Who is my "lord"? Let my worship reveal Christ as Lord. I bow to Your authority.
Self worship is the struggle to get life to serve me and to bow down to my wants and my ways. Self demands the right to it's own way. Surrender is yielding control to Christ and the Kingdom coming. We dare not think God will lay aside His Kingdom for our ways or for the emotions and desires that drive our personal lives.
Christ is LORD!
I will die so He can live through me. I will let go, so He can fill the void, change the negative emotions and agony of soul when I can't control life around me.
What I surrender control of, He transforms into Kingdom diminsions; thus my prayer is being answered, "Let Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, here and now, just as it is being done in Heaven."
"As it is in Heaven, so let it be done now." You are LORD. So let it be done as You see it."
I serve the God who calls the dead to live and calls those things that be not as though they are, so that they will become what He says they are. When I surrender my ways and my desires, I am free to see and hear what You are saying. I become Your partner when I come into agreement with Your words and repeat them.
As it is written, so let it be done in me, my Lord.
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