Reading back over entries I made in my journel last year, I thought I would start with some thoughts written in March. The Lord has brought this over and over this past year. Sometime it is His question to my self-consicous voice of shame. Other times He challenges the judgements I place on others when I disapprove of their actions. Hope you can relate and find comfort.
When God confronted Adam and Eve, "Who told you that you are naked?", He was describing where they were emotionally, mentally and spiritually. He needed them to acknowledge how they felt and where they were in relation to their heart connection to Him.
The feeling of nakedness describes the loud and persistent voice of humiliation and vulnerability that drove them into hiding. I can only imagine the overwhelming obligation for survival after they dis-connected from God's heart.
God's mercy toward their situation and the rebellion that caused it is astounding! He covered them with animal skins, who gave up their life to be that covering, until God Himself took a human body and surrendered His for us. John 1:36 God offers grace to everyone who will receive Him.
The question, "Who told you that you are naked?" is meant to confront man with the outworkings of his disconnected and newly independent soul. How tragic when we do not understand the heart of God. Too many people today still are hiding from this happy, loving, giving Creator. His name is I AM. I AM whatever My people need.
Too many of the Redeemed see God as unapproachable, harsh, demanding, and either angry or grieving when He thinks of them. However, they see Jesus as approachable, compassionate, full of grace and patient. Jesus the Christ is the same as the God of the Old Testament. He came to reveal the Father heart of God.
Here is what I hear in this encounter with the first couple. "Where are you? I know where you are hidding, but where is your heart toward Me? I even know why you are hiding. You told you that you are naked? Have you eaten of the tree that brings death and distruction? Your heart has been disconnected from Me. I feel it too. But come out of hiding. Come to Me. I have a plan that can re-connect our hearts, to give you a hope and a future with Me."
Liz both of these blogs are connecting with some truths I am grasping to learn and implement.
ReplyDeleteThe gist of it is this: In the work that I do as a counselor and in my relationships my responsibility is to create a safe place for others. In this I am an instrument and home for the Holy Spirit. This love is accomplished through joining in unity w/the Trinity. The greatest commandment is to Love. The ONLY thing that keeps me from love is fear!.
"Perfect Love cast out all fear" This seems impossible but as I understand the relationship that God had and desired with Adam in the garden I see that it was His desire to provide EVERYTHING that they needed without toll. He simply wanted them to believe and receive His goodness and provision and enjoy it. It was when they doubted His love and goodness and became fearful that He was not who He said He was that sin entered in.
Fear is at the core of what keeps us from faith and life. We are so busy doing that we do not realize that to simply be in the moment and love is how God uses us. In whatever way I can love and create safety for the one(s) before me then God works through me.
I am tired not sure I am making sense. I know what I am trying to say, haha!