The next Season of Redemptive history brings us to David and his son Solomon. Both of these men had their weaknesses and made wrong decisions, but their heart was open to God. They brought in the best days of the nation of Israel. After Solomon's reign of peace and prosperity, the kingdom was divided and most of the kings were corrupt, ending this season of 500 years with silence from God.
It seems that God was most pleased that David's heart was so passionate toward Him. It appears that David enjoyed many privileges that were to be reserved for New Covenant Christians, because he hungered and thirsted for the Living Waters that Jesus would bring in the next Season. David enjoyed a love relationship with God of the Old Covenant that embarrasses many Christians today. Mike Bickle says that David introduced the Bridal Paradigm that Jesus would further develop in His Kingdom teaching. Remember that Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, "The Father is LONGING for worshipers who know Him in spirit and truth."
The life of David is so rich in spiritual realities that the saints are supposed to be enjoying today. Think with me: David demonstrated the supernatural powers of God in defending his father's sheep and later the giant that threatened the nation. As a youth He took advantage of the solitude from distractions and enjoyed intimacy of fellowship that set his relationship with God for the rest of his life. God allowed him to eat the holy bread that only the priests were to eat. David went through hard times as a fugitive that developed character and prepared him to reign as king because he heard from God personally in all he faced in life. He danced before the Lord in abandonment and joy. As king, he developed musical worship leaders and helped write much of the praise music. These priests led the people in corporate worship, while worship was going on 24/7.
David was very spontaneous and authentic in his relationship with God. He expressed his feelings of adoration and awe of God as well as his feelings of lonliness, anguish of confusion and suffering, bitterness. In this he gave us a pattern of authentic love relationship with God that was not common for David's season. Jesus comes next in redemptive history to clarify and reveal more deeply the passionate heart of God.
In summary, David enjoyed great intimacy outside of the office of the priesthood. That was not for his season. He lived beyond his time and demonstrated the relationship with God that Jesus would reveal. The prophets and priests were to represent God to the people and the people to God. David was an exception in his day and modeled what would be available to every Christian. I believe that God was pleased with his passionate pursuit. "David is a man after My own heart." God provided a preview in David and Solomon's reign for the Kingodm Jesus has in mind for every individual and every nation.
Our next visitation will be the coming of Messiah. How close does God plan to go with this progression from season to season? As close as your very breath.
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