Jesus, the Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He has proven worthy of the highest praise. He has won the right to reign over all He created. Let all the earth give Him honor. At the cost of His life He has ransomed for Himself every tribe, language group, and every nation.
Think about it. God has the authority to reign because He is the creator, and he could have wiped us out and started over when He saw the mess we made. He chose to enter our mess, provide a solution to our mess, and invite us to join Him to reverse our mess. He invites us into an intimate love relationship, the kind He planned from the beginning. Jesus modeled that relationship for us, that total surrender and partnership with the Father. Then the big surprise: resurrection LIFE and power came to live within every one who ownes Him as LOrd.
You are worthy.
You deserve the honor my heart feels.
You deserve the surrender of all I am and have.
You made Your redeemed people into a kingdom of lovers and priests unto You.
Think on being loved.
I am loved and valued by God. He proved it.
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed. (I John 3:1)
The love of God has been poured out in my heart by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5)
I am anointed to love God. This means I can feel God's love and I can love Him in return.
I am anointed to love others with the same love He displays toward me.
Lord, You are more precious than silver,
more costly than gold,
more beautiful than diamonds,
And nothing I desire compares with You.
Father, You are most hallowed in my heart. I am surrendered to Your Kingdom reign in me, around me.
Let fear and awe of You buffer me from the demands and manipulation of self-centered motives.
Let Your radical love for me form what I value and give myself to in this life.
Let all limiting fear and self-protective resistence go. Then I won't resist Jesus.
Let me understand with greater clarity that Immanuel is my constant reality.
Immanu El - God is with us.
"Let all limiting fear and self-protective resistence go." The reality of the truths that we choose is what will this look like in the decisions I make moment by moment today? What difference will these truths make in my life? How will I be challenged and tested? Lord help me to be mindful and aware of the tests that come my way and not just dismiss them in their regularity.