Be Thou my vision, Oh Lord of my heart.
Be nothing else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best thought both day and night.
Waking and sleeping, Thy presence my light.
This song holds much meaning for me. It is running through my mind this morning and it has framed my entercession for several personal situations.
When life becomes a challenge or down right grievious, you find yourself in another battle. Life is full of battles. Battles are not an option. So Jesus told us, "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
So I asked, "What does that mean? How does that benefit my life? Does it mean that in Christ I will escape the battles since He has fought and won? If I could just do life right, gain enough spiritual knowledge, and get close enough to Jesus, I would not have to experience the tribulations that are common in the world." I had hoped that Jesus would agree with that, but He has altered my understanding drastically.
Jesus is acknowledging the condition that exists; "All of creation is out of order due to sin, but don't despair. Instead, look to Me, come close to Me, draw what you need for what you are facing from Me. Let My vision become yours. I have overcome all you will ever be confronted with. I have taken upon Myself your condemnation and shame, so now just step in to your inheritance. When you feel established in My peace, stand up and be My representative in your present situation. Discover what I want to do here and declare it to be so." Ro.8
If this is God's perspective and His expectation for His sons and daughters, then I say with the one who penned this song.
BE MY VISION. Allow me to see the King. Create in me Heaven's perspective here. I choose to relax in You regardless.
BE NOTHING ELSE TO ME SAVE THAT THOU ART. I am not demanding you be for me or do for me more/less than You are. Only let me stand in Your sufficiency. I want nothing more than Kingdom reign here. You always do abundantly above all I could ask or think.
THOU MY BEST THOUGHT BOTH DAY AND NIGHT. Open my eyes to Your highest good. You have told me to pray for and expect Kingdom to come and Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. You are my Treasure, the One I would surrender all else for. My highest thoughts bring me into worship of highest praise. My soul rests in the assurance that Your grace and power always works for my highet good.
WAKING AND SLEEPING, THY PRESENCE MY LIGHT. Your light fills my vision. You are enough. Hold me in agreement with all You are and all You have made available, as we apply it to this current issue in my life. Above all, let my life honor You.