I have presented the idea that there is romance at the center of the universe. We know that God is love and that God so radically loved the world that He gave His Son to rescue us from self destruction. We still have a hard time getting close to this God. Our brokenness gets in our way of intimacy. We can identify with the Hebrew people when they told Moses, "You go up and meet with this God. We are too afraid that He will kill us." The people saw God's acts but Moses discovered His ways.
Moses and Joshua longed to get close to God and God was very accomodating. He took them as far as they could go in their season before the Messiah ratified the New Covenant to bring us even closer. If God was so accomodating under the Old Covenant ratified in animal blood, how much more likely does He plan to draw us into intimacy and show us the realm of the spirit so we can function on the earth as partners?
There are those in the evengelical church that do not expect God to speak directly to his people as He did with Moses and Daniel, nor appear in visible form as He has done to many Muslims and others in our day. Without visitation we do not sustain our walk with God. From the beginning, His heart has been to enjoy intimacy without shame and to share His glory with us. In John 17 we feel the passionate heart of God as Jesus prays to the Father. And now we see that for this season, God has made those who love Him one spirit with Him and made us His permanent dwelling place.
Peter says in his second letter (1:3) "God's power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to His own glory and goodness." We don't have to labour to get something we already have. This is hard for us to stay on track with. For instance, if I say to you, "LET THE JOY SEEP THROUGH." In your mind, which way do you see the joy seeking to get through? From the inside filling your soul, or from the outside trying to get in to your soul? Answer should be "from the inside." Christ is already in us being joyful. We feel so incomplete and our behavior is often much less than what Jesus demonstrated for us. The secret place dweller will connect with Christ in her heart and joy begins to flow out. If Christ is in you, then He is being peaceful and loving, strong and forgiving, victorious and anything you need for life and godliness.
You see, God is a heart God, not a law God. The law was given to the Hebrew people under Moses to prepare them to be a people of high living standards and represent the holiness of God. Messiah was to be born to this culture group. God also gave the law to prove to Jew and Gentile alike that it is impossible to please God though law-keeping. He desires the intimate heart to heart fellowship. He has made our hearts long to know our Creator. The Law is good but can't bring us to God.
We need a Savior to bring us into His presence without fear. Your church experience probably will not satisfy this desire the Holy Spirit has created in your heart. I hope you do not misunderstand me, but most of our gatherings take place only in the intellectual level of our mind and never reach the heart level.
I feel that God is again doing a new thing. I will talk more about that next blog.
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