Sunday, June 3, 2012

Joyful Intercessor

There is no doubt God expects us to trust Him and not allow fear to hinder our obedience and torment us in life.  In Numbers 14:11 God says to Moses,  "How long will this people provoke Me by turning away and refusing to believe, trust and cling to Me?"  Moses interceeds and I have taken up his reasoning to strengthen my faith.  Both he and Abraham used this with God and I think He approved.

"What will the Egyptians and all unbelievers think of You Lord, when they hear that You could not bring Your people out, when You could not fulfill Your purposes.  I know we are a stiff-necked people, and driven by fear and we provoke You with our unbelief.  But You are greater still."

People have heard that You are in our midst,
. .that we are Your people
. .that You are  mighty in our behalf
. .that You speak to us heart to heart
. .that Your cloud of protection is over us
. .that You are a mighty deliveror and provider
. .that You are the best covenant partner ever.
I have a covenant signed in the blood of Jesus as my garuntee.
Now if You do not deliver,  our enemies will say, "because the Lord was not able to bring His people into the provisions He promised.  . .that is why He has killed them in the wilderness."

But Father,  I believe You will do what You say.
I will contend for Your highest willingness in this situation.  I will come into rest.  How will my children know that You are with us, that you are a covenant keeping God , that all of Your promises are "Yes" if I cave in to this suffocating fear?

                                                         Fawn with the big guys.

My thoughts  are producing great heaving waves of heaviness and I have lost my desire for  food,  I will meet with You so as to see and hear you   Worship will calm the storm inside so I can  see and hear You.  I so need to feel Your arms enfold me and get in touch with Your  fathering heart. 

Hallowed Father, as it is in heaven, so let it be here in me.

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