"I am resolved no longer to linger
Charmed by the world's delights
Things that are higher, things that are nobler
These have alllured my sight."
I praise You, Lord of glory, for giving me a glimpse of things that are higher and nobler. You, glorious Son of God, You are my treasure. . .my highest imagination, full of joyful anticipation. I delight to think on these things.
"I will hasten to Him. . .hasten so glad and free.
Jesus. . greatest, highest, I will come to Thee."
It is natural to come to You when life brings comfortable and pleasant places and people. But I resolve to use every "slap in the face" and "kick in the gut" to birng me to You.
I am resolved no longr to linger in morbid introspection, nursing my wounds as though this shouldn't be happening to me. Jesus promised I would experience tribulation, trials, struggles against the weakness of my flesh. SO. . .I am resolved to run to my Savior every time I am offended by my mate or others, made anxious by my children, become fearful, angry or distressed, or any other negative that reminds me I live in a wildernes under the curse of futility. Romans 8:20-22
Jesus Christ! You are my Garden of Eden. . .my paradise. I want to be where You are.
Lead me to walk in more conscious awareness of You with me, as Jesus modeled for me with the Father.
Closer Father.
More Father.
Clearer Father.
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