What is the next season of redemptive history? Could it be the Bride of Christ made ready? Several years ago I asked the Holy Spirit, "What was Jesus passionate about? I want to enter into agreement with the passion of His heart." John 17 came to mind and I spent 6 weeks reading and re-reading, writing out and praying the Heart of Jesus in our behalf.
Jesus said that the Father loves us as much, yes as much, as He loves the Son. Can you believe it? I also noticed that from John 13 through 16 Jesus related these truths to the disciples, preparing them for His departure. For instance, Jesus said in John 14:20 "On that day, you will realize that I am in the Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." This is how He could say that we would do the same things He had done and even greater things. Jesus expected His disciples to enjoy the same fellowship, oneness and privileges that He had enjoyed with the Father. He knew that if we stayed connected to the Father as He demonstrated for us, nothing would be impossible for us. So why aren't Christians the most loving, powerful people on the planet? Why is there such a victim mentality? Why are we so sin conscious rather than righteous conscious? Why aren't we spiritually growing up to look and act like Jesus? Paul said that the saints were to reign in the earth by Christ Jesus, so I am looking for a whole generation to rise up, throw off conformity to the culture and be to the world what Jesus was to His world.
It would appear that Jesus was passionate about drawing us new creation saints into the circle of divine fellowship, of oneness that He enjoyed with the Father. This has not become a reality for the Church as yet, so I am praying with Jesus that before He returns He will have a passionate Bride in agreement with every Word He speaks in personal dialogue. "May they also be in us so that the world may believe that You have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one." (John 17)
I don't think Jesus was referring to one denominational voice of doctrine, but oneness of passion for communion with the Triune God. It is not agreeing intellectually with any doctrinal position that sets me free, brings me peace, joy and victory. It is intimacy with Jesus on the heart level where I connect with Him and enjoy His conscious presence. Much of our discipling has been aimed at teaching information rather than leading people to experience God Himself. Imagine how different our corporate worship would be if our worship leaders expected Jesus to reveal His presence, drawing all into the silence of awe in beholding Him. I have experienced this. Out of the silence came a soft weeping from most of us as we responded to His presence among us. Difficult to describe in words. I am pursuaded that many Christians are longing for holy visitations.
We can believe right doctrine, but if the heart is not changed we have no power to live what we say we believe. When we hear Jesus speak to the heart, (rhema) it will always carry with it the grace that transforms. (The definitation of grace here means the power and desire to do it God's way.) Imagine how exciting our discipleship groups would be if the teacher planned for encounters with Jesus so that each person experienced the burning in their heart and new places in the heart came alive to resurrection glory. I long for this in our worship gatherings and prayer meetings.
Could this be what we are being pressed into? It is almost impossible to change our worship traditions. Desperation will do it.
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