"God will circumcise your heart. . .to love the Lord your God." Deut. 30:6
We are to love our redeemer God with all our heart, soul, strength, with all we are and have.
God graciously enables the conditions He requires. I was reading Deut. 30 and thought about what St. Augustine prayed, "Grant what Thou commanest and command what Thou wilt." It was his way of saying, "My heart is surrendered to Your will, but my flesh is incapable of that kind of surrender."
Several places in the New Tesstament we are told to circumcise our heart or sanctify ourselves unto the Lord. Jesus placed the conditions of following Him so high that the disciples were appauld. "Who then can be saved?" Jesus answered, "With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
God tells Jeremiah about a new covenant He would make with Israel (Gentiles were brought into this covenant.) "I will place My law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be My people."
Even though the Old Covenant was cast in the conditions of laws and precepts, the Apostle Paul refers back to Deut. 30:14 and casts this statement in grace. (Romans 10:6-11 & 17).
So faith that saves and circumcises my heat comes as God's gracious act. His voice awakens my soul to Him and the gift of faith willingly receives Him. My faith to believe unto salvation is evidence that He has circumcised my heart so I can love Him and follow Him.
Yes, You have circumcised my heart and enabled me to hear and trust and obey.
My heart sings out my gratitude to Your loving heart. You have not left me in darkness or in the pit of hopelesness. Command what You will of me, but also grant to me the desire and the power (grace) to obey.
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