How close does God's heart long to draw you? I encourage you to ask your heavenly Father that question. Why not ask Him right now, before reading further. He may surprise you and/or affirm this truth as you read.
If you want some really good clues, read through the Gospel of John. Ask the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of Burning, to point out the emotions of Jesus and what He was passionate about. Chapter 14 & 17 should be meditated on.
John 14:20 17:20-26 You will find He is passionate about revealing the Father. He wants us to be connected heart to heart. He wants us to be where He is. From the life and teachings of Christ, I understand that there is romance at the center of the universe. Our creator God is a LOVER. Also the giver of good gifts, happy, joyous, and celebrative.
"You will know that I am united with my Father, and you with me, and I with you."
"I am giving you My Spirit and My peace to be in you forever. I will not leave you alone or orphaned."
God's incarnation in Christ is the Season of Fulfillment. "In the fulness of time" is a phrase Scripture uses to indicate that history is moving according to God's time. We today are still in the season of the Covenant of Grace fulfilled. The Old Covenant that God made with Abraham has been completed in Christ's blood, not the blood of animal sacrifice. So when Christ said, "It is finished", He was referring to the redemption of the Bride that would flow from His side. This was pictured in the first season of redemptive history in the Garden, as the Creator took from Adam's side a rib to form Adam's bride. She was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and they were one flesh. Look through the seasons of progressive revelation and read again John 14 & 17 or at least the few verses given above. Do you get a sense of the passion in Jesus's voice. He is preparing the disciples for His departure after the resurrection. Connect with the emotion of Jesus here and when He talked to the Samaritan woman in John 4.
Here is my suggestion:
Read through John 13 - 17.
Read through the second time underlining with pensil everything that impressses you.
Read through the third time, taking notice of possible emotions of Jesus. Ask the Spirit to make you aware.
See yourself as one of the disciples listning to Jesus. You have the Counselor with you.
Ask the Spirit to give you more than theological insight. You want a heart impartation that will shift you out of the 20th and 21st century Christianity into the new Season on God's calendar. We are already in this new season.
Samuel was grieving that the nation wanted a king like all the nations around them. He saw them rejecting God's authority. Many of us see the same thing has happened in America. God told Samuel to stop grieving. "I am doing a new thing. Get yourself ready to do your part. Go anoint David and launch this new season of redemptive history.
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