I was thinking of a quick meal plan for tonight. Since Tal and I missed lunch and had been in town till 3:00, we were hungry. We both held strong against the temptation to stop for a quick, "not so nutritious" snack.
I had one Zucchini that needed to be used before it spoiled and leftover rice. I worked these two into a dish that has many faces. Mother called it Pasta-shuta (Hungarian Goulash of sorts). I change this basic recipe up by changing the seasonings & add-ins. Since we drastically limit pasta and cheese, I have ended up with the following basic combination.
1 lb "clean" lean Ground Beef
1 sm. Onion chopped & 1 Clove of Garlic
1 tsp. quality Sea Salt
2 tsp. Itallian Seasoning
Sprinkle liberally with a cajun blend or Mexican blend
1 - 2 /zuchini, chopped in thick slices, then half or quarters
1 16 oz. can Diced Tomatoes (read lables to avoid sugar & high fructose corn syrup)
1 sm can Tomato Sauce
Brown the meat, then add the onions & garlic to saute.
Add other ingredients and cook until the zuchini is tender crisp.
I served this over the brown rice I had leftover and topped it with Fritos Chips. Tal would have loved shredded cheese under those Fritos, but we were abstaining. I have served this with beans added and placed on top of a plate of chopped Romaine.
It is a bit odd that I made goulash in a similar way just a few days ago and I have not made it since I was a teen probably 30 yrs ago. I had forgotten all about it. I remember your mom's Chicken Cacciatore!