"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1 KJV "You who live in the shelter of Elyon, who spend your nights in the shadow of Shaddai. . ." (a Jewish translation)
Does your heart burn for a more concrete expression of this hidding place? If it does, it is probably because the heart of the Most High God burns for the same thing. Think about it. Where would that desire come from if not from Him? He is the one who is drawing you and creating the desire for close encounters with Him.
There are many things that I think contribute to the distance we may feel. It is perception on our part, because God has promised to never leave us, never abandon us. I do not think that the senior season of my life has increased my longing for conscious awareness. I have always wanted more and more of God, but I do enjoy more time to sit in His presence and visit than I did in my busier seasons. For me, the secret place of God is an awareness of His presence where I can focus my attention and my affection on Him. Make time at least once a day, no matter what season you are in.
Those born of the Spirit of God are called by the apostle Paul, new creations saints. We are a "new breed" on earth because we have become a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. God can not get any closer. However, our hearts long to have all the limitations and barriers of our old selves (our false-self) to be removed. We long to see Him face to face. Refer to John 16:5-24 The disciples were struggling to understand the season Jesus was preparing them to enter next. They did not want Jesus to physically be taken from them.
We, as new creation saints, can function in two realms; the physical and the spiritual. As we learn to walk in the spiritual realm with Jesus, we should be learning the ways of the Kingdom and how to effect the physical as Jesus did. Jesus taught us to pray for the Kingdom to begin to manifest in the earth as it did in Heaven. This has become my passion; to enjoy a love relationship with Jesus like what He enjoyed with the Father, and to feel confidence to do the "same works Jesus did" as He lets me know what He wants to do through me. I expect it to change me from the inside out.
One of the reasons for doing this series was to show the progressive revelation of God's redemptive plan. Everything is building to a grand ending. We can be encouraged that what we are experiencing now is securely in God's hand. If men did great exploits for God under an inferior, incompleted covenant, think what the new creation saint can do under the superior, completed covenant? What Daniel, Moses, Joshua, etc. did with the Anointing on them, we can do more with the Anointing in us. What David did, we can double. Jesus said, ". . and the things I have done, you will do also and greater, because I am going to the Father and I am sending you My Spirit to be in you."
You are indwelt by God. The resurrected Christ, with resurrection power, is one spirit with you. I Cor.6:17 If you are stuck in the Season of the Law that brings condemnation, throw it off. If you are exhausted from the "treadmill of performance"? Heed the invitation.
The Spirit of the Bride says, "Come away with Me. Come dance with Me. Let Me tell you who you are to Me. I paid for the right to enjoy your affection. Let's do life together. I will prepare you to be all you need to be in this season of your life."
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