey in the musical key of BE. My BE-ing rests in green pastures and is refreshed by living springs of water. My joy and contentment come from Your table spread for me in the presence of futility & disappointment. You are my life, my portion forever.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I generally do not like Chicken cooked in tomatoes, but I do like Balsamic vinegar, so I combined the two and served this dish over Brown Rice. My husband and I liked it; also a friend visiting thought it was a winning recipe. So, I share it with you in hopes you enjoy the combination of flavors.
Balsamic Chicken and Rice
Four small chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
1 small onion, sliced
1 clove garlic, (You can add more if you really like garlic)
1 14.5oz can diced tomatoes w/basil, garlic, oregano (or no seasoning diced tomatoes)
1/4 cup Balsamic vinegar
1 Chicken Boullion cube
I salted & peppered the chicken and browned them in olive oil. Remove chicken and add the sliced onion and 1 clove of chopped garlic. Allow to soften, then add back the chicken.
I disolved the chicken boullion cube in some of the tomato liquid or the balsamic vinegar. I also added the following herbs: some fresh rosemary, 1/2 tsp dried thyme. (If you use plain diced tomatoes without seasoning, I would add 1 tsp. each of dried Basil and oregano, or some Itallian seasoning blend.)
Pour the tomato/balsamic mixture over the chicken and onions. Cover and simmer until chicken is cooked. About 15 to 20 minutes. I started to let the juices condense but decided to use all the juice since I was serving it over hot Brown Rice.
Balsamic Chicken and Rice
Four small chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
1 small onion, sliced
1 clove garlic, (You can add more if you really like garlic)
1 14.5oz can diced tomatoes w/basil, garlic, oregano (or no seasoning diced tomatoes)
1/4 cup Balsamic vinegar
1 Chicken Boullion cube
I salted & peppered the chicken and browned them in olive oil. Remove chicken and add the sliced onion and 1 clove of chopped garlic. Allow to soften, then add back the chicken.
I disolved the chicken boullion cube in some of the tomato liquid or the balsamic vinegar. I also added the following herbs: some fresh rosemary, 1/2 tsp dried thyme. (If you use plain diced tomatoes without seasoning, I would add 1 tsp. each of dried Basil and oregano, or some Itallian seasoning blend.)
Pour the tomato/balsamic mixture over the chicken and onions. Cover and simmer until chicken is cooked. About 15 to 20 minutes. I started to let the juices condense but decided to use all the juice since I was serving it over hot Brown Rice.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, the Lord walks with me. There is nothing that I will face today or tomorrow that Jesus won't face with me.
Paul uses the phrase, "in union with Christ" to describe the journey or the walk of the Christian. I am making a list of these in Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians. Read just one of these, circle each phrase "in union", then go back and write down what it means for you practically. Many of us live out of our own resources and our own sense of identity. God's arrangement is that in union with Christ, all He is and has is available to you.
Did Jesus walk in the midst of trouble?
Was Jesus filled with the Sprit?
Was favor on His life? Why? Because Jesus did not lean on His human resources or identity. He knew who He was in relation to the Father.
Is the same Spirit in you? Are you in union with Christ?
My Father says, "My child, do not be afraid. I am your sheild, your sovereign. I am your very great reward. I am faithful, keeping covenant with you."
I will love the Lord with all my heart. I will walk in His ways and hold fast to Him in the best of times and in the worst of times.
O Lord, faithful and true, when I call to You, THERE YOU ARE. My prayer is set before You like the incense that speaks of Jesus to You, for we are ONE. Let the lifting of my hands draw me up, as the parent draws the child up in his arms with great affection.
My eyes are fixed upon You. I take refuge in You, my sovereign. You have promised me life and in union with You, I do live by Your life in me. Psams 141
Paul uses the phrase, "in union with Christ" to describe the journey or the walk of the Christian. I am making a list of these in Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians. Read just one of these, circle each phrase "in union", then go back and write down what it means for you practically. Many of us live out of our own resources and our own sense of identity. God's arrangement is that in union with Christ, all He is and has is available to you.
Did Jesus walk in the midst of trouble?
Was Jesus filled with the Sprit?
Was favor on His life? Why? Because Jesus did not lean on His human resources or identity. He knew who He was in relation to the Father.
Is the same Spirit in you? Are you in union with Christ?
My Father says, "My child, do not be afraid. I am your sheild, your sovereign. I am your very great reward. I am faithful, keeping covenant with you."
I will love the Lord with all my heart. I will walk in His ways and hold fast to Him in the best of times and in the worst of times.
O Lord, faithful and true, when I call to You, THERE YOU ARE. My prayer is set before You like the incense that speaks of Jesus to You, for we are ONE. Let the lifting of my hands draw me up, as the parent draws the child up in his arms with great affection.
My eyes are fixed upon You. I take refuge in You, my sovereign. You have promised me life and in union with You, I do live by Your life in me. Psams 141
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I got this recipe idea from Allrecipes. They used white beans, bulgur wheat, and traditional seasoning. I have used Quinoa (a more digestable grain), Chick Peas (or Garbonzo Beans), and I punched up the seasoning with Cumin. Some put Quinoa grain on the alkalizing food list and I am eating as much alkalizing foods as I can to help me cleanse and get my energy level up. Parsley is another cleansing super foods. If you have questions, email me. thomp02@gmail.com Liz
1 cup Quinoa (get this in the Health Food section or a Health Food store)
Rince in a tight sieve to remove any bitter taste.
2 cups water and 1/4 tsp Sea Salt Add rinsed Quinoa to the salted water.
Bring to a boil, then lower to simmer and cover. It takes about 20 minutes to absorb the water. fluff and allow to cool.
Assemble the following in a large bowl:
2 cups chopped fresh Parsley
1 cup chopped fresh Spinach
2 Tomato chopped or 3 Roma Tomatoes (Winter tomatoes aren't especially good so I use Roma)
Half of an Onion, finely chopped (you can increase the amount)
1/2 Red or Yellow Bell Pepper
1 Clove of Garlic (if you like - it has notable healting properties)
1 can of Chick Peas or two cups if you have cooked them yourself)
Add the cooked Quinoa and combine with dressing below.
Make a Dressing using:
1/4 cup Quality Olive Oil or less
2 Lemons juiced
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
That is the basic dressing, but I added 1 tsp Cumin
If you have a Cajun Spice Blend, you might experiement by pulling out a bit of the salad and trying it. If not, you haven't ruined the whole dish.
Since I am on a Spring cleanse this early, I am trying to eat foods that help my body cleanse itself. Cucumber, Parsley, raw Spinach and Kale would be a few. In my other Tabbouleh recipes, I usually add chopped cucumber. I think cucumber would be good in this recipe also.
NOTE: Serve with warmed Pita. Makes a good lunch.
1 cup Quinoa (get this in the Health Food section or a Health Food store)
Rince in a tight sieve to remove any bitter taste.
2 cups water and 1/4 tsp Sea Salt Add rinsed Quinoa to the salted water.
Bring to a boil, then lower to simmer and cover. It takes about 20 minutes to absorb the water. fluff and allow to cool.
Assemble the following in a large bowl:
2 cups chopped fresh Parsley
1 cup chopped fresh Spinach
2 Tomato chopped or 3 Roma Tomatoes (Winter tomatoes aren't especially good so I use Roma)
Half of an Onion, finely chopped (you can increase the amount)
1/2 Red or Yellow Bell Pepper
1 Clove of Garlic (if you like - it has notable healting properties)
1 can of Chick Peas or two cups if you have cooked them yourself)
Add the cooked Quinoa and combine with dressing below.
Make a Dressing using:
1/4 cup Quality Olive Oil or less
2 Lemons juiced
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
That is the basic dressing, but I added 1 tsp Cumin
If you have a Cajun Spice Blend, you might experiement by pulling out a bit of the salad and trying it. If not, you haven't ruined the whole dish.
Since I am on a Spring cleanse this early, I am trying to eat foods that help my body cleanse itself. Cucumber, Parsley, raw Spinach and Kale would be a few. In my other Tabbouleh recipes, I usually add chopped cucumber. I think cucumber would be good in this recipe also.
NOTE: Serve with warmed Pita. Makes a good lunch.
This is the special gourmet chicken soup I promised. It is comforting and filling for these cold days.
3 Leeks
1 Onion
3 TBS Butter
4 Potatoes
3 Carrots
1 tsp Sea Salt
2 1/2 quarts Chicken Broth (5 cans or 10 cups)
1 lb Asparagus
1 lb fresh Spinach
Prep the vegetables by peeling and choppng fine. Leeks need special washing. I cut the roots off and split each one in half. Wash under running water, peeling back each layer, then chop. Some cooks wash in a bowl of water after they chop the leeks.
Saute the leeks and onions in butter in your stock pot. Add chopped potatoes and carrots, broth and salt. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes.
Add the asparagus. Cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
Add the spinach just before serving.
NOTE: You can substitute potatoes for brown or basmati rice. Rice may take 30 mins. longer than white rice or potatoes. I have boiled the rice first, for 15 minutes before adding it to the soup, so as not to absorb too much of the chicken broth of the soup.
NOTE: If you want to add chicken, cut de-boned pieces in small chunks, salt and saute with the leeks and onion, then add the broth. The chicken pieces will cook with the stew. On occassion, I have needed to add more broth. Probably because of the way I put the dish together. I don't always assemble a recipe the same way every time.
NOTE: You may want to alter the seasoning, but taste this first, then add and taste again. If you find you have improved on it, or made a new recipe, let me try yours.
3 Leeks
1 Onion
3 TBS Butter
4 Potatoes
3 Carrots
1 tsp Sea Salt
2 1/2 quarts Chicken Broth (5 cans or 10 cups)
1 lb Asparagus
1 lb fresh Spinach
Prep the vegetables by peeling and choppng fine. Leeks need special washing. I cut the roots off and split each one in half. Wash under running water, peeling back each layer, then chop. Some cooks wash in a bowl of water after they chop the leeks.
Saute the leeks and onions in butter in your stock pot. Add chopped potatoes and carrots, broth and salt. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes.
Add the asparagus. Cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
Add the spinach just before serving.
NOTE: You can substitute potatoes for brown or basmati rice. Rice may take 30 mins. longer than white rice or potatoes. I have boiled the rice first, for 15 minutes before adding it to the soup, so as not to absorb too much of the chicken broth of the soup.
NOTE: If you want to add chicken, cut de-boned pieces in small chunks, salt and saute with the leeks and onion, then add the broth. The chicken pieces will cook with the stew. On occassion, I have needed to add more broth. Probably because of the way I put the dish together. I don't always assemble a recipe the same way every time.
NOTE: You may want to alter the seasoning, but taste this first, then add and taste again. If you find you have improved on it, or made a new recipe, let me try yours.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Apostle Paul said, "I becamse a servant of the Good News because God gave me this work to do for your benefit. The SECRET hidden for generations, for ages, but now made clear to the people he has set apart for Himself. And the SECRET is this: the Christ is united with you people! In that rests your hope of glory!" In other words, "Christ in us, our hope of glory."
JESUS THE CHRIST IS HOPE. . . .because every promise of god is fulfilled in Him.
JESUS IS JOY. . . .because in Him dwells all the fullness of God in bodily form, and the Spirit of Jesus is in me.
JESUS IS PEACE. . . .because all authority has been given to Him; therefore I am secure.
JESUS IS LOVE. . . .because He gave Himself for me without reservation. He abandoned Himself to the Father so I could abandon myself to Him.
Oh, that I might know Jesus the Christ
the fellowship of His suffering
the power of His resurrection
and that I might believe Him - every WORD.
JESUS THE CHRIST IS HOPE. . . .because every promise of god is fulfilled in Him.
JESUS IS JOY. . . .because in Him dwells all the fullness of God in bodily form, and the Spirit of Jesus is in me.
JESUS IS PEACE. . . .because all authority has been given to Him; therefore I am secure.
JESUS IS LOVE. . . .because He gave Himself for me without reservation. He abandoned Himself to the Father so I could abandon myself to Him.
Oh, that I might know Jesus the Christ
the fellowship of His suffering
the power of His resurrection
and that I might believe Him - every WORD.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
As I read Matthew 6:31-34, Jesus is re-assuring me,
My Father knows that I have physical needs and desires.
All these earth realm needs will be supplied by Him, as I set Him as priority.
My heart affections and mental focus is to be with Him. He is Lord of all I am and have.
That sounds harsh, hitting my ears and I want to give myself allowances due to the weakness of my humanity. You say, "Jesus did not fear." I want to say, "I am not Jesus." The Spirit whispers, "I AM Jesus, present in you, available to live His life in you." I am so convicted by how little I draw on Holy Spirit's presence to be Jesus in me! I excuse my impatience, my complaining, my anger and fears. Lord Jesus, if I take Your Word seriously, I am desperate for deeper transformation.
My soul can not cure itself with drugs, pleasures or self-help psychology.
God knows my true condition which is worse than I know, and yet HIS GRACE IS MINE.
He endured rejection, abuse and torture for the privilege of drawing me to Himself and making His dwelling place with me for all my days. I will grow up into Him, all Jesus was and did.
He is telling me to drink from the Water of Life freely.
He is the Well of Water within me, springing up, with eternal qualities.
He is the Bread that is able to sustain my soul (mind, will, emotions)in this fearful place.
He tells me to acknowledge the Holy Spirit as Presence at all times.
He is friend and comforter.
He is teacher and counselor from Heaven's perspective.
He is the "mind of Christ" for my mind. I will stand in agreement with Him.
I can't afford to have thoughts in my mind that are not in Christ's mind.
He reminds me, "I will never leave you by yourself. I do not abandon My own."
He is the Kingdom coming in power.
He is ready to express Himself and manifest the Kingdom through me. Can I grasp it?
I sin against the Kingdom within me when I give place to fear and allow it to limit the Divine Presence available to me. What would be the result if I lived like the early followers of the risen Christ, who were consumed by their love for Him and obedient to the Voice of the Master.
I will contend for the Kingdom fully manifesting in the earth through the saints and I will also stand in His peace that dispells FEAR that threatens to shut me down.
My Father knows that I have physical needs and desires.
All these earth realm needs will be supplied by Him, as I set Him as priority.
My heart affections and mental focus is to be with Him. He is Lord of all I am and have.
That sounds harsh, hitting my ears and I want to give myself allowances due to the weakness of my humanity. You say, "Jesus did not fear." I want to say, "I am not Jesus." The Spirit whispers, "I AM Jesus, present in you, available to live His life in you." I am so convicted by how little I draw on Holy Spirit's presence to be Jesus in me! I excuse my impatience, my complaining, my anger and fears. Lord Jesus, if I take Your Word seriously, I am desperate for deeper transformation.
My soul can not cure itself with drugs, pleasures or self-help psychology.
God knows my true condition which is worse than I know, and yet HIS GRACE IS MINE.
He endured rejection, abuse and torture for the privilege of drawing me to Himself and making His dwelling place with me for all my days. I will grow up into Him, all Jesus was and did.
He is telling me to drink from the Water of Life freely.
He is the Well of Water within me, springing up, with eternal qualities.
He is the Bread that is able to sustain my soul (mind, will, emotions)in this fearful place.
He tells me to acknowledge the Holy Spirit as Presence at all times.
He is friend and comforter.
He is teacher and counselor from Heaven's perspective.
He is the "mind of Christ" for my mind. I will stand in agreement with Him.
I can't afford to have thoughts in my mind that are not in Christ's mind.
He reminds me, "I will never leave you by yourself. I do not abandon My own."
He is the Kingdom coming in power.
He is ready to express Himself and manifest the Kingdom through me. Can I grasp it?
I sin against the Kingdom within me when I give place to fear and allow it to limit the Divine Presence available to me. What would be the result if I lived like the early followers of the risen Christ, who were consumed by their love for Him and obedient to the Voice of the Master.
I will contend for the Kingdom fully manifesting in the earth through the saints and I will also stand in His peace that dispells FEAR that threatens to shut me down.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Raw Vegetables are some times better than cooked, since high temperatures destroy nutrients. Some people find their digestive system are not healthy enough to digest raw cuciferous vegetables like Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage, but if slightly cooked they handle them quite well. With that said, add as much raw vegetables as your system (and appetite) will handle. Raw vegetables present to your cells enzymes that are alive and ready to create life in you. Example: if you cut the top off of a raw carrot and place it in a bit of water, it will sprout and grow. If you cut the top off of a cooked carrot, it has no life in it, because it is dead. Cooked vegetables do have value, but it can not give to you it's life in the form of organic minerals and life-giving enzymes. Eat both raw and cooked.
Fill a salad bowl with a combination of chopped Kale and Spinach.
Add half of an Avocado, sliced or large chop.
Add chopped Roma Tomato or Cherry Tomatoes cut in half.
Sprinkle your salad with Sea Salt
Drizzle with Toasted Sesame Oil and toss to coat leaves.
Add Lemon Juice and/or Balsamic Vinegar (I use both)
Optional additions that I like to add:
Cut up Sun-dried Tomatoes
Hard Boiled Egg (This makes it a meal salad with the protein from the Egg)
Sweet Onion Rings or chop them.
Note: If you do not like the taste of Sesame Oil, use a quality Olive Oil or Avocado Oil, Flax or Udo's Oil.
You always want to wash carefully the kale. You can chop what you are planning to use and then drop it in cold water to wash. Use a salad spinner to dry the Kale for salads or place on a cloth to dry.
I am interested in knowing how many of you are attracted to this recipe. Kale and other greens are not popular but health-wise they are well worth developing a taste for. This is just one bowl that you might dump if you don't like what you created, so you haven't wasted much. Avocados are another fruit that may not like. However, when they are mixed with other ingredients you don't notice them. Avocados are an excellent food that yields health benefits.
Let me know if you try this and if you like it. Also let me know if you created it differently with different ingredients. I started out creating this salad because I needed to eat Kale for cleansing and repair right now. I made it really simple with Kale, Toasted Sesame Oil, Salt and Sun-dried Tomatoes. I really liked the Toasted Sesame Oil.
Fill a salad bowl with a combination of chopped Kale and Spinach.
Add half of an Avocado, sliced or large chop.
Add chopped Roma Tomato or Cherry Tomatoes cut in half.
Sprinkle your salad with Sea Salt
Drizzle with Toasted Sesame Oil and toss to coat leaves.
Add Lemon Juice and/or Balsamic Vinegar (I use both)
Optional additions that I like to add:
Cut up Sun-dried Tomatoes
Hard Boiled Egg (This makes it a meal salad with the protein from the Egg)
Sweet Onion Rings or chop them.
Note: If you do not like the taste of Sesame Oil, use a quality Olive Oil or Avocado Oil, Flax or Udo's Oil.
You always want to wash carefully the kale. You can chop what you are planning to use and then drop it in cold water to wash. Use a salad spinner to dry the Kale for salads or place on a cloth to dry.
I am interested in knowing how many of you are attracted to this recipe. Kale and other greens are not popular but health-wise they are well worth developing a taste for. This is just one bowl that you might dump if you don't like what you created, so you haven't wasted much. Avocados are another fruit that may not like. However, when they are mixed with other ingredients you don't notice them. Avocados are an excellent food that yields health benefits.
Let me know if you try this and if you like it. Also let me know if you created it differently with different ingredients. I started out creating this salad because I needed to eat Kale for cleansing and repair right now. I made it really simple with Kale, Toasted Sesame Oil, Salt and Sun-dried Tomatoes. I really liked the Toasted Sesame Oil.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
This is a quick nutrient dense dish. This and some leftover Cornbread would be all Tal and I would need for an evening meal, with some fruit before going to bed or a small cup of fresh kefir or yogurt. I just realized that I tend to think in terms of cooking for two now, rather than for a family of five. So if portions aren't what you need, double the recipe. This recipe for Kale & Chickpeas is plenty for two and I always have leftovers. Kale, collards, mustard greens are not usually on the favorite foods list, but need to be, for cleansing and rebuilding the body.
Olive Oil
2 or 3 Cloves of Garlic, minced
1 to 2 lbs. Kale (tough ribs removed, washed throughly and chopped)
1 cup or more Chicken or Vegetable stock
1 tsp Coriander
1/2 tsp Cumin
Sea Salt
1 15oz can Chick Peas, rinsed & drained or 2 cups fresh cooked
Saute garlic in Olive Oil about 30 seconds over medium heat. Add Kale and cook, tossing for about 1 minute.
Add the Broth and seasonings.
Cover and allow to cook until Kale is tender, about 8 minutes.
Stir in the Chickpeas and cook until heated.
I found a large bag of washed, chopped Kale at the grocery store last week. Knowing I was going to eat lots of Kale for the next month, I bought it. It is convenient, but remember that when you buy pre-chopped vegetables their nutrient content is compromised.
If you cook a bag of dried Chickpeas instead of using canned, plan to use them in other dishes, such as Hummus and salads or stews. Chickpeas are an excellent protein that is on the Alkalizing side and if you are giving up meat for a season, this is important addition to your meals.
Good eating! Liz
Olive Oil
2 or 3 Cloves of Garlic, minced
1 to 2 lbs. Kale (tough ribs removed, washed throughly and chopped)
1 cup or more Chicken or Vegetable stock
1 tsp Coriander
1/2 tsp Cumin
Sea Salt
1 15oz can Chick Peas, rinsed & drained or 2 cups fresh cooked
Saute garlic in Olive Oil about 30 seconds over medium heat. Add Kale and cook, tossing for about 1 minute.
Add the Broth and seasonings.
Cover and allow to cook until Kale is tender, about 8 minutes.
Stir in the Chickpeas and cook until heated.
I found a large bag of washed, chopped Kale at the grocery store last week. Knowing I was going to eat lots of Kale for the next month, I bought it. It is convenient, but remember that when you buy pre-chopped vegetables their nutrient content is compromised.
If you cook a bag of dried Chickpeas instead of using canned, plan to use them in other dishes, such as Hummus and salads or stews. Chickpeas are an excellent protein that is on the Alkalizing side and if you are giving up meat for a season, this is important addition to your meals.
Good eating! Liz
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
There are three components to vibrant health:
1.What you put in your body by way of food, drink,
chemicles that are absorbed through the skin by way of personal care products,
cleaning, and industrial products, etc.
2.How efficiently your body cleanses itself from metabolic waste and environmental toxins.
3.How you manage the stress level in your life: peaceful, loving, compassionate, forgiving, etc.
Thanksgiving and Christmas provide most of us with over a month of indulgence in poor dietary choices. Stress is high with preparations, parties and unrealized expectations that create conflict and grief. This brings many into respiratory infections or a bout with their own chronic health issues.
This year I felt the need to start now with a total body cleanse which I usually do in the Spring and Summer. I went to my herbalist to get a blood cleanser and have begun a program that encludes reduction of meat and other acidic foods & drink, increased fiber and water, exercise, and certain foods that help the detoxification organs (kidneys and liver) to do their job. Need I mention the negative effect of sugar on the immune system? Artificial sweetners are not the answer either.
You may not be ready for a serious cleanse, but the following foods will do the body good: Beets, Greens like Kale, Collards, Spinach, and Romaine, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cucumbers, Celery, Blueberries, Lemons & Grapefruit, are a few that help your body cleanse and repair and build healthy cells.
I want to share several ways to enjoy Kale Greens and morning drinks that alkalize the blood. An alkalized body will not be suseptable to infections and cancers. I know. That is a startling statement to make. Do your own study on acid/alkaline balance. www.phmiracleliving.com This is Robert Young's website. Read, read, read.
I also have another stew that is delicious, filling and unusual for these cold winter days.
Talk to you tomorrow.
1.What you put in your body by way of food, drink,
chemicles that are absorbed through the skin by way of personal care products,
cleaning, and industrial products, etc.
2.How efficiently your body cleanses itself from metabolic waste and environmental toxins.
3.How you manage the stress level in your life: peaceful, loving, compassionate, forgiving, etc.
Thanksgiving and Christmas provide most of us with over a month of indulgence in poor dietary choices. Stress is high with preparations, parties and unrealized expectations that create conflict and grief. This brings many into respiratory infections or a bout with their own chronic health issues.
This year I felt the need to start now with a total body cleanse which I usually do in the Spring and Summer. I went to my herbalist to get a blood cleanser and have begun a program that encludes reduction of meat and other acidic foods & drink, increased fiber and water, exercise, and certain foods that help the detoxification organs (kidneys and liver) to do their job. Need I mention the negative effect of sugar on the immune system? Artificial sweetners are not the answer either.
You may not be ready for a serious cleanse, but the following foods will do the body good: Beets, Greens like Kale, Collards, Spinach, and Romaine, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cucumbers, Celery, Blueberries, Lemons & Grapefruit, are a few that help your body cleanse and repair and build healthy cells.
I want to share several ways to enjoy Kale Greens and morning drinks that alkalize the blood. An alkalized body will not be suseptable to infections and cancers. I know. That is a startling statement to make. Do your own study on acid/alkaline balance. www.phmiracleliving.com This is Robert Young's website. Read, read, read.
I also have another stew that is delicious, filling and unusual for these cold winter days.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Does the Lord really expect me to experience His peace? . . .to move away from dread, anxiety and fear?
Did Jesus? Could He sleep in the midst of a storm that caused grown men to fear? Did He invite Peter to walk on water in the storm? Did Jesus rebuke the disciples for their fear?
The Apostle Paul admonished us in his letter to the Philippians 4:6-7
1.Do not fret or be anxious about anything.
2.Bring all that concerns you to God.
3.God's peace shall guard your heart and mind.
"He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3-4
The Jewish Bible, translated by David Stern puts these verses like this:
"A person whose desire rests upon You, You preserve in perfect peace, because he trust in You."
When you are in agony over a child in destructive mode or threats of financial loss, or the demands of a situation that threatens to bring you down, etc., fear will always bring you into spiritual battle. The battle is not with demons, but in your mind. What are the thoughts you are thinking? Thoughts create emotions and emotions lead to actions.
So, when fear pressess in, I have a choice. I will either turn my thoughts to Christ and dance with Him until my thoughts are in agreement with His; or I will let my thoughts run free and dance with the devil. His words are death and destruction, lies and deception.
If my emotions are raging out of control, I can not hear what the Lord is saying. Therefore, I must turn to face the Lord Jesus, walk into His arms. He bids me come and dance until His peace calms me. When peace settles over me, I begin to hear His voice. Worship enables me to surrender to His perspective. He is always working for my highest good.
Did Jesus? Could He sleep in the midst of a storm that caused grown men to fear? Did He invite Peter to walk on water in the storm? Did Jesus rebuke the disciples for their fear?
The Apostle Paul admonished us in his letter to the Philippians 4:6-7
1.Do not fret or be anxious about anything.
2.Bring all that concerns you to God.
3.God's peace shall guard your heart and mind.
"He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3-4
The Jewish Bible, translated by David Stern puts these verses like this:
"A person whose desire rests upon You, You preserve in perfect peace, because he trust in You."
When you are in agony over a child in destructive mode or threats of financial loss, or the demands of a situation that threatens to bring you down, etc., fear will always bring you into spiritual battle. The battle is not with demons, but in your mind. What are the thoughts you are thinking? Thoughts create emotions and emotions lead to actions.
So, when fear pressess in, I have a choice. I will either turn my thoughts to Christ and dance with Him until my thoughts are in agreement with His; or I will let my thoughts run free and dance with the devil. His words are death and destruction, lies and deception.
If my emotions are raging out of control, I can not hear what the Lord is saying. Therefore, I must turn to face the Lord Jesus, walk into His arms. He bids me come and dance until His peace calms me. When peace settles over me, I begin to hear His voice. Worship enables me to surrender to His perspective. He is always working for my highest good.
Monday, January 4, 2010
NEW YEAR 2010 COMING ON - I will not fear.
My children will experience trial and testings . . . I WILL NOT FEAR.
My husband and I are facing retirement . . .I WILL NOT FEAR.
The ageing process creates challenges . . .I WILL NOT FEAR.
Father has challenged me to distinguish between earth realm reality and His eternal realm reality. His words become my ultimate reality and powerfully impact how I perceive my current state of affairs.
FEAR drags me into darkness and self destruction.
FEAR puts more faith in powers of darkness than in the grace and power of God's promises.
In the first chapater of Nahum, I discovered some truths the Spirit pointed out to me.
Adonai is jealous for first place in my heart. He longs for my attention.
Adonai is slow to anger, but does not leave the guilty unpunished. . . He is great in power.
Adonai is good!
Adonai is a stronghold in times of trouble.
Adonai takes care of those who run to Him for refuge. Who else is there so strong and wise?
Then Father reminded me of what He told His people in Jeremiah 29:11
"I know what plans I have in mind for you:
. . .plans for well-being
. . .plans that will give you hope and a future with Me."
"When you call to Me, I will listen to you. I always hear you. When you seek Me you will find Me. I will let you find Me."
Adversity creates a place for Jesus in my situation. He longs to walk with me and talk with me. Only then can I take His peace and rise up with wings in His Spirit's energy and do exploits of Kingdom dimension.
I WILL NOT FEAR. He is with me. . . now. His love makes me strong.
My husband and I are facing retirement . . .I WILL NOT FEAR.
The ageing process creates challenges . . .I WILL NOT FEAR.
Father has challenged me to distinguish between earth realm reality and His eternal realm reality. His words become my ultimate reality and powerfully impact how I perceive my current state of affairs.
FEAR drags me into darkness and self destruction.
FEAR puts more faith in powers of darkness than in the grace and power of God's promises.
In the first chapater of Nahum, I discovered some truths the Spirit pointed out to me.
Adonai is jealous for first place in my heart. He longs for my attention.
Adonai is slow to anger, but does not leave the guilty unpunished. . . He is great in power.
Adonai is good!
Adonai is a stronghold in times of trouble.
Adonai takes care of those who run to Him for refuge. Who else is there so strong and wise?
Then Father reminded me of what He told His people in Jeremiah 29:11
"I know what plans I have in mind for you:
. . .plans for well-being
. . .plans that will give you hope and a future with Me."
"When you call to Me, I will listen to you. I always hear you. When you seek Me you will find Me. I will let you find Me."
Adversity creates a place for Jesus in my situation. He longs to walk with me and talk with me. Only then can I take His peace and rise up with wings in His Spirit's energy and do exploits of Kingdom dimension.
I WILL NOT FEAR. He is with me. . . now. His love makes me strong.
I had several requests to post my Cornbread recipe with the Veggie Stew. Kefir is a cultured milk product similar to buttermilk and in my opinion, much better. You can make your own kefir if you have kefir grain or you can buy kefir in the grocery stores now. Kefir is an excellent probiotic that helps keep your lower digestive tract happy. It is like a drinkable yogurt.
Kefir Cornbread
1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 cup Yellow Corn Meal
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
2 TBS. Butter (no margerine) melted
2 large Eggs
1 1/2 cups Kefir
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place an iron skillet in oven while heating with enough oil to coat the bottom.
Make your batter and pour it into the hot oil in the skillet.
Bake for 25 minutes or until done in the middle.
You can add shredded Cheddar Cheese and diced Green Chilies for variation.
Kefir Cornbread
1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 cup Yellow Corn Meal
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
2 TBS. Butter (no margerine) melted
2 large Eggs
1 1/2 cups Kefir
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place an iron skillet in oven while heating with enough oil to coat the bottom.
Make your batter and pour it into the hot oil in the skillet.
Bake for 25 minutes or until done in the middle.
You can add shredded Cheddar Cheese and diced Green Chilies for variation.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Cold weather calls for soup and cornbread. 10 FaceBook friends responded to my post about this comfort food. I think you will enjoy this recipe. It is thick and full of flavor.
Vegetable Stew
Ground Turkey or Beef (If you are avoiding meat for regaining health, you won't miss it in this
1 cup each diced Onion, Celery, Carrots
2 Cloves Garlic
Brown meat with Olive Oil, then add the vegetables and allow them to saute.
Add seasonings & remaining ingredients:
1 tsp. Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning blend
1/2 tsp. each of Basil and Oregano
4 tsp. Beef Bouillon Granules
2 cups hot water
1 can Red Kidney Beans
1 16 oz can crushed or diced Tomatoes
1 15 oz can Tomato sauce
Chopped Cabbage
I usually add fresh snapped Green Beans and about 1/4 cup Brown Rice.
But you can use small pasta like macaroni, and left over veggies you need to use up (peas, corn, black beans, etc.
If you find this too thick, add more water. Adjust seasonings according to your taste.
Share alterations to this recipe in "comments" if you make it differently.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Adversity creates the opportunity to rise higher.
It seems to me that this world system is motivated by FEAR. I recognize my vulnerability to fear and anxiety. Yet Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, continually tells me,
"Do not fear. Why? Because I am with you."
"In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good courage."
"I have overcome this world system driven by fear."
I really think we should be able to live above the torment of fear. Especially when the Prince of Peace lives in us and promised never to leave us on our own.
The Lord told Isaiah. . . .(chap.43)
Fear not, for I have redeemed you.
I have summoned you by name. You are Mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
When you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you.
When you walk through fire, the flame will not burn you or scorch you.
My spirit feels a lift when God says in verses 18 & 19.
Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by.
In that case, Lord. . . .
I will bind myself to the Spirit within Who knows the heart and mind of the Father.
I will move into the new year of 2010 without fear that prompts negative talk.
I will mount up like the eagles on the wind currents of Spirit energy.
I will focus my affections on the Son of love. His Kingdom is not shaking.
"Do not fear. Why? Because I am with you."
"In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good courage."
"I have overcome this world system driven by fear."
I really think we should be able to live above the torment of fear. Especially when the Prince of Peace lives in us and promised never to leave us on our own.
The Lord told Isaiah. . . .(chap.43)
Fear not, for I have redeemed you.
I have summoned you by name. You are Mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
When you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you.
When you walk through fire, the flame will not burn you or scorch you.
My spirit feels a lift when God says in verses 18 & 19.
Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by.
In that case, Lord. . . .
I will bind myself to the Spirit within Who knows the heart and mind of the Father.
I will move into the new year of 2010 without fear that prompts negative talk.
I will mount up like the eagles on the wind currents of Spirit energy.
I will focus my affections on the Son of love. His Kingdom is not shaking.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Here is the recipe for a very filling meal shake. I enjoy the chewyness of this drink.
3 - 4 pitted Dates, cut up
1/4 cup dried Cranberries
Soak them in 1 cup hot water (until they cool a bit.)
Add 2 TBS Orange Juice frozen concentrate, (or use 1/2 cup orange juice and cut the hot water
to 1/2 cup for soaking the fruit. You still have 1 cup fluid)
In the mean time, in a blender, grind to a flour
1/4 cup raw Almonds
1 or 2 TBS Flax Meal (flax meal is ground flax seeds. Use a small coffee grinder or buy them
already ground.)
1/4 cup whole oats (you don't want to use instant or processed grains)
To this dry mix, add the soaked fruit with liquid.
Add 1 more cup of liquid
(This can be water and half a lemon juiced, or a combination of orange juice & water. Lemon juice brightens the flavor and adds to the alkalinity)
Blend all the ingredients and enjoy your breakfast.
Try adding 1 TBS of Coconut Cream Concentrate to the soaking water (or use coconut oil). It provides a new dimension of flavor and the benefits of being anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory.
If you have candida or yeast issues, this will be an important addition.
I hope you do not feel you need it sweeter. But if you should, try Stevia liquid or powder. Dates are the sweetening agent for this drink.
Do a search on Coconut for the many benefits and uses. I can post my sources if there is interest.
3 - 4 pitted Dates, cut up
1/4 cup dried Cranberries
Soak them in 1 cup hot water (until they cool a bit.)
Add 2 TBS Orange Juice frozen concentrate, (or use 1/2 cup orange juice and cut the hot water
to 1/2 cup for soaking the fruit. You still have 1 cup fluid)
In the mean time, in a blender, grind to a flour
1/4 cup raw Almonds
1 or 2 TBS Flax Meal (flax meal is ground flax seeds. Use a small coffee grinder or buy them
already ground.)
1/4 cup whole oats (you don't want to use instant or processed grains)
To this dry mix, add the soaked fruit with liquid.
Add 1 more cup of liquid
(This can be water and half a lemon juiced, or a combination of orange juice & water. Lemon juice brightens the flavor and adds to the alkalinity)
Blend all the ingredients and enjoy your breakfast.
Try adding 1 TBS of Coconut Cream Concentrate to the soaking water (or use coconut oil). It provides a new dimension of flavor and the benefits of being anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory.
If you have candida or yeast issues, this will be an important addition.
I hope you do not feel you need it sweeter. But if you should, try Stevia liquid or powder. Dates are the sweetening agent for this drink.
Do a search on Coconut for the many benefits and uses. I can post my sources if there is interest.
My identity and the purpose for this blog.
Who I am? Well, you will get to know me and the things I am passionate about if you track with me in this blog. My name is Elizabeth Thompson. I live in the Roan Mountain area of Tennessee
In a nutshell, I am a woman after the heart of God. Everything in my life revolves around the passion to know and to be known by God through Jesus Christ. I want to know His heart and His ways, and to walk with him in the love relationsip He died to provide for me. He is my Treasure and the purpose of my existence.
The second thing that helps identify who I am is my facination with human body and how intertwined it is with my soul and spirit. This passion has kept me motivated to pursue health practices and healthy foods that taste good.
The purpose of this blog will be to share spiritual insights that encourage and motivate, and to share recipes, cooking tips and nutritional information. I have found that reading what others have written and talking to friends keeps me motivation when I am "swimming up stream" against the current of popular opinion and bad food habits.
To those of you who are like-minded on these issues, I invite you to blog with me. I need your imput too. Together, we will be a community of fellow encouragers.
In a nutshell, I am a woman after the heart of God. Everything in my life revolves around the passion to know and to be known by God through Jesus Christ. I want to know His heart and His ways, and to walk with him in the love relationsip He died to provide for me. He is my Treasure and the purpose of my existence.
The second thing that helps identify who I am is my facination with human body and how intertwined it is with my soul and spirit. This passion has kept me motivated to pursue health practices and healthy foods that taste good.
The purpose of this blog will be to share spiritual insights that encourage and motivate, and to share recipes, cooking tips and nutritional information. I have found that reading what others have written and talking to friends keeps me motivation when I am "swimming up stream" against the current of popular opinion and bad food habits.
To those of you who are like-minded on these issues, I invite you to blog with me. I need your imput too. Together, we will be a community of fellow encouragers.
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