I have been taking notes on what it means to the followers of Christ if they really believe that He lives in union with them. The Apostle Paul used "in Him" and "in union with Him" so often in his letter to the Colossian Christians that I decided to circle each one and then write out the effects of this union with Christ. This morning, I started reading the eighth chapter of Romans and once again began to see "in union with God" . . . .The following is my journal entry for this morning.
In union with Messiah Jesus, there is no longer ANY condemnation awaiting me. Ro.8:1
I am acceptable before the glorious Father because Jesus is acceptable, in me.
In union with Jesus Christ, the law by which the Spirit lives in me, produces this LIFE that sets me free from the demanding law of sin and death. Ro.8:2
I am no longer obligated to obey sin's logic or desires since Christ has joined me.
In union with Christ, the righteous laws God requires can be fulfilled in me. Ro.8:4
I am empowered to do what the Spirit of God in me wants to do. I have a choice now.
In union with christ, the Spirit, who is the presence of Jesus, draws my heart and my mind to be attracted to and desire His heart and mind. Ro.8:6
I want to know how He feels and what He thinks. Being in agreement with God is the
source of my peace and contentment. I can't afford to be in mental conflict with Him.
And check this out. This is profound truth.
"The mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE and PEACE." Stop and think about it.
Who is in control of my thoughts? Would Jesus be talking like I am thinking? Bill Johnson says something like this, "I can't afford to have thoughts in my head that aren't in His." Thought patterns produce emotions and attitudes in agreement with or in conflict with Christ.
Think of the anxiety and fear I endure by not coming into agreement with the indwelling Lord. Living in conscious union with Christ adjusts my reality to reflect what God says in the face of what my past history and current assesment of the "facts" tell me.
Thank you Father, Christ has cancelled any condemnation I deserve. Thank you for the outrageous reality of my life in union with you.
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