We have been meditating on Deuteronomy 6:23 "I have brought you OUT of there, to bring you IN and GIVE you the land." We have looked at what God has brought us out of and into. I challenge you to make two lists. One of all He has brought you OUT of, and one of all He has brought you IN to. Keep this list where you can refer to it often. Add to it and let it bring you to worship.
We are so trained to see the negative and to fixate on the few things we do not have yet, that we fail to rejoice over the abundance we already have in Christ and acknowledge His faithfulness. Therefore, we forfeit the peace and fail to enter into the joy of abundance already provided.
So often this past year I have heard the Spirit whisper, "Who told you that you were naked? Where did this victim attitude come from? Are these the thoughts I would be thinking? Come, sit before Me and let us reason together."(Prov.3:5-6 come to mind.)
Psalm 42 has become so meaningful to me the past few years. I love the fact that Father wants me to come to Him when I am in an angry, complaining, or anxious mood. Like David, I allow the Spirit to probe my inner most heart instead of hide from Him. "Soul, why are you so downcast? Remember who your Father is and what your Father can do."
Let's focus our attention now on "to GIVE us. . ". I love this word from God; so powerful, so lifting of my mood, full of grace toward me. My God is a Giver.
Our God does not bring us OUT to leave us on our own. That is how I got in to my mess in the first place. I have a bent to make decisions based on how it looks to me and how I feel about a matter, rather than what He says. God is a GIVER. (Read Romans 8:32-32) If God has brought you OUT, to bring you IN, you can be assured He is always trying to GIVE you the best He has. God hasn't changed, our perspective has chanaged.
Oh my! You have brought me out of myself. I have fallen into myself, into the reason and logic of the fallen self. You have re-connected me to Yourself. . .to Your father-heart. You have brought me out of myself, into Yourself, into Your land, Your realm of reality, into Your Kingdom.
Yes! T0 give you what I origionally designed to give.
. . .to give all the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant plus more.
. . .to give what has always been in My heart to give. . abundance of good.
. . .to give you the mind of Christ for every thing than concerns you and causes your heart to be troubled. Seek My perspective.
. . .to give you peace that passes human understanding, because you know Me. You walk in the power of my resurrection. You enter into the fellowship of the things I suffered for.
. . .to give you a lively hope and a glorious future, even as you reign now on earth through Christ Jesus. You are my voice, my body. Use your arms to touch others in a loving, healing way. Use your words to bring a sence of dignity and worth to everyone you see, regardless of outward appearance.
I have brought you out, to bring you in, and to give you all I am and have. So now go bless your area of influence. Call forth what I show you in Heaven, to be the reality in the earth.
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on the earth, as it is done in Heaven.
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