You are my Life Source, Almighty God. You are not just an impersonal energy vibration of love. You are the most exciting personality beyond all imagination. You show me just enough of Yourself to keep me longing for more.
United with Christ in God these things are true of me.
1.There is no longer any condemnation waiting me. The finished work of Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death.
2.Christ's presence in me provides the power to fulfill the commands Christ speaks to me.
3.The Spirit keeps drawing me to find my identity in Christ. What He has done for me inspires me to love and trust Him completely.
4.The Spirit calls me to turn my attention from daily concerns to Him loving me and Him receiving my affection. Sitting with Hin in the secret place of silence removes my stress and dis-ease.
5.This dialogue of friendship enables me to understand His heart and ways. The more I know Him and experience Him, the more I want to be consummed by Him.
When I turn to You, Lord, and see You with open arms, then my anger, jealousy, fear, lust, self pity, hurt, bitterness, resentment and pride all loose their power, their sting, their control and torment.
When I turn to You Jesus, Your peace takes over, Your life flows to wash away the painful, negative thoughts and emotions. I am empowered to let them go and REST in You.
Stand between me and those hellish gates. Release the fragrance of Jesus to me, so that the reality of His presence will be available to all who touch my life.
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