Friday, May 25, 2012

Be filled with the Spirit of God.  Ephesians 5:18

Spirit/Soul, soak in the life giving energy of God.  Marinate to saturation in His presence.

Holy Spirit, baptize me. . .inside and out. . . above and beneath. . empowered to walk Your new way.
Holy Spirit, be consuming fire in me. . .melting away all fleshly resistence to Your voice. .removing hay, wood and stubble. . . making me pliable to be molded for usefulness.

I decree. . .let the sons of God be revealed in this generation!  Awakened to the Father.

As it is in heaven, so let it be on earth in me. .in the people of God!
. . all pride is smashed in me.
.  .all hardness of heart is broken.
. .all bitterness is rooted out of me.
. .all fear and unbelief is replaced by living faith. The kind that brings forth the Kingdom in hearts.

I declare with Jesus, that the Kingdom of God is already here and I can make a draw on it for my present reality.  Therefore, I choose to speak those things that be not as though they are, so they will become what He has already provided.

I overflow with grace.  Grace and mercy follow me all the days of my life.
I walk in the favor of God.  He is always working for my highest good for His glory.
I pour forth living water.  Out of my innermost being flows rivers of water.
I exude joy, creativity, enthusiasm,  because Jesus has showed me who the Father/Creator is.
I pray without ceasing.  I am constantly aware that He is with me wanting to do life with me.
I am living God's promised abundant life.

If you are feeling otherswise, your main focus has shifted to the cares of this world.  Recalculate!

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