OPEN HEAVENS. . .Revisited
To say, "I am an open heaven" may sound arrogant and boastful. Probably not if you remember what I wrote on May 4 and 11. The Body of Christ often struggles with humility vs. laying hold of all Christ died to provide.
Was Jesus an open heaven for the disciples and the people of His day?
What was the purpose of Pentecost? Pentecost was God's provision to multiply Christ's model of humanity. This is what Adam and Eve and their offspring were to be like in the earth.
The Apostle Paul said, "Christ in me, hope of glory." I have that glory, that resurrection life of Christ, in me now.
Jesus said, "My House is to be a House of Prayer," not a den of theives or a graveyard of whitewashed burial places.
When people enteract with me, they ought to be able to discover that the Christ of God lives in side. It grieves me that the world does not see the power of the resurrected Jesus because I am still too self-protective and self-promoting. I have more faith in my fears, than faith in His loving care. What will change the paradigm of the people of God in America? Are we not done with striving to become . . .and to have. . .? Are we not done with conflict in our homes? Can we not see that the distressed soul is crying out for inner peace and tranquility? Our spirit, soul and body longs for Throne-room encounters with God. Can't we just drop everything that raises itself above the importance of nurturing ourselves in God?
Picture this: Down at His feet is my highest place.
See yourself kneel before Christ Jesus in adoration and awe. See the beauty there.
Smell the fragrance of the Thone-room, He is the Lily, the Rose.
Sense how good it feels to be accepted in this place. You at home here.
He opens His arms to you.
Rest your head on His pierced feet.
Wrap your arms around His feet, bath them in your tears of gratitude.
This is the position of true humility. "All of me for all of You."
Christ Jesus will always reach down, lift your face to meet His gaze.
Flooded with His love and grace, you find yourself "seated with Him in heavenly places." And your whole being RESTS. You return to the task on earth with His perspective and His companionship.
The Father longs for you to know Him in spirit and truth. John 4:23-24
The Father longs for heart connection with you.
Put down your "obligation" to always be doing or performing duties. Be at rest with Him. It is in this Secret Place with Him (Psalm 91), that you experience His sheltering and nurturing Presence. It is from this REST that we are empowered to meet the challenges of our earth journey as Jesus did. It is from frequent Throne-room encounters that you enjoy the intimacy with God that Christ died to bring you into.
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