"Who told you that you were naked?" Do you know who and when this question was first posed? I sense that the same person is still asking that question to each of us. We are compelled to live by how we feel about a matter and Scripture is very clear that we are to live by every word that comes from His heart and mouth of God. Deut. 8:3 Matt.4:4
God would challenge you & me, "Who told you that you are inadequate, ugly, a loser and unlovable? "Well, Lord, I feel that I am inadequate, ugly and unlovable. I feel it so strongly, I must be right about it."
What makes us think those things about ourself? How can a woman look at herself in the mirror and dispise what she sees, or a slinder young woman actually see an overweight body instead of what everyone else sees.
After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree in the middle of the garden, they experienced the disharmony of the universe in their being and it felt like nakedness. This choice indicated that they "felt" they should be allowed to make their own decisions about everything that concerned them, but were shocked at the consequences. They "felt" or reasoned, then acted without consulting their creator. Cut off from God, the source of truth, man is forced to make evaluations based on what he observes, what he feels, what he is told by influencial others and what his experience tells him. Our feelings are so powerful that we will do a lot of foolish things that lead to pure misery.
Our loving Father came to Adam and Eve, and comes to each of us and draws us into a place of healing and wholeness if we are willing to face Him and not turn away in shame. He askes, "Who told you . . . ." Who are you listening to? Who is influencing your conclusions, evaluations, judgments, and reasoning? What lies are driving your destructive activity, robbing you of peace and joy?
Oh what mercy, that God calls us out of our hidding places and probes our heart. "I see your misery, My heart hurts with you. Your nakedness is real because you have lost connectedness with my heart and are at the mercy of your own thoughts and emotions to know the truth about any matter. I invite you to come to Me. Do not trust your own understanding. I will cover your nakedness. Out of the intimacy of our love relationship and dialogue you will know the truth. I will restore and make all things new. In the mean time, draw your joy, peace and love from me."
We all long to be beautiful, smart, be valued, make a significant contribution, be noticed and appreciated. We can't live well without love, joy, and peacefulness. All these things we strive daily for and God would tell us to stop striving, we already possess them from Him, if we would only listen and receive.
Fellow bloggers, our culture in America has created great hindrances to the inner tranquility we need to maintain health and vitality. We are stressed on the inside at an unconscious level and on the outside in our daily activities. So often the church adds more to our already full plate of activities and obligations. Your church life is not the same as your personal relationship with the Lord.
Have we forgotten the very basics of our faith? God calls us to "be still and know. ." recognize His presence and enjoy Him. We cheat ourselves and the Lord of the intimacy He died to provide. He waits for us to come away from the pressure of activity and sit with Him. Only then do we have the ability to respond wisely and creatively instead of react out of our pain and fear. Only then can I say that I know the Lord rather than just know about him from someone else's perspective.
Let the real me, know the real You, Oh Lord my God.
WOW! Thank you! Smiles, C