I read a statement some time ago that I had written down in a journel. I had heard it spoken by some evangelist years ago as a child; perhaps from the old radio broadcasts of the Pacific Garden Mission. Do any of you remember or listen to that.
GOD IS ABLE TO SAVE FROM THE GUTTER-MOST TO THE UTTER-MOST. My devotional takes off from this statement. Use it to interceed for family and friends; place their name in the blanks.
to keep that which I have committed to Him and increase it's measure.
. . . I am Yours.
. . . You are in me never to leave me.
. . . You are in me to guard Your investment.
. . . I am hedged by God's love.
to communicaye His mind and heart with me.
. . . I can hear You - I know Your voice.
. . . I am willing to be made willing.
. . . Use me as You choose.
to complete what You start. Author and Finisher You are.
. . . You remove the grave clothes.
. . . You tare down and smash strongholds.
. . . You push back human limitations for love's sake.
to teach the ways of the Kingdom.
. . . You train me to think like You.
. . . You establish me, shielding me from that which distracts me from You.
to take me from here to there.
. . . ______ from here to there.
to awaken love and awaken in me new places to surrender to my King.
. . . to awaken _______.
to open eyes and ears to greater insights, understanding and spiritual reality.
to mature me in Christ, so that I can more readily release Christ to be who He is in me, and do what He wants to do through me.
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