"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye."
This indwelling Christ, the Spirit of God, is my teacher. He has committed Himself to walk with me in HIS way, unite my heart and mind to fear HIS name above all other fears, and hope in HIS love.
Holy Spirit, You have not left me to navigate life on my own. You are in me and available to be for me all that pleases You and represents the Kingdom in this earth.
You are in me. . . .constant companion and friend, so that lonliness does not overwhelm me.
You are in me. . . .being wise, guiding me. . ."here is the way, walk in step with Me."
You are in me. . . .being peaceful. When I turn my attention and affection to You, peace floods my soul, because there You are.
You are in me. . . .singing over me with joy. Not because I respond right, but because I am Your blood-bought child, and I belong to You.
You are in me. . . .being strong. It takes Your strength to say "no" to my fleshly demands.
You are in me. . . .being patient and enduring the negative forces that press my life.
You are in me. . . .being forgiving, seeing the pain, fear and deception that drives our destructive actions and reactions.
You are in me. . . .ready to live Your own life through me when I surrender my way and turn my affection and focus to You.
Jesus, . . . .oh, You are everything I'm not, but You are everything I long to be. You are everything the Father wants me to be. And I can't be any of that. But You are in me to BE everything I am not and everything the Father needs me to be.
You are the Great I AM in me. . . .WOW! All I need is found in You. You are my portion forever.
BE in me now, holy, all-sufficient Jesus, all this day will demand of me. I gladly surrender to Your life available in me, as I BE-hold You, Lamb of God, my sufficiency.
By Your GRACE, empower me to make life's journey in the musical key of BE. My BE-ing rests in green pastures and is refreshed by living springs of water. My joy and contentment come from Your table spread for me in the presence of futility & disappointment. You are my life, my portion forever.
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