My heart is filled with gratitude when I think of You, Father. Your grace toward me has given me great wealth, far beyond corruptable possessions. In You I have been enriched in every way. I do not lack any thing I truely need, for You are present in me, ready to be all I need. You have called me into belonging and into fellowship with You, great I AM. Nothing in this life compares with the satisfaction in knowing You.
John Piper has said, "God is most glorified when I am most satisfied in all His providences." It is in the "dark" or the hard times, when things don't go my way, that this truth is the most blessed for me. Instead of stewing about what I can't control or "fix", I can turn my attention to the everpresent God within me. He reminds me that He is in control and He is with me to face whatever troubles me. My body and my soul rests in His presence.
THE LORD is my Sheperd.
. . . . . IS my Sheperd.
. . . . . . . MY Sheperd.
. . . . . . . . . SHEPERD.
Repeat "The Lord is my Sheperd" four times, emphasize the word that is capitolized. When I do this I get four meditative prompts. Each statement creates a new meaning that makes me glad.
Since You, Triune God, are my Sheperd. I lack nothing.
You are all I need.
You are my Provider.
You are my Protector.
You are my Peace.
My complete satisfaction is in You.
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