Sunday, February 27, 2011


With all the many expressions and examples of God being a generous GIVER, why do so many of His disciples put limitations on Him and re-interpret His gracious promises outside of our reach?

"But God has brought us out from there, (poverty & lack)
to bring us in, (to a completed covenant)
and to give us, (all we need for life and godliness) so that we might always
prosper and be kept alive."

Read Deut.6:24 5:29-30 8:6, 17-18

It is God who Gives the ability to produce wealth and so
confirms His covenant, which He swore to Abraham.

Abraham was a wealthy man. I am offspring of Abraham through Jesus, ratifier of a new and better covenant. Galatian 3:28-29

I have been reluctant to post this writing due to the certainty of creating a theological disturbance in my friends. I find it difficult to write enough to fully explain my point, so let me give this disclaimer. I am not presenting the idea that we can escape suffering, trials, disease or become perfect examples of Christ in the earth. I am not saying that following Jesus will never call on us to be a martyr, to make sacrifices in our life, to surrender our possessions, or our reputation for the Kingdom's sake.

But here is the reality that I am trying to work through: IF I AM A CHILD OF THE KING, WHY DO I LIVE LIKE A PAUPER? LIKE ONE UNDER THE CURSE OF THE LAW? WHY DON'T I SEE THE KINDGOM MANIFEST IN MY DAILY LIFE? WHY DO I LIVE IN FEAR, NEGATIVITY, SICKNESS, POVERTY MIND SET, HELPLESSNESS AND HOPELESSNESS? If Jesus died and resurrected to make us like Him and do the works He did, why do we settle for the lowest common denominator in the Christian community? And worse still, we re-interpret Scripture to fit our experience. I am opting to make my experience fit what Jesus said I could have. Read your covenant.

Let's define wealth. Poor in spirit does not mean a spirit of poverty. Humility is not humiliation. Wealth is value oriented, not just possessions and currency. Wealth is success oriented, as opposed to failure or victim mentality. As covenant people, we are wealthy and successful beyond our wildest dreams because of who we have become in Christ. We are expected to grow up in the ways Christ modeled for us, not stay in our childhood understanding. Paul said that we would reign IN THE EARTH, in life, through Christ Jesus.

I think many in the church have conflicting views on Biblical prosperity. On one hand, we have been taught that wealth is dangerous and not very spiritual. On the other hand, we feel entitled to a certain share of financial security as American Christians. I know I am treading on dangerous ground on this subject, but feel compelled to throw out some thoughts to ponder.

It bothers me that Christian people have been GIVEN everything we need for living life abundantly and in a godly manner. (II Pet.1:3) Yet we appear to be paupers, we live defeated lives, we lack wisdom, supernatural love, peace, joy, and the authority to dispell the darkness around us and bring God's will on earth as it is in Heaven. We shame, blame, criticize and use fear to manipulate others to maintain control for our comfort.

I think we have developed a distorted sense of wellness. If I ask, "Is it God's will for you to live in health and to prosper?", most people feel conflicted or they will truely believe that God may want them to remain ill and broken down. (for God's glory or to teach them something or to punish them for something) If this is really true, then the devil has a clear advantage and has put a wedge between the heart as a receiver of all things (Romans 8: and II Peter 1:3) and God's heart as a GIVER of New Covenant provision. Most will not contend for deliverance or healing beyond commonly accepted modalities, and resentment toward God becomes an inner battle.

If you have a disease process destroying your body and you believe it is not God's will for you to be healthy, then how can you justify going to the medical community and taking up their ways and means to achieve health? You would be resisting God's will for you. I am not saying you should not seek medical help. I am saying that the two ideas are conflicting. (I am aware of exceptions - a separate discussion)

I believe God is a GIVER. He has brought us out, to bring us in and to give us a completed covenant, abundant life, fullness of joy, freedom from controling passions, and arrogant pride. If I am not experiencing that peace that Jesus gives and love that allows me to forgive, I will still cling to the covenant as written and contend until I remove all blocks in me to receiving.

One more thought. GRACE covers my blindness, inconsistencies, weaknesses, lack, and everthing else in me that does not receive all Christ died to provide me. There is no shame or condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. So even if some unhealed disease takes me out, or unresolved negative issues continue to haunt my pursuit of spiritual maturity, I will continue to believe that God forgives ALL my sins and heals ALL my diseases, be they physical, mental or emotional. (Psalm 103:3-5) Our God is a GIVER, always at work bringing us out, inorder to bring us in to Himself and the new order of His Kingdom living. Don't settle for less in the Church age.

God's covenanat is designed to restore all I lost in my dis-connect with His active voice. It is to remove the shame and reproach that I feel, and that makes me hide from Him behind the fig leaves of accomplishments and shallow pleasures.

God's covenant of grace is a completed work, finished at Calvery. We don't have to work or deserve it, but we do have to draw on it by resting in God's goodness and enjoy His conscious presence.


We have been meditating on Deuteronomy 6:23 "I have brought you OUT of there, to bring you IN and GIVE you the land." We have looked at what God has brought us out of and into. I challenge you to make two lists. One of all He has brought you OUT of, and one of all He has brought you IN to. Keep this list where you can refer to it often. Add to it and let it bring you to worship.

We are so trained to see the negative and to fixate on the few things we do not have yet, that we fail to rejoice over the abundance we already have in Christ and acknowledge His faithfulness. Therefore, we forfeit the peace and fail to enter into the joy of abundance already provided.

So often this past year I have heard the Spirit whisper, "Who told you that you were naked? Where did this victim attitude come from? Are these the thoughts I would be thinking? Come, sit before Me and let us reason together."(Prov.3:5-6 come to mind.)

Psalm 42 has become so meaningful to me the past few years. I love the fact that Father wants me to come to Him when I am in an angry, complaining, or anxious mood. Like David, I allow the Spirit to probe my inner most heart instead of hide from Him. "Soul, why are you so downcast? Remember who your Father is and what your Father can do."

Let's focus our attention now on "to GIVE us. . ". I love this word from God; so powerful, so lifting of my mood, full of grace toward me. My God is a Giver.

Our God does not bring us OUT to leave us on our own. That is how I got in to my mess in the first place. I have a bent to make decisions based on how it looks to me and how I feel about a matter, rather than what He says. God is a GIVER. (Read Romans 8:32-32) If God has brought you OUT, to bring you IN, you can be assured He is always trying to GIVE you the best He has. God hasn't changed, our perspective has chanaged.

Oh my! You have brought me out of myself. I have fallen into myself, into the reason and logic of the fallen self. You have re-connected me to Yourself. . .to Your father-heart. You have brought me out of myself, into Yourself, into Your land, Your realm of reality, into Your Kingdom.

Yes! T0 give you what I origionally designed to give.
. . .to give all the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant plus more.
. . .to give what has always been in My heart to give. . abundance of good.
. . .to give you the mind of Christ for every thing than concerns you and causes your heart to be troubled. Seek My perspective.
. . .to give you peace that passes human understanding, because you know Me. You walk in the power of my resurrection. You enter into the fellowship of the things I suffered for.
. . .to give you a lively hope and a glorious future, even as you reign now on earth through Christ Jesus. You are my voice, my body. Use your arms to touch others in a loving, healing way. Use your words to bring a sence of dignity and worth to everyone you see, regardless of outward appearance.

I have brought you out, to bring you in, and to give you all I am and have. So now go bless your area of influence. Call forth what I show you in Heaven, to be the reality in the earth.

Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on the earth, as it is done in Heaven.

Friday, February 25, 2011


"I have brought you out for a purpose, to bring you in." (Deuteronomy 6:23)

Into what, into where, when and how?

"I have a plan, a purpose. You are valuable to Me. Not to accomplish great things, but to know Me deeply as companion and friend. (John 15:9-15) I have brought you into Myself and into My joy. My purposes are beyond what you are capable of knowing now. What I purpose, nothing can stop Me. What I start in you, I will finish. Is anything too hard for Me?

Father, I know that You have brought Your people into a completed covenant of grace and we already possess everything we need for life and godliness, but it doesn't seem to be a practical reality for the churches of America. Many of us are still stuck with Old Covenant concepts that keep us trying to relate to You at a distance as the Hebrew people did.
Deut.5:28-29 "I have heard what this people have said, Moses. Their heart is sincere before me, that is good. But Oh, how I wish their hearts would stay like this always, that they would fear Me and obey Me, so that it would go well with them and their children forever."

We have a better covenant than they and we have Your presence within us. When is the world supposed to recognize that we are new creations after the order of Jesus Christ? When will the Christian community reflect the reality of Christ in us? I guess I never realized how strong the cultural influences are to program us, nor how tanatious we are to defend ourselves and cling to our judgements.

Will You bring me into freedom from a deceived mind, programmed by my culture and the filter of my own ego? According to what You told Moses, I have a "YES" from You. According to Jeremiah, You know the plans You have for me, to GIVE me a hope and a future. I now choose to agree with You Father, regardless of common religious dogma and experience.

I just stopped to read again Jeremiah 29:11-13 and WOW. Forgive me for my discouragement. When things don't go our way immediately, we tend to blame You and feel like a victim.

"Plans for well-being, not for bad things." I am hearing You say to me, "My heart toward you is always to GIVE you good things, but often my people block the very things they ask for. Who told you that you are still naked." (unworthy, unable, lacking, disqualified?)

In spite of all I see to the contrary, I am persuaded that Your Word is true. I will not re-interpret the Word to fit the culture or the experience of the lowest common denominator in the Christian community.

You bring us OUT, to bring us IN, to all You died to GIVE us.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


In this devotional meditation on Deuteronomy 6:23, I wrote three pages. This series of writings will be in the form of my conversation with my Shepherd. I hope it is not objectionable or confusing.

When God told Moses that He took responsibility for bringing the nation out of Egypt. His purpose was not just to relieve their physical pain and humiliation. He brought them out inorder to bring them in and to give them the land that He promised. This is still God's heart and purpose for us individually and as a corporate body of those who love Him.


This is the heart of God, to GIVE.
God initiates. He comes looking for me! To bring out, to bring in and to give.
He draws me out of my hiding places. . . He bids me come to Him.

"I have brought you out of your fear, your slavery to. . . .shame for. . .poverty.
I have brought you out OUT, so that I can bring you IN and GIVE you abundance of all I am and have."

Why Lord? Why would You do that for me?

"I have brought you out of yourself, into Myself, for the purpose of giving you more than you can ask of think now."

What have you brought me into Lord?

I have brought you into covenant! Into favor . . .into bliss . . .into blessings.
Into intimacy! Into the inner chambers of My heart.
Into peace! Into your created design and tranquility. Nothing missing or broken.
Into companionship! Into a place of hearing My voice.
Into partnership! Into a place of authority with Me. Your voice makes a difference.
Into an indestructable life! I have come looking for you to give you life abundant.
I AM . . .more than enough . . full cup and running over. . .goodness and mercy following on your heels.

Read and enjoy the blissfulness of God's "more than enough". Roamsn 5:17 John 10:10

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Reading back over entries I made in my journel last year, I thought I would start with some thoughts written in March. The Lord has brought this over and over this past year. Sometime it is His question to my self-consicous voice of shame. Other times He challenges the judgements I place on others when I disapprove of their actions. Hope you can relate and find comfort.

When God confronted Adam and Eve, "Who told you that you are naked?", He was describing where they were emotionally, mentally and spiritually. He needed them to acknowledge how they felt and where they were in relation to their heart connection to Him.

The feeling of nakedness describes the loud and persistent voice of humiliation and vulnerability that drove them into hiding. I can only imagine the overwhelming obligation for survival after they dis-connected from God's heart.

God's mercy toward their situation and the rebellion that caused it is astounding! He covered them with animal skins, who gave up their life to be that covering, until God Himself took a human body and surrendered His for us. John 1:36 God offers grace to everyone who will receive Him.

The question, "Who told you that you are naked?" is meant to confront man with the outworkings of his disconnected and newly independent soul. How tragic when we do not understand the heart of God. Too many people today still are hiding from this happy, loving, giving Creator. His name is I AM. I AM whatever My people need.

Too many of the Redeemed see God as unapproachable, harsh, demanding, and either angry or grieving when He thinks of them. However, they see Jesus as approachable, compassionate, full of grace and patient. Jesus the Christ is the same as the God of the Old Testament. He came to reveal the Father heart of God.

Here is what I hear in this encounter with the first couple. "Where are you? I know where you are hidding, but where is your heart toward Me? I even know why you are hiding. You told you that you are naked? Have you eaten of the tree that brings death and distruction? Your heart has been disconnected from Me. I feel it too. But come out of hiding. Come to Me. I have a plan that can re-connect our hearts, to give you a hope and a future with Me."

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Hello blogger friends. I am making another attempt to write consistently. As you know, I am living 24/7 with my retired husband, the same one God gave me as a gift almost 50 years ago. I am not making a joke. . .he really is a gift to me. However, until retirement there were unresolved issues in both of us that we were not forced to deal with in a serious manner. Without going into detail, both of us have had to make adjustments in how we spend our time and harmoniously blending of our agendas.

Make no mistake, my husband is a great man in my eyes. My heart is full of gratitude for his faithfulness, kindness and pursuit of God's character. We are both growing at a new accelerated rate again and though at times painful, it is bringing more freedom from the religious spirit of judgement and a great deal more rest and tranquility of soul.

I offer my retirement adjustments as the reason I have not been writing on the blog spot or keeping up with Facebook. We are on another trip because Tal loves to travel and I don't. (Can you read between the lines?) I find that I have more time to write while on a trip, unless I don't have good compuler service.

So now, this is what I want to say as an introduction to a new attempt at writing. I will be using my spiritual journal from last year. As I stated above, I have experienced an excelleration of understanding myself and answers concerning why the Church is stuck. My prayer is that you who are faithful reader will not be disappointed with me. If you are, please pray for me and love me anyway. If you have words of encouragement and affirmation, I would appreciate hearing from you by email or Facebook. I am old enough to risk more than I did in my younger years.

Together on this journey called LIFE. Elizabeth Thompson

Sunday, February 13, 2011


My son Paul shared this raw kale salad with me. If you are trying to get more raw greens in your meals I encourage you to try this raw kale salad too.

Spinach and kale can also be put in smoothies with fruit and you won't taste the greens. It does make the color dull when you mix blueberries or strawberries and greens. If kale and spinach are not park of your meal planning, think outside the box. Try them uncooked.

Here is the Sweet Raisin Kale Salad

Kale Wash and pull off the tough stem the amount you want to serve.
Tear Kale into bite size pieces.
Drizzle with Olive Oil
Drizzle with a good quality of Honey Don't get too much. Start little and add
more as you taste it.
Massage the oil and honey into the Kale with your hand. This softens and
reduces the Kale a bit.
Add Raisins and a sprinkle of quality Sea Salt. If you question the need for salt,
take a bite before adding and then after adding.
You can add sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds if you like.

A reminder about sea salt: Look for sea salt that has no anti-caking agents or is bleached and heated in processing. These are inferior salts. Your body needs the organic minerals found in natural salt harvested from the oceans.