Here is a faith builder that helps me when life turns sour or when I just wake up in one of those downers I didn't see coming. Try meditating on Christ the intercessor who said this life will produce trials and tribulations, but "be or good courage, because I have overcome for you."
How differently would I face the day if I am fully aware of Christ praying for me, interceeding on my behalf before the throne of Grace? Would my attitude change? Would I feel less alone in facing the many irritation, frustrations and curve balls others present to me? Would I feel less hopeless in the struggle against my undisciplined appetites, my unresolved issues and unhealed hurts? God knows my weaknesses, my selfish bent, all the things I don't like about myself, and He has committed Himself to partner with me to the end. No condemnation, ever! (Rom. 8:1)
The Spirit himself intercedes for me with groans that words cannot express. The Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. (Romans 8:26-27)
He is able to save completely anyone who comes to God through Christ. Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant than the Old Covenant saints lived under. Because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save me completely and forever. He always lives to intercede for me. (Heb.7:22-25)
I encourage you to read carefully John 17. Jesus pours out His heart for his followers just before He goes to the cross. "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message,. . ." Jesus is talking about me! Is there any doubt that the Father would fail to hear and answer the heart cry of Jesus who was facing a crucifixion for you?
BECAUSE CHRIST INTERCEDES FOR ME, I can say with confidence:
I will be saved completely.
I am receiving now His Kingdom that can not be shaken. (Hebrews 12:28)
I will not lose my faith nor deny the Lord.
His presence will never abandon me. (Hebrews 13)
I will be transformed into His likeness, because what You start, You finish. (Phil.1:6)
I will hear the voice of my Shepherd. (John 10:3-4)
I will walk in the steps You order. You have yoked me, bound me to Yourself.
I will reign in life now by Christ Jesus, who lives in me.
I will experience the Lord's strength in my weakness.
I will be given resurrection power to overcome all You have overcome for me.
These are but a few of the results I can believe for, because Christ prayes for me. Make your own list somewhere you can read for a reminder. The mind is the battlefield of the soul. Scripture gives you the weapons to resist the negative thoughts that shake the gound underneath your feet. When your perception of things appears bigger than you feel, get a fresh look at the resurrection power of Christ. If you become more impressed by the power of the enemy than the power of God, refocus. Christ ever lives to make intercession for you and He intercedes according to the will of God who always works for our highest good and His glory.
When we find ourselves in places that we do not like I believe that God is asking us to allow ourselves to stay there long enough to fully acknowledge where we truly are and not so quick move to where we think we ought to be.
ReplyDeleteI believe that as we embrace the reality and pain of where we truly are then from there He can remove the negativity and lies and by His grace move us to where He wants us to be. But our resistance, denial and fear of seeing ourselves as we really are, fully acknowledging it and receiving His love just as we are often keeps us stuck in the vague place of bondage and guilt