This morning as I came out of a restful sleep, this statement was running through my mind.
"The gates of hell shall not prevail against My redeemed ones."
This is good news, Jesus. Thanks for reminding me. The following are the gates of hell that I had been burdened with lately and I think threaten us all.
1.Deception and twisting of all God has said. Satan is always questioning, "Has God said . . .?" Does God really love you? Is God really that good? God says to me, "Who told you . . .? Who are you listening to?"
2.Fear drives this world system in one way or another. We even employ it's power in the church. But God has not given us a spirit of fear. He uses love to draw us to Himself and motivate us. Love is liberating us to be our true self, flourishing with His delight.
3.Anger is often used by us to create a sense of protection of ever getting hurt again, thus bringing about separation from others, isolation and loneliness. Think about it.
4.Distortion of the original design of all God created. God is about restoration of that design and I am one under His construction. I will relax and trust His abilities. "I make all things new. You are a new creation in Christ."
The gates of hell shall not prevail against My sons/daughters.
The power is Mine, not yours.
Redemption was My idea, not yours.
I have interceeded for you according to My heart and purposes.
My words do not return to Me empty.
Don't strive to do or to be. Enjoy Me. Relaxe in My love and care.
I have called you to reign in this life but you do so by resting in Me, not by stirving.
Acknowledge My presence. I AM here.
Enjoy the love relationship I have established with You. Come enjoy Me now.
Thank You Lord! The gates of hell will not prevail in holding old flesh patterns in their destructive power.
I am free to follow Jesus.
I am free to enjoy Jesus.
I am free to grow up and mature as a son/daughter.
I am an image- bearer. I can do the works of Christ; all that He wants to do through me.
I can throw off limitations from an incorrect perception of my identity as a son/daughter.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Abundant Life Provided
Jesus promised abundant life. John 10
If I, a flawed parent, know how to give good gifts to my children, how much more will You, Father, give my children good gifts, open doors, remove what opposes the good way, walk through life with them, and provide everything they need for living life here on planet earth and for godliness.
In my heart Lord, be glorified. In my family You have given to me, be glorified. We are trophies of Your amazing grace.
I decree that You are mighty to deliver, to guide, to position us where you can use us.
I decree that my children ____, ____, ____, their mates and children, to the 3rd & 4th generations,
. . .are being directed in paths of covenant righteousness.
. . .they do walk in covenant promises and enablings.
. . .they influence others to follow Jesus. Their joy and peace are infectious.
. . .they are effective partners with Jesus to redeem, heal, rebuild the broken wall, restore what was
. . .they are salt to preserve hope, dignity, honor in their fellow man.
. . .they are lights that shine like stars in the darkness.
. . .they are trophies of grace and do honor the King who redeemed them.
. . .they find contentment and enthusiasm in their kingdom assignment and communion with Christ.
. . .they are recognized as having godly character, honesty, integrity, wisdom, humility and honoring
. . .they get their identity from relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ;
not from what they do or what others say.
It is not honoring to the Great Son of God
to the Father of the living way
to the Eternal Covenant God
for His redeemed sons/daughters to experience a lesser quality of life than those who follow other gods, other paths, other systems and ideologies.
Monday, September 3, 2012
The Strengthening Presence
When I read Psalm 23 I am amazed at the gracious and loving care of my Shepherd. I can relax in His presence even in my sheep-likness. My soul is nourished and I grow into all His purposes for me. I lack nothing, for my Shepherd provides, protects and delightes in me.
Because I am in Your presence always,
Your rod protects me.
Your staff guides me.
The storms of fear and confusion are stilled.
I am able to let go of things that "eat on me".
I am able to relax in Your care, even when I can not imagine the outcome.
I can see the table is prepared, and the cup is brimming over, not half full.
I feel the anointing oil and know Your resurrection power is available.
I am filled with gratitude. . .it explodes from me,
for only goodness and extravagant mercy, unfailing kindness and love follow me.
Yes, Your goodness and mercy follow me ALL the days of my life, into eternity.
You can keep me in peace if I keep my mind stayed on You, Shepherd of life.
Because I am in Your presence always,
Your rod protects me.
Your staff guides me.
The storms of fear and confusion are stilled.
I am able to let go of things that "eat on me".
I am able to relax in Your care, even when I can not imagine the outcome.
I can see the table is prepared, and the cup is brimming over, not half full.
I feel the anointing oil and know Your resurrection power is available.
I am filled with gratitude. . .it explodes from me,
for only goodness and extravagant mercy, unfailing kindness and love follow me.
Yes, Your goodness and mercy follow me ALL the days of my life, into eternity.
You can keep me in peace if I keep my mind stayed on You, Shepherd of life.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
God's Good Plans For Me
God says to Israel, "I know the plans I have for you. They are plans to give you a hope and a future. I have no plans to harm you. Just to prosper you." Jeremiah 29:11
Do I really believe God is so good? This was spoken under the Old Covenant, how much more is this the expression of His heart to us under the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus!
Father, I acknowledge my need for a father like You. You have planned for us to live as family and in community with others. Yet, in our brokenness and self-focus, we so often find ourselves in conflict in these crucial relationships. We had expected more from them, we keep trying to change them. Then we look at ourselves and see the fear, the resentment, the self-pity, the striving to make things work for us. We feel helpless and hopeless at times.
Now, I hear your voice once again say to me, "I know the plans I have for you. I have no plans to harm you, just to prosper you. Relax in my care. Let all striving go. Let all expectation from others go. I will make a way for you. I am your Father who cares for you and I will prosper you."
* * * * * *
My heart is lifted up and I declare my confidence in Your fathering skills. Your plans for me are good. You have already brought to me abundant life, more than enough. It is Your very own resurrection life and companionship with Your fathering heart.
Our suffering and challenges serve only to bring us to You. You give us Your perspective so we can adjust our perspective to Yours. As it is in Heaven, . . .that is Your perspective and You have made it available to me here in the earth in my life time. And there is more to come through out eternity. That overwhelms my ability to perceive.
Do I really believe God is so good? This was spoken under the Old Covenant, how much more is this the expression of His heart to us under the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus!
Father, I acknowledge my need for a father like You. You have planned for us to live as family and in community with others. Yet, in our brokenness and self-focus, we so often find ourselves in conflict in these crucial relationships. We had expected more from them, we keep trying to change them. Then we look at ourselves and see the fear, the resentment, the self-pity, the striving to make things work for us. We feel helpless and hopeless at times.
Now, I hear your voice once again say to me, "I know the plans I have for you. I have no plans to harm you, just to prosper you. Relax in my care. Let all striving go. Let all expectation from others go. I will make a way for you. I am your Father who cares for you and I will prosper you."
* * * * * *
My heart is lifted up and I declare my confidence in Your fathering skills. Your plans for me are good. You have already brought to me abundant life, more than enough. It is Your very own resurrection life and companionship with Your fathering heart.
Our suffering and challenges serve only to bring us to You. You give us Your perspective so we can adjust our perspective to Yours. As it is in Heaven, . . .that is Your perspective and You have made it available to me here in the earth in my life time. And there is more to come through out eternity. That overwhelms my ability to perceive.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
The Broken Image
I bear the image of God. Yet I am a broken image-bearer as I look at the life of Christ. He is God come in human flesh and showing us the image He had in mind.
I see distorted - self centered. "My perspective must be right. I must survive at any cost."
I agreed with Satan's lie, "I must know good and evil to be right and valued by God."
I feel compelled to pursue knowledge first before relationship inorder to gain respect from God and have a place of value.
Pride and the pain of brokenness blind me, drive me, and guilt me.
Here is salvation for the broken image. I choose to repent, and believe every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God in the relationship. I choose to receive His grace and peace.
I repent every time I am made aware of self-serving attitudes and motives.
I repent for trusting the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I choose to trust His perspective.
I repent being too busy to give Him my undivided attention and highest affection.
I repent from the pride and pain of disgust and irritation of my own brokenness and that of others that constantly effect my comfort and my plans.
I choose to see the broken image through the covering of grace until it is completely restored to the image of Christ. If my value and worth . . .if my place in God's heart depends on how right I am on any given issue, especially scripture truth, then pride will rule all of my human relationships. They will be greatly stressed and limited, beginning with my mate, my children, then my community. I will demand they all be formed in my image, the way I see things and do things. I will have failed to teach them to gaze on the glories of the Father who alone satisfies. I will rob them of the desperation and deliberate pursuit of hearing God for themselves and developing intimacy of companionship. He alone can restore the broken image.
One other application to consider. In evangelism we must make a distinction between knowing and experiencing Christ VS. presenting our particular doctrines, religious system, moral code of law, even the ways of a worshipping people. All of these things issue out of our broken image or seeing through a "glass darkly", as stated in I Cor. 13. We know in part, not the whole. We function with the gifts of the Spirit through a mixture. . .vessels of clay. It is my firm belief that God is well able to instruct His own children and make them disciples unto righteousness if their heart is knit to His. I can share where I am in my journey, my doctrinal interpretation, what I believe the Spirit of God has revealed to me. I can extent grace and forgiveness to them the same way God extends grace and forgiveness to me on a daily basis. I can join the Spirit of intercession who prays for each of His children according to "as it is in heaven".
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Amazing Power of Agreement With God
One who knows the written Word of God ought to be able to confidently declare what is on the heart of God. And let's be clear on this: Satan came to kill, steal, and destroy. Our Sovereign God came in the form of man, Christ Jesus, to give abuntant life, restore what was stolen, and heal and forgive. He has comissioned us to share what Christ has accomplished for us, cast out devils, and heal the sick. The following will stretch over several blog posts and if you are tracking with me on the "decree and declare" series, this should be empowering.
We are so trained to speak our negative feelings and perceptions, to repeat bad news and to think and declare the worst case senerio, that we need to re-train our communication with each other as well as our praying. Scripture informs me that we will get what we think and feel and speak over a period of time. Fear sustained produces the very thing of which we are afraid.
I decree and I declare. . . .
that this generation of youth will rise up and demonstrate the Kingdom as not other generation.
that my children will rise up in a mighty demonstration of the resurrection life of Christ in them.
that through them, Your light will dispel darkness in hearts and in situation s where destruction has held sway.
I decree and I declare the finished work of Christ over all situations that threaten to stop the Kingdom of God. The gates of hell can not prevail in their passion to steal, kill and destroy what God has ordained to live, to prosper and to bring glory to His name.
Greater is He who redeems, than he who deceives.
It is God's goodness that leads to repentance.
It is God's work to restore and transform, to call the dead to live.
It is God's love and mercy that draws me out of my false self and into Himself.
I decree in agreement with King Jesus, as it is in heaven, so let it be done on earth. . . .
. . in my situation, that Jesus be glorified and seen as awesome.
. . in my part of the world, that Jesus reap the harvest of His obedience in the souls of men.
I trust You Holy Spirit, to correct my understanding and application to situations in agreement with Your heart and purposes.
I want to see a full manifestation of the sons of God in this generation.
We are so trained to speak our negative feelings and perceptions, to repeat bad news and to think and declare the worst case senerio, that we need to re-train our communication with each other as well as our praying. Scripture informs me that we will get what we think and feel and speak over a period of time. Fear sustained produces the very thing of which we are afraid.
I decree and I declare. . . .
that this generation of youth will rise up and demonstrate the Kingdom as not other generation.
that my children will rise up in a mighty demonstration of the resurrection life of Christ in them.
that through them, Your light will dispel darkness in hearts and in situation s where destruction has held sway.
I decree and I declare the finished work of Christ over all situations that threaten to stop the Kingdom of God. The gates of hell can not prevail in their passion to steal, kill and destroy what God has ordained to live, to prosper and to bring glory to His name.
Greater is He who redeems, than he who deceives.
It is God's goodness that leads to repentance.
It is God's work to restore and transform, to call the dead to live.
It is God's love and mercy that draws me out of my false self and into Himself.
I decree in agreement with King Jesus, as it is in heaven, so let it be done on earth. . . .
. . in my situation, that Jesus be glorified and seen as awesome.
. . in my part of the world, that Jesus reap the harvest of His obedience in the souls of men.
I trust You Holy Spirit, to correct my understanding and application to situations in agreement with Your heart and purposes.
I want to see a full manifestation of the sons of God in this generation.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
My Times Are In Your Hands - No Shame
In You, of Lord, do I put my trust and seek refuge: let me never be put to shame or have my hope in You be destroyed.
Based on my reading of Psalm 31, I decree and declare that You Lord are a safer refuge than any other. . . that my feet have been set in a spacious place. . . that my times are in Your hands. . .
that You are more than enough for all that concerns me.
You are more than enough for all that concerns me.
. . .my emotional stability and flexibility - peaceful, joy, not anxious or fearful or doubting.
. . .my mental strength and function.
. . .the heart issues that need to own Your perspective, not mine.
. . .our family dynamics. . .relationships that are changing in this season of life.
. . .proper attitudes toward Kingdom dimensions and increased hearing the Voice.
I have taken refuge in You Father. I will not be put to shame.
I choose to be glad and rejoice in Your love and care. Because You know the concerns of my soul and yet You do not shame me. I continue to trust You to help me work through things that would trap me or sidetrack me.
How great is Your goodness! You liberally give to me, in the sight of men, Your favor and sheltering presence. You hide me from the intrigues of men and strife of tongues.
Be strong and let your heart take courage. You can expect the Lord to be more than enough for you. He will always act according to His character.
Based on my reading of Psalm 31, I decree and declare that You Lord are a safer refuge than any other. . . that my feet have been set in a spacious place. . . that my times are in Your hands. . .
that You are more than enough for all that concerns me.
You are more than enough for all that concerns me.
. . .my emotional stability and flexibility - peaceful, joy, not anxious or fearful or doubting.
. . .my mental strength and function.
. . .the heart issues that need to own Your perspective, not mine.
. . .our family dynamics. . .relationships that are changing in this season of life.
. . .proper attitudes toward Kingdom dimensions and increased hearing the Voice.
I have taken refuge in You Father. I will not be put to shame.
I choose to be glad and rejoice in Your love and care. Because You know the concerns of my soul and yet You do not shame me. I continue to trust You to help me work through things that would trap me or sidetrack me.
How great is Your goodness! You liberally give to me, in the sight of men, Your favor and sheltering presence. You hide me from the intrigues of men and strife of tongues.
Be strong and let your heart take courage. You can expect the Lord to be more than enough for you. He will always act according to His character.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I know The Plans I Have For You
Jeremiah 29:11 is a comforting reminder for all who belong to sovereign God of all ages.
"I know the plans I have for you. Plans not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future."
I declare that God has plans for me.
. . .that my Father knows my name.
. . .that He delights in me.
. . .that He wants me to be with Him always.
. . .that He never takes His eyes off of me.
I declare that all He plans is good - to bless me.
. . .that His plans are to give me a hope and a future.
. . .that when I call he hears and answers, for I am His beloved.
. . .that what He starts, He finishes.
I decree to my soul:
. . .I will not tolerate any negative thought to incubate within my mind.
. . .I will replace all negative imaginations and internal chatter with images that harmonize with the finished work of Christ.
. . .I am not an orphan. I am a son/daughter.
. . .I am not a pauper. I am royalty and being trained in Kingdom ways.
. . .I have the mind of Christ and can think like my Father the King. I also have His heart.
Since I host the Presence of God, since He is with me, it is not reasonable to allow the intruder, FEAR, to rule and rob what Christ paid dearly for.
God will not abandon what He purchased. He is doing me good all the days of my life.
"I know the plans I have for you. Plans not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future."
I declare that God has plans for me.
. . .that my Father knows my name.
. . .that He delights in me.
. . .that He wants me to be with Him always.
. . .that He never takes His eyes off of me.
I declare that all He plans is good - to bless me.
. . .that His plans are to give me a hope and a future.
. . .that when I call he hears and answers, for I am His beloved.
. . .that what He starts, He finishes.
I decree to my soul:
. . .I will not tolerate any negative thought to incubate within my mind.
. . .I will replace all negative imaginations and internal chatter with images that harmonize with the finished work of Christ.
. . .I am not an orphan. I am a son/daughter.
. . .I am not a pauper. I am royalty and being trained in Kingdom ways.
. . .I have the mind of Christ and can think like my Father the King. I also have His heart.
Since I host the Presence of God, since He is with me, it is not reasonable to allow the intruder, FEAR, to rule and rob what Christ paid dearly for.
God will not abandon what He purchased. He is doing me good all the days of my life.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Christ Is The "Yes". I Sound The Amen.
Since You, O lord, are my Rock, my Shepherd; deliver me from the shame of my brokenness, my afflictions, my fears, my false self.
Jesus You are the "Yes" to all of my human "no's".
Give me a heart of compassion like Yours, Jesus, to forgive, to release peace and loving acceptance to those who need to know what You are prepared to do for them. Empower me to see them as You see them and embody Your love to them. They need Your love as much as I do.
I decree
. . .that the steps of a righteous woman/man are ordered by the Lord.
. . .that no weapon formed against me; my family will prosper. Isaiah 54:10-17
. . .that Your words do not return to You empty. They are accomplished as You say. Isaiah 55:11
. . .that I have been given ears to hear and can come into agreement with throne room reality.
. . .that because my Shepherd is Jesus the Christ, I lack nothing. He is my supply.
. . .that Christ covers me on every front. He prepared a table before me, even in the presence of enemies.
. ..that I have all I need to represent the Kingdom in the economy of God. I do not lack patience, love, faithfulness, endurance for righteousness sake. . .anything I need for life and godliness. II Peter 1:3-4
I enter into deliberate worship of the three in one God. I turn my whole heart and mind to hear, to see heaven's reality. I am drawn into the throne room to be with the King, to be caught up in the over-powering influence of the Source of life. . .to have my eyes and ears adjusted so I can see and hear the sounds of heaven and get in the flow of God's activities and ways.
Through the finished work of Christ in the earth realm, He has removed the "NOs" of condemnation, rejection, of lack, of fear. In Heaven, I hear the "Yes" to all of God's promises. I am now able to add the "Amen" to it for the sake of earth receiving heaven's supply.
I find the Secret Place to be the vestibule of heaven. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I decree it because heaven declares it.
Jesus You are the "Yes" to all of my human "no's".
Give me a heart of compassion like Yours, Jesus, to forgive, to release peace and loving acceptance to those who need to know what You are prepared to do for them. Empower me to see them as You see them and embody Your love to them. They need Your love as much as I do.
I decree
. . .that the steps of a righteous woman/man are ordered by the Lord.
. . .that no weapon formed against me; my family will prosper. Isaiah 54:10-17
. . .that Your words do not return to You empty. They are accomplished as You say. Isaiah 55:11
. . .that I have been given ears to hear and can come into agreement with throne room reality.
. . .that because my Shepherd is Jesus the Christ, I lack nothing. He is my supply.
. . .that Christ covers me on every front. He prepared a table before me, even in the presence of enemies.
. ..that I have all I need to represent the Kingdom in the economy of God. I do not lack patience, love, faithfulness, endurance for righteousness sake. . .anything I need for life and godliness. II Peter 1:3-4
I enter into deliberate worship of the three in one God. I turn my whole heart and mind to hear, to see heaven's reality. I am drawn into the throne room to be with the King, to be caught up in the over-powering influence of the Source of life. . .to have my eyes and ears adjusted so I can see and hear the sounds of heaven and get in the flow of God's activities and ways.
Through the finished work of Christ in the earth realm, He has removed the "NOs" of condemnation, rejection, of lack, of fear. In Heaven, I hear the "Yes" to all of God's promises. I am now able to add the "Amen" to it for the sake of earth receiving heaven's supply.
I find the Secret Place to be the vestibule of heaven. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I decree it because heaven declares it.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
He Is Faithful In All He Does
My heart rejoices this morning in Christ my God.
For the word of the Lord is right and true.
I decree to my physical body, rejoice and rest
. . .in His overshadowing Presence,
. . .in His indwelling Presence and love.
He is faithful in all He does.
Yes Lord! I say "Yes" to You.
I decree that Your plan for me, for my family stands firm forever.
I choose the purposes of Your heart for us.
I decree and I declare with confidence born by the Spirit,
. . .that Your eyes are on me, You take notice
. . .that Your life in me delivers me from death,
. . .that You keep me alive in famine,
. . .that You Lord, are my hope and my shield,
. . .that Your unfailing love rests upon me and my family.
Psalm 33
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Abounding Grace
God is able to make all grace abound to me, so that in all things at all times, having all I need, I will abound to every good work. II Corinthians 9:8
WOW Father, what a promise! If Your servant Paul experienced this promise a reality in his life, so can I. The same Spirit of Christ that lived in him, lives in me.
Spirit logic: If God has called me to walk in Kingdom grace, will He withhold the grace supply? Of course not.
Soul, come into agreement with God's reality concerning me, concerning my children, my grandchildren, my husband. I decree to you that God's grace abounds, overflows at all times in our behalf. Grace that is not deserved by me/us but deposited in us by the finished work of Christ. Grace that supernaturally enables me /them to hear and obey, because we are one spirit with You. I trust You, Holy Spirit, to continue to show me the barriers my soul has learned to use to limit Your life in me, due to fear and wrong thinking.
I declare that I have all I need. I lack nothing with You as my Father and Shepherd. Fear and lack will not intimidate me or limit me from living as Jesus modeled and doing the things He did and wants to do through me. John 14:12.
Jesus Himself is my supply for all righteousness, therefore, my grace supply. How more abundanat could it be? Soul, let the truth of His words settle all fear and anxiety right now.
Spirit truth:
I have been made rich in every way so that I can be generous on every occassion. My generosity results in thanksgiving to God. Christ is my supply. I am graterful, for my life brings Him glory.
WOW Father, what a promise! If Your servant Paul experienced this promise a reality in his life, so can I. The same Spirit of Christ that lived in him, lives in me.
Spirit logic: If God has called me to walk in Kingdom grace, will He withhold the grace supply? Of course not.
Soul, come into agreement with God's reality concerning me, concerning my children, my grandchildren, my husband. I decree to you that God's grace abounds, overflows at all times in our behalf. Grace that is not deserved by me/us but deposited in us by the finished work of Christ. Grace that supernaturally enables me /them to hear and obey, because we are one spirit with You. I trust You, Holy Spirit, to continue to show me the barriers my soul has learned to use to limit Your life in me, due to fear and wrong thinking.
I declare that I have all I need. I lack nothing with You as my Father and Shepherd. Fear and lack will not intimidate me or limit me from living as Jesus modeled and doing the things He did and wants to do through me. John 14:12.
Jesus Himself is my supply for all righteousness, therefore, my grace supply. How more abundanat could it be? Soul, let the truth of His words settle all fear and anxiety right now.
Spirit truth:
I have been made rich in every way so that I can be generous on every occassion. My generosity results in thanksgiving to God. Christ is my supply. I am graterful, for my life brings Him glory.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Kings and Priests Unto Him
This is a description of the generation of sons/daughters of those who seek the Lord. . .inquire of Him. . .require Him of necessity. . .seeking His face more than seeking His hand.
They go up into the mountain of the Lord.
They search out the secret place of intimacy.
They stand in His holy place and commune until their soul overflows with joy.
They lift up their heads and fling wide their doors.
They stand in His delegated authority to declare what He declares: a blessing of restoration.
They are called kings and priests unto God. Kings that properly represent the King's heart. Priests that represent family & friends in the courts of the Lord as happy, joy-filled intercessors.
I decree and I declare
. . .that You, Father, do grant ( a son/daughter, mate, friend) supernatural ability and endurance to fight the good fight of faith and surrender to Your way, according to Your purposes.
. . .that I am qualified to share in the inheritance of Jesus through what He has done, not what I have done..
. . .that I am reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. There is no condemnation against my account.
. . .that I am growing to maturity (as a true son/daughter) with authority to speak His decrees in the earth.
. . .that I am firmly rooted, built up, established in love and faith, adequate for all I will face this day.
Thank you Father, You have not left me as an orphan. Nor am I under pressure to prove my worth. I hide myself in Christ and relax in Your love.
I decree that as an ambassador of Christ,
. . .I am anointed to love, to be a blessing.
. . .I am a steward of great wealth.
. . .I will never lack any good thing from my Father.
. . .I have a purpose and assignment to fulfill. My times are in Your hands.
. . .You cause me to know what I need to know, to understand Your heart and thoughts.
I declare with thanksgiving
. . .that You Father, equipt me/them with ideas and motivation, and strategies for Kingdom demonstration.
. . .that You represent me/them in the heavenly realm, so as to be effective in this earthly realm.
. . .that You give me/them authority to recognize and expose satan's tactics and to overcome his plans to steal, kill and to destroy.
I decree and I loudly declare that no weapon formed against me/them will prosper. If You are for me, who and what can prosper againt me? You are the one who promised to cause all things that concern me to work for my future gain and Your eternal glory.
I decree and agree with Your Word
. . .that Your blessing flows in and through me.
. . .that Your favor rests on me.
. . .that Your healing, restoring life is in me.
. . .that healing and restoring love flows through me/them to do the same works Jesus did, because He said that I should, and to speak His life-giving words to heal the heart.
. . .that I am anointed to speak His life-giving words only. No place for complaining, criticizing, negative talk about myself or others.
The Covenant written in the blood of Jesus Christ is complete. I want to experience it fully. I choose to go places past generations did not think they could. We are not even scratching the surface of the abundance Christ died to give us while in this realm of earth. Lord, open eyes, open heart. Teach me how to live as a king and a priest unto You in my generation.
They go up into the mountain of the Lord.
They search out the secret place of intimacy.
They stand in His holy place and commune until their soul overflows with joy.
They lift up their heads and fling wide their doors.
They stand in His delegated authority to declare what He declares: a blessing of restoration.
They are called kings and priests unto God. Kings that properly represent the King's heart. Priests that represent family & friends in the courts of the Lord as happy, joy-filled intercessors.
I decree and I declare
. . .that You, Father, do grant ( a son/daughter, mate, friend) supernatural ability and endurance to fight the good fight of faith and surrender to Your way, according to Your purposes.
. . .that I am qualified to share in the inheritance of Jesus through what He has done, not what I have done..
. . .that I am reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. There is no condemnation against my account.
. . .that I am growing to maturity (as a true son/daughter) with authority to speak His decrees in the earth.
. . .that I am firmly rooted, built up, established in love and faith, adequate for all I will face this day.
Thank you Father, You have not left me as an orphan. Nor am I under pressure to prove my worth. I hide myself in Christ and relax in Your love.
I decree that as an ambassador of Christ,
. . .I am anointed to love, to be a blessing.
. . .I am a steward of great wealth.
. . .I will never lack any good thing from my Father.
. . .I have a purpose and assignment to fulfill. My times are in Your hands.
. . .You cause me to know what I need to know, to understand Your heart and thoughts.
I declare with thanksgiving
. . .that You Father, equipt me/them with ideas and motivation, and strategies for Kingdom demonstration.
. . .that You represent me/them in the heavenly realm, so as to be effective in this earthly realm.
. . .that You give me/them authority to recognize and expose satan's tactics and to overcome his plans to steal, kill and to destroy.
I decree and I loudly declare that no weapon formed against me/them will prosper. If You are for me, who and what can prosper againt me? You are the one who promised to cause all things that concern me to work for my future gain and Your eternal glory.
I decree and agree with Your Word
. . .that Your blessing flows in and through me.
. . .that Your favor rests on me.
. . .that Your healing, restoring life is in me.
. . .that healing and restoring love flows through me/them to do the same works Jesus did, because He said that I should, and to speak His life-giving words to heal the heart.
. . .that I am anointed to speak His life-giving words only. No place for complaining, criticizing, negative talk about myself or others.
The Covenant written in the blood of Jesus Christ is complete. I want to experience it fully. I choose to go places past generations did not think they could. We are not even scratching the surface of the abundance Christ died to give us while in this realm of earth. Lord, open eyes, open heart. Teach me how to live as a king and a priest unto You in my generation.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Shepherding Love
My heart always responds with gratitude when I think of my Shepherd. I declare to my soul that the Lord's shepherding skills are so adequate that I lack nothing. His provision is there for me before I know that I need.
In my time of need I declare, You, Lord Jesus, are my personal shepherd.
There is no lack or shortage. You are all I need, all is provided in You.
You feed, guide, shield me.
You cause me to prosper and be at peace.
Your presence keeps me steady.
You restore and refresh my life continually.
I choose to walk into Your wholeness and rest.
You do all these things as Shepherd for Your own name's sake. It is who You are. You do not chose to bless one and ignore another. I could never be a sheep good enough to deserve Your love and favor. I am so aware of my imperfections and things I just do not like about myself, yet my heart is continually being drawn to You. In Your presence I feel affirmed and know that the same love I feel from You is how You feel about everyone else that inhabits the planet.
You are with me always, so that when I walk through valleys that threaten me with death, humiliation, shame, disfavor and rejection, I can keep walking without fear and dread. Let no sin rule over me or hide Your face from me. (Sin is fear, unforgiveness, resentment, criticism, judgement). I choose to live by Your life and to be kept on the path of love and inner freedom by discerning Your voice to me.
I decree all of the Shepherd's purposes for me are alive and being activated.
I declare to my soul, let go of the negative thoughts that are producing stress response in my body.
I decree, Christ's present risenness is my reality. Fear not Soul, for He is with you.
Because I am in Your presence. . .
Your rod protects me
Your staff guides me
I am comforted and sustained
I am able to relax in Your care
I am empowered to see the table prepared, the oil anointing my head, the cup that is brimming over.
I am filled with gratitude. . it explodes from within.
Only goodness and extravagant mercy, unfailing kindness and love follow me all the days of my life.
Surely, as my Shepherd promised, I dwell in His presence now and forever. He meets me in the secret place for I have made my choice to life my life from His perspective.
In my time of need I declare, You, Lord Jesus, are my personal shepherd.
There is no lack or shortage. You are all I need, all is provided in You.
You feed, guide, shield me.
You cause me to prosper and be at peace.
Your presence keeps me steady.
You restore and refresh my life continually.
I choose to walk into Your wholeness and rest.
You do all these things as Shepherd for Your own name's sake. It is who You are. You do not chose to bless one and ignore another. I could never be a sheep good enough to deserve Your love and favor. I am so aware of my imperfections and things I just do not like about myself, yet my heart is continually being drawn to You. In Your presence I feel affirmed and know that the same love I feel from You is how You feel about everyone else that inhabits the planet.
You are with me always, so that when I walk through valleys that threaten me with death, humiliation, shame, disfavor and rejection, I can keep walking without fear and dread. Let no sin rule over me or hide Your face from me. (Sin is fear, unforgiveness, resentment, criticism, judgement). I choose to live by Your life and to be kept on the path of love and inner freedom by discerning Your voice to me.
I decree all of the Shepherd's purposes for me are alive and being activated.
I declare to my soul, let go of the negative thoughts that are producing stress response in my body.
I decree, Christ's present risenness is my reality. Fear not Soul, for He is with you.
Because I am in Your presence. . .
Your rod protects me
Your staff guides me
I am comforted and sustained
I am able to relax in Your care
I am empowered to see the table prepared, the oil anointing my head, the cup that is brimming over.
I am filled with gratitude. . it explodes from within.
Only goodness and extravagant mercy, unfailing kindness and love follow me all the days of my life.
Surely, as my Shepherd promised, I dwell in His presence now and forever. He meets me in the secret place for I have made my choice to life my life from His perspective.
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Sheltering Place of The Almighty
Can a secret place dweller expect to be sheltered by the Most High in these turbulent times? Lord I am looking to You. Talk to me!
Does this mean I will be spared challenges, storms, adversity or tribulation? I don't think so.
King David was certain that the Lord saves, is faithful to keep His promises and that Psalm 91 was his reality for a lifetime. You see his affirmations of these promises and provisions throughout His praise songs to the Lord.
"The person who dwells in the secret place or shelter of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
I choose You, Most Hight God, a place to call HOME. . . to be sheltered. . .a place of great delight.
I find Your welcoming embrace, I feel honored and valued, I belong.
I enjoy companionship in the secret place that empowers me to love myself and risk loving others.
The best part is that I don't ever leave Your presence, as to go out and come in to the secret place. Since You are everywhere and there is no place you are not, my choice is to acknowledge Your presence with me. This is especially important during the storm, the challenges, the tribulations. Every time I turn my attention and affection to You, I experience comfort, security, and peacefulness. Your voice provides wisdom, instructions, warnings, guidance away from the devil's false attractions and his lies. Your presence makes the difference.
Your presence makes all the difference and adds a dimension many do not experience.
Oh yes, much more. You call me with arms open.
"Come in. .come near. . come to be with Me. I will walk with you. , do life with you. . .never leave you. . .never take My eyes off of you. I am your covenant partner. I am with you also in troubled times. I set you on high, because you intimately know Me and because you have set your love upon Me" Read Psalm 91:14-16
"I know your name, I know your every thought. I see each tear that falls. I am here when you call. Trun to Me. I shelter you. Listen to Me, for My words are life giving, healing, empowering, instructional, encouraging. I will help you around all the barriers to My love that life throws at you. You do not need to live under stress that destroys. Relax and trust My shepherding skills. My plans for you are for good, to give you a hope and a future."
GLORY! I am not alone. . .not a victim. . . not an orphan. My Father is the Most High God, the Almighty. He throws the shadow of His Presence over me. I visit friends, clean house, shop, work, sleep under His protection, provision and Presence. We do life together.
Does this mean I will be spared challenges, storms, adversity or tribulation? I don't think so.
King David was certain that the Lord saves, is faithful to keep His promises and that Psalm 91 was his reality for a lifetime. You see his affirmations of these promises and provisions throughout His praise songs to the Lord.
"The person who dwells in the secret place or shelter of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
I choose You, Most Hight God, a place to call HOME. . . to be sheltered. . .a place of great delight.
I find Your welcoming embrace, I feel honored and valued, I belong.
I enjoy companionship in the secret place that empowers me to love myself and risk loving others.
The best part is that I don't ever leave Your presence, as to go out and come in to the secret place. Since You are everywhere and there is no place you are not, my choice is to acknowledge Your presence with me. This is especially important during the storm, the challenges, the tribulations. Every time I turn my attention and affection to You, I experience comfort, security, and peacefulness. Your voice provides wisdom, instructions, warnings, guidance away from the devil's false attractions and his lies. Your presence makes the difference.
Your presence makes all the difference and adds a dimension many do not experience.
Oh yes, much more. You call me with arms open.
"Come in. .come near. . come to be with Me. I will walk with you. , do life with you. . .never leave you. . .never take My eyes off of you. I am your covenant partner. I am with you also in troubled times. I set you on high, because you intimately know Me and because you have set your love upon Me" Read Psalm 91:14-16
"I know your name, I know your every thought. I see each tear that falls. I am here when you call. Trun to Me. I shelter you. Listen to Me, for My words are life giving, healing, empowering, instructional, encouraging. I will help you around all the barriers to My love that life throws at you. You do not need to live under stress that destroys. Relax and trust My shepherding skills. My plans for you are for good, to give you a hope and a future."
GLORY! I am not alone. . .not a victim. . . not an orphan. My Father is the Most High God, the Almighty. He throws the shadow of His Presence over me. I visit friends, clean house, shop, work, sleep under His protection, provision and Presence. We do life together.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
You Are My Desire
In Psalm 20:4-5 David assures me that You, Lord, do save Your anointed. David may well have meant both himself as anointed king over Israel and most surely could refer to Jesus the anointed of God unto salvation. But since Jesus the Anointed is in me, I confidently take all these assurances of God's saving work personally. Read all of these benefits. Verse 4 & 5 spoke to me this morning.
I trust You, Lord to grant me according to my hearts desire and fulfill completely my purpose. You are my heart's desire. All other things flow out of You and Your purposes.
. . . .So let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You.
. . . .I flow with Your heart and Your ways.
. . . .You are my heart's desire. . to be with You and enjoy You forever.
I declare Lord, I shout and rejoice in triumph at Your salvation and victory over all that separates You from me and me from You.
Your righteous justice demands death and eternal separation. But You satisfied Your justice at Your own expense so I could enter into Your righteousness and be with You forever. What a marvel! Stop and meditate. God actually wants me to know Him, not just about Him.
I decree to my soul, Christ the anointed One has come to dwell in and with me to love me to wholeness. Soul, listen intentionally and co-operate with every word He says, for He is your life.
You, Triune God, continually remove the barriers I have set up to protect myself. Continue to remove the lies that make me suspicious of Your goodness. Your superior power and wisdom and incomparable intelligence are awe inspiring. I am safe in the shadow of Your wings.
I trust You, Lord to grant me according to my hearts desire and fulfill completely my purpose. You are my heart's desire. All other things flow out of You and Your purposes.
. . . .So let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You.
. . . .I flow with Your heart and Your ways.
. . . .You are my heart's desire. . to be with You and enjoy You forever.
I declare Lord, I shout and rejoice in triumph at Your salvation and victory over all that separates You from me and me from You.
Your righteous justice demands death and eternal separation. But You satisfied Your justice at Your own expense so I could enter into Your righteousness and be with You forever. What a marvel! Stop and meditate. God actually wants me to know Him, not just about Him.
I decree to my soul, Christ the anointed One has come to dwell in and with me to love me to wholeness. Soul, listen intentionally and co-operate with every word He says, for He is your life.
You, Triune God, continually remove the barriers I have set up to protect myself. Continue to remove the lies that make me suspicious of Your goodness. Your superior power and wisdom and incomparable intelligence are awe inspiring. I am safe in the shadow of Your wings.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Standing Firm
"Now it is God, who makes the sons/dughters stand firm in Christ." II Corinthians 1:21
Therefore, I confidently declare, My husband, sons, daughters, grandchildren do stand firm in Christ. It is God who makes them stand, makes me stand.
My security is in what God will do, not in their strength and perseverance, or wisdom and right thinking. God is able to clear the cob webs, remove the barriers, motivate, give clear vision and understanding. As Corrie Ten Boom has said, "There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still."
I decree, according to God's Word and character. . .
. . .that Tal and I do stand firm in Christ.
. . .that each one in my family, do stand firm in Christ.
I declare that our ability to stand firm is God's promise. No weapon formed against us can prosper. The gates of hell can not prevail against one hidden in Christ. All His promises are "Yes" and I add the "Amen". If God be for us, who can be against us? Therefore I take my stand in agreement with the God who calls those things that be not, as though they are. The rest is up to Him.
I say yes to the power of Christ to heal, deliver, transform our natural to His supernatural, to break through the deception and the stuck places. We are not victims or orphans. We are son/daughters of the King who reigns eternal. AMEN
Therefore, I confidently declare, My husband, sons, daughters, grandchildren do stand firm in Christ. It is God who makes them stand, makes me stand.
My security is in what God will do, not in their strength and perseverance, or wisdom and right thinking. God is able to clear the cob webs, remove the barriers, motivate, give clear vision and understanding. As Corrie Ten Boom has said, "There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still."
I decree, according to God's Word and character. . .
. . .that Tal and I do stand firm in Christ.
. . .that each one in my family, do stand firm in Christ.
I declare that our ability to stand firm is God's promise. No weapon formed against us can prosper. The gates of hell can not prevail against one hidden in Christ. All His promises are "Yes" and I add the "Amen". If God be for us, who can be against us? Therefore I take my stand in agreement with the God who calls those things that be not, as though they are. The rest is up to Him.
I say yes to the power of Christ to heal, deliver, transform our natural to His supernatural, to break through the deception and the stuck places. We are not victims or orphans. We are son/daughters of the King who reigns eternal. AMEN
Friday, June 8, 2012
Rest - Relax - Relinquish
Body rejoice! You are in the presence of Jesus. Rest - Relax - Relinquish
Disease . . . .be brought to ease.
Disorder . . .be ordered to God's order and design.
Darkness . . be gone. Let light shine in all my darkness. Expose the hidden things to your healing light.
In order for the above to happen, I ask You to deal redemptively
. . with the fear that keeps me stuck,
. . keeps me tormented and limited.
I need grace to let go of offenses,
to trust rather than control,
to risk loving others without an agenda,
to awaken to joy for all Your benefits.
I have the confidence to move forward with You, Lord.
Therefore, I decree to my soul,
. .the Lord provides internal and external evidence of Spirit activity with Kingdom dimensions.
. .The Lord empowers private victories for internal integrity and external validation.
. .The Lord's favor is on my life for His name's sake.
My priority for life is not service or performance.
My priority is to ever enjoy my Lord, to let Him love me to wholeness.
It is out of this rich love relationship and intimate knowing that I am empowered to love others and make a worthy contribution to the Kingdom.
I now ask You to see my children; each one of them. . and grandchildren. I declare that they have been given by You, all they need to live a successful life, giving evidence of Your faithfulness, lacking nothing. You are at work in them unto wholeness, spirit, soul, and body.
You are Shepherd, they lack nothing.
You are Father, their hearts are nurtured to wholeness.
Disease . . . .be brought to ease.
Disorder . . .be ordered to God's order and design.
Darkness . . be gone. Let light shine in all my darkness. Expose the hidden things to your healing light.
In order for the above to happen, I ask You to deal redemptively
. . with the fear that keeps me stuck,
. . keeps me tormented and limited.
I need grace to let go of offenses,
to trust rather than control,
to risk loving others without an agenda,
to awaken to joy for all Your benefits.
I have the confidence to move forward with You, Lord.
Therefore, I decree to my soul,
. .the Lord provides internal and external evidence of Spirit activity with Kingdom dimensions.
. .The Lord empowers private victories for internal integrity and external validation.
. .The Lord's favor is on my life for His name's sake.
My priority for life is not service or performance.
My priority is to ever enjoy my Lord, to let Him love me to wholeness.
It is out of this rich love relationship and intimate knowing that I am empowered to love others and make a worthy contribution to the Kingdom.
I now ask You to see my children; each one of them. . and grandchildren. I declare that they have been given by You, all they need to live a successful life, giving evidence of Your faithfulness, lacking nothing. You are at work in them unto wholeness, spirit, soul, and body.
You are Shepherd, they lack nothing.
You are Father, their hearts are nurtured to wholeness.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Sovereign, Worthy, Wonderful
Read Psalm 33:1-12 What the Lord says is true, is right, is good.
You Lord, are faithful in all You do. I choose to believe what You say rather than my feelings about it. My thoughts have such strong feelings attached. There is great temptation to believe my perspective rather than Yours. But You taught me that what is true in heaven is to be spoken in authority so it will manifest in the earth. I hate to think of what my fear thoughts would produce in me and my family.
Open the eyes of Your redeemed ones in all nations to see You as You are - sovereign and worthy and wonderful. You have a plan for this creation. Your purposes are good and they will never be thwarted by man or demons.
I decree and declare that the plans and puposes of God do carry me through my life. I have surrendered my body, my mind and my will to Him. Christ is enthroned in me and reigns over all that concerns me.
As Christ sees me from heaven's perspective, so let it be done now in the earth.
I declare that the three-in-one God is able to bring me from where He found me, to where He wants me to be. Nothing is too hard for You.
If the creator of the human heart looks and sees everything and considers everything man does, surely His eyes are on those who reverence Him and trust in His mercy and grace.
Therefore I declare that Your eyes are on this child, on this family,
to deliver us from death, from personal corruption and this world system.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
You Mean What You Say
Davaid says in Psalms 34, "A righteous man may have many troubles, but when he/she looks to the One who is Lord, he/she is delivered from all of them.
I declare that Your unfailing love does rest upon me.
Shame and condemnation will not cover my face.
I decree according to the word of the Lord, that the angel of the Lord encamps around me and around each of my family members to deliver them in troubled times.
I decree and I declare that we lack no good thing.
You Lord are Jehovah Jireh.
You are a good Father.
Your eyes are on this child.
You are attentive to me and You hear me when I call.
I may yet face many troubles, but You Father God, do deliver me from all of them.
You Christ Jesus, are the "yes" to all of Your promises. I speak the "Amen" in resonse.
You are God and You mean what You say. You say what You mean.
I declare that Your unfailing love does rest upon me.
Shame and condemnation will not cover my face.
I decree according to the word of the Lord, that the angel of the Lord encamps around me and around each of my family members to deliver them in troubled times.
I decree and I declare that we lack no good thing.
You Lord are Jehovah Jireh.
You are a good Father.
Your eyes are on this child.
You are attentive to me and You hear me when I call.
I may yet face many troubles, but You Father God, do deliver me from all of them.
You Christ Jesus, are the "yes" to all of Your promises. I speak the "Amen" in resonse.
You are God and You mean what You say. You say what You mean.
Monday, June 4, 2012
I degree and declare that for me, Pslam 28:6-9 is my reality.
Oh, Lord my God, Your heart is compassionate and Your character is unquestionable.
You are giving and nurturing. Therefore I declare that
. .You are worthy to be trusted and my praise of You is well founded.
. .You always hear my cry for mercy, for love, for affirmation of belonging.
. .You are always doing me good and working for my highest good. That glorifies You.
I declare that You, Lord Jesus, do strengthen me and shield me.
My heart trusts in You and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy, knowing You are with me.
I decree to my soul. . .the strengthening Presence of Jesus is with me now.
. .that I am being saved on every level because that is what You do.
. .that You are a fortress of salvation around me.
. .that You bless Your inheritance forever.
I declare to my soul. . .rejoice and embrace Your Shepherd who carries you forever.
Oh, Lord my God, Your heart is compassionate and Your character is unquestionable.
You are giving and nurturing. Therefore I declare that
. .You are worthy to be trusted and my praise of You is well founded.
. .You always hear my cry for mercy, for love, for affirmation of belonging.
. .You are always doing me good and working for my highest good. That glorifies You.
I declare that You, Lord Jesus, do strengthen me and shield me.
My heart trusts in You and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy, knowing You are with me.
I decree to my soul. . .the strengthening Presence of Jesus is with me now.
. .that I am being saved on every level because that is what You do.
. .that You are a fortress of salvation around me.
. .that You bless Your inheritance forever.
I declare to my soul. . .rejoice and embrace Your Shepherd who carries you forever.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Joyful Intercessor
There is no doubt God expects us to trust Him and not allow fear to hinder our obedience and torment us in life. In Numbers 14:11 God says to Moses, "How long will this people provoke Me by turning away and refusing to believe, trust and cling to Me?" Moses interceeds and I have taken up his reasoning to strengthen my faith. Both he and Abraham used this with God and I think He approved.
"What will the Egyptians and all unbelievers think of You Lord, when they hear that You could not bring Your people out, when You could not fulfill Your purposes. I know we are a stiff-necked people, and driven by fear and we provoke You with our unbelief. But You are greater still."
People have heard that You are in our midst,
. .that we are Your people
. .that You are mighty in our behalf
. .that You speak to us heart to heart
. .that Your cloud of protection is over us
. .that You are a mighty deliveror and provider
. .that You are the best covenant partner ever.
I have a covenant signed in the blood of Jesus as my garuntee.
Now if You do not deliver, our enemies will say, "because the Lord was not able to bring His people into the provisions He promised. . .that is why He has killed them in the wilderness."
But Father, I believe You will do what You say.
I will contend for Your highest willingness in this situation. I will come into rest. How will my children know that You are with us, that you are a covenant keeping God , that all of Your promises are "Yes" if I cave in to this suffocating fear?
Fawn with the big guys.
My thoughts are producing great heaving waves of heaviness and I have lost my desire for food, I will meet with You so as to see and hear you Worship will calm the storm inside so I can see and hear You. I so need to feel Your arms enfold me and get in touch with Your fathering heart.
Hallowed Father, as it is in heaven, so let it be here in me.
"What will the Egyptians and all unbelievers think of You Lord, when they hear that You could not bring Your people out, when You could not fulfill Your purposes. I know we are a stiff-necked people, and driven by fear and we provoke You with our unbelief. But You are greater still."
People have heard that You are in our midst,
. .that we are Your people
. .that You are mighty in our behalf
. .that You speak to us heart to heart
. .that Your cloud of protection is over us
. .that You are a mighty deliveror and provider
. .that You are the best covenant partner ever.
I have a covenant signed in the blood of Jesus as my garuntee.
Now if You do not deliver, our enemies will say, "because the Lord was not able to bring His people into the provisions He promised. . .that is why He has killed them in the wilderness."
But Father, I believe You will do what You say.
I will contend for Your highest willingness in this situation. I will come into rest. How will my children know that You are with us, that you are a covenant keeping God , that all of Your promises are "Yes" if I cave in to this suffocating fear?
Fawn with the big guys.
My thoughts are producing great heaving waves of heaviness and I have lost my desire for food, I will meet with You so as to see and hear you Worship will calm the storm inside so I can see and hear You. I so need to feel Your arms enfold me and get in touch with Your fathering heart.
Hallowed Father, as it is in heaven, so let it be here in me.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
"My God, why have You forsaken Me? Why are You so far from helping Me, and from the words of my groanings?"
The picture of damaging hail that shredded my hostas and other Spring folage represents the storms that can overtake us when we least expect it.
In Psalm 22, David expresses the feelings of being forsaken by God. We can be so cast down in the midst of the battle that we allow fear and unbelief to make us speak words that agree with the enemy. Even Jesus on the cross expressed this torment of soul. "Why have You forsaken me?"
Perhaps you feel that God has forsaken you. That He has refused to save you because you are struggling with fear. You feel that He has turned a deaf ear to your groanings. Remember that feelings are not reliable when representing the truth from heaven's perspective. If you stay in unbelief, you will bring about that which you fear. Fear has torment, and torment forces foolish actions and creates dis-ease if lleft to take it's course.
Because Jesus took my place and triumphed over everything I fear, I can confidently declare:
Oh hallowed Father,
. . You have not forsaken me or my family.
. . You have not refused to save me.
. . You hear and You care about my groanings.
I cry out to you during the day and You answer, You hold me together.
At night You continue to speak and You comfort me by reminding me of Your faithfulness.
I turn my thoughts to worship the God who calls the dead to live and those things that be not as though they are.
I remember that You are who You say You are and can do what You said You can do.
Therefore I will make my confessions agree with You. I will keep my mind/thoughts stayed on You so I can be steadied by Your peace and co-operate as You work in my situation to perform the things You promised.
Your highest willingness is what I want to discover and lock on to.
Therefore, I decree to my soul and body,
. . Jesus is the "Yes" for all you need. Take His peace. Come into His rest because He is faithful.
. .Put a smile on your face and celebrate who you are in Christ Jesus.
. .Soul, you can do what He said you can do.
I decree to my soul,
. .you are not a pauper who begs for crumbs from the King's table.
. .you are not an orphan, hoping the Father will make you a hired servant so you can keep body and soul together a few more years.
. .soul, you are a son/daughter in the Father's house, who said all He has is yours. Cultivate the awareness of royalty.
Think about, ponder what the Almighty can do, meditate on the goodness and greatness, intelligence and unconditional love of the Father.
As it is in Father's house, so let it be done on earth for His name sake.
The picture of damaging hail that shredded my hostas and other Spring folage represents the storms that can overtake us when we least expect it.
In Psalm 22, David expresses the feelings of being forsaken by God. We can be so cast down in the midst of the battle that we allow fear and unbelief to make us speak words that agree with the enemy. Even Jesus on the cross expressed this torment of soul. "Why have You forsaken me?"
Perhaps you feel that God has forsaken you. That He has refused to save you because you are struggling with fear. You feel that He has turned a deaf ear to your groanings. Remember that feelings are not reliable when representing the truth from heaven's perspective. If you stay in unbelief, you will bring about that which you fear. Fear has torment, and torment forces foolish actions and creates dis-ease if lleft to take it's course.
Because Jesus took my place and triumphed over everything I fear, I can confidently declare:
Oh hallowed Father,
. . You have not forsaken me or my family.
. . You have not refused to save me.
. . You hear and You care about my groanings.
I cry out to you during the day and You answer, You hold me together.
At night You continue to speak and You comfort me by reminding me of Your faithfulness.
I turn my thoughts to worship the God who calls the dead to live and those things that be not as though they are.
I remember that You are who You say You are and can do what You said You can do.
Therefore I will make my confessions agree with You. I will keep my mind/thoughts stayed on You so I can be steadied by Your peace and co-operate as You work in my situation to perform the things You promised.
Your highest willingness is what I want to discover and lock on to.
Therefore, I decree to my soul and body,
. . Jesus is the "Yes" for all you need. Take His peace. Come into His rest because He is faithful.
. .Put a smile on your face and celebrate who you are in Christ Jesus.
. .Soul, you can do what He said you can do.
I decree to my soul,
. .you are not a pauper who begs for crumbs from the King's table.
. .you are not an orphan, hoping the Father will make you a hired servant so you can keep body and soul together a few more years.
. .soul, you are a son/daughter in the Father's house, who said all He has is yours. Cultivate the awareness of royalty.
Think about, ponder what the Almighty can do, meditate on the goodness and greatness, intelligence and unconditional love of the Father.
As it is in Father's house, so let it be done on earth for His name sake.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Christ, The eternal "Yes"
Jesus Christ was not "Yes" and "No". In Him it has always been "Yes"! And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us, the redeemed. All to the glory of God. II Corinthians 1:19-20
God my Father is trustworthy. He means what He says. I can build my life on it. But I must come into agreement with what He says. I can not afford to allow fear to dictate my words, for then I am drawn away from His "Yes" and create the human "No" that contradicts Him. Know what the Word says so I can speak the divine "Yes" of God's promises to every human "No".
E. Stanly Jones said, "Christ became the human "No" on the cross. His resurrection becomes the eternal "Yes". . . .
. . .to know the Father heart of God toward me and enjoy Him forever.
. . .to life more abundant, beyond what this world has to offer in possessions and position.
. . .to escape from the corruptipon of this world by the power of the in-dwelling Presence.
. . .to all I need for life and godliness.
. . .to forgiveness, restoration, recovery of living faith.
. . .to kingdom purpose and productivity.
. . .to a life testimony that honors Christ.
God does not say "Yes" to some of His promises, and "No" to others. He said to Jesus, who walked in obedience and love, "Yes! You are My beloved. In you, I am well pleased". I am in Christ and I hear His "Yes" to me. I pronounce the "Amen" to all you have promised.
As it is in Heaven, so let it be on earth in my situation and it concerns me and my family.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Be filled with the Spirit of God. Ephesians 5:18
Spirit/Soul, soak in the life giving energy of God. Marinate to saturation in His presence.
Holy Spirit, baptize me. . .inside and out. . . above and beneath. . empowered to walk Your new way.
Holy Spirit, be consuming fire in me. . .melting away all fleshly resistence to Your voice. .removing hay, wood and stubble. . . making me pliable to be molded for usefulness.
I decree. . .let the sons of God be revealed in this generation! Awakened to the Father.
As it is in heaven, so let it be on earth in me. .in the people of God!
. . all pride is smashed in me.
. .all hardness of heart is broken.
. .all bitterness is rooted out of me.
. .all fear and unbelief is replaced by living faith. The kind that brings forth the Kingdom in hearts.
I declare with Jesus, that the Kingdom of God is already here and I can make a draw on it for my present reality. Therefore, I choose to speak those things that be not as though they are, so they will become what He has already provided.
I overflow with grace. Grace and mercy follow me all the days of my life.
I walk in the favor of God. He is always working for my highest good for His glory.
I pour forth living water. Out of my innermost being flows rivers of water.
I exude joy, creativity, enthusiasm, because Jesus has showed me who the Father/Creator is.
I pray without ceasing. I am constantly aware that He is with me wanting to do life with me.
I am living God's promised abundant life.
If you are feeling otherswise, your main focus has shifted to the cares of this world. Recalculate!
Spirit/Soul, soak in the life giving energy of God. Marinate to saturation in His presence.
Holy Spirit, baptize me. . .inside and out. . . above and beneath. . empowered to walk Your new way.
Holy Spirit, be consuming fire in me. . .melting away all fleshly resistence to Your voice. .removing hay, wood and stubble. . . making me pliable to be molded for usefulness.
I decree. . .let the sons of God be revealed in this generation! Awakened to the Father.
As it is in heaven, so let it be on earth in me. .in the people of God!
. . all pride is smashed in me.
. .all hardness of heart is broken.
. .all bitterness is rooted out of me.
. .all fear and unbelief is replaced by living faith. The kind that brings forth the Kingdom in hearts.
I declare with Jesus, that the Kingdom of God is already here and I can make a draw on it for my present reality. Therefore, I choose to speak those things that be not as though they are, so they will become what He has already provided.
I overflow with grace. Grace and mercy follow me all the days of my life.
I walk in the favor of God. He is always working for my highest good for His glory.
I pour forth living water. Out of my innermost being flows rivers of water.
I exude joy, creativity, enthusiasm, because Jesus has showed me who the Father/Creator is.
I pray without ceasing. I am constantly aware that He is with me wanting to do life with me.
I am living God's promised abundant life.
If you are feeling otherswise, your main focus has shifted to the cares of this world. Recalculate!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Fragrance of Christ
Thanks be to God! He always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ Jesus. He continually manifests through us the knowledge and fragrance of Christ. He diffuses the fragrance of Christ as a sweet perfune, an aroma of life. 11 Cor.2:14
Blow through me Spirit of the Living God, as Your breeze blows through the Lavander to release it's calming and healing fragrance.
I am to You, like a diffuser of precious, essential oils. Keep me saturated, down to the cell level. My life aura radiates Christ on an energetic level too.
Shine Jesus! Shine.
I declare that I am. . .and my family is. . .being led in the triumphal procession of Jesus Christ:
.. over the curse of His broken law.
. .over the deceiptful attraction of earthly things.
. .over the lies that parade as truth in my inward parts.
. .over the wounds that create barriers to life of the Spirit.
I decree to my soul . .repentance is God's gift of pruning. It is easy to repent when the Spirit of holiness exposes the works of the flesh in me.
I bow the knee to no other name - there is no other name given among men whereby we find salvation and soul satisfaction. I refuse to bow the knee to fear, self-pity, resentment, to self-hatred.
Bloom children, bloom where He plants you. Agree with the Master Gardener about the weeds that rob you of the nourishment needed to flourish.
Blow through me Spirit of the Living God, as Your breeze blows through the Lavander to release it's calming and healing fragrance.
I am to You, like a diffuser of precious, essential oils. Keep me saturated, down to the cell level. My life aura radiates Christ on an energetic level too.
Shine Jesus! Shine.
I declare that I am. . .and my family is. . .being led in the triumphal procession of Jesus Christ:
.. over the curse of His broken law.
. .over the deceiptful attraction of earthly things.
. .over the lies that parade as truth in my inward parts.
. .over the wounds that create barriers to life of the Spirit.
I decree to my soul . .repentance is God's gift of pruning. It is easy to repent when the Spirit of holiness exposes the works of the flesh in me.
I bow the knee to no other name - there is no other name given among men whereby we find salvation and soul satisfaction. I refuse to bow the knee to fear, self-pity, resentment, to self-hatred.
Bloom children, bloom where He plants you. Agree with the Master Gardener about the weeds that rob you of the nourishment needed to flourish.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
If God is for me, who can be against me?
What am I afraid of? Why is my soul so troubled within me? What happened to the peace He gave me? Has my heavenly Father changed His mind or His heart toward me?
Almighty God, Creator is my shepherd. yes! and He is for me. Who or what can prevail against me?
Has He promised to protect me?
Has He promised to provide for me?
Has He promised to be with me? Never abandon me.
Yes! and He has drawn me into the love relationship with Him.
He has empowered me to go love His world, partnering with Him.
If God is for me, then I walk in His favor.
Tribulation, adversity disappointment, storms will come, but since I walk in favor, I triumph over the effects of the curse.
I declare in agreement with the truth of God's word. . .I walk in favor with God and man. The favor of God as a banner, a mantle. . .the overshadowing Presence. The favor covers my family.
I declare. . .as I see, as I hear in the inner heart of intimacy with my Abba, so I say to the broken places of my world. . .so I repeat to the broken, hurting places in me. . .in my family members.
Storm, be still. . .fear, turn loose. . .lies and deception, be exposed. . .peace, return
Be healed. . .be restored. . .be replentished
Turn your eyes away to look full in His face. Meditate on the truths presented in Romans 8 and come into agreement with the Holy Spirit who communicates with you, heart to heart.
What am I afraid of? Why is my soul so troubled within me? What happened to the peace He gave me? Has my heavenly Father changed His mind or His heart toward me?
Almighty God, Creator is my shepherd. yes! and He is for me. Who or what can prevail against me?
Has He promised to protect me?
Has He promised to provide for me?
Has He promised to be with me? Never abandon me.
Yes! and He has drawn me into the love relationship with Him.
He has empowered me to go love His world, partnering with Him.
If God is for me, then I walk in His favor.
Tribulation, adversity disappointment, storms will come, but since I walk in favor, I triumph over the effects of the curse.
I declare in agreement with the truth of God's word. . .I walk in favor with God and man. The favor of God as a banner, a mantle. . .the overshadowing Presence. The favor covers my family.
I declare. . .as I see, as I hear in the inner heart of intimacy with my Abba, so I say to the broken places of my world. . .so I repeat to the broken, hurting places in me. . .in my family members.
Storm, be still. . .fear, turn loose. . .lies and deception, be exposed. . .peace, return
Be healed. . .be restored. . .be replentished
Turn your eyes away to look full in His face. Meditate on the truths presented in Romans 8 and come into agreement with the Holy Spirit who communicates with you, heart to heart.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
As It Is In Heaven
I plan to begin posting what I have been writting the past 6 months. I have titled this series AS IT IS IN HEAVEN because Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Christianity is not a religion of doctrinal truth and righeous activity designed to gain the favor of God. It is a relationship designed to enjoy the Triune God. The promised life of abunance flows out of intimate relationship with the heart of God. Through companionship and dialogue, one is privileged to maintain close connections with our Heavenly Father, who loves us unconditioanlly. No matter what, His arms and heart are always opened to receive us. He wants to do life with us.
Since God is holy and has called us to work with Him for His purposes, He will be renewing our minds and teaching us to think like He things. His love never changes, His arms are never closed to us, however, expect Him to be true to Himself and transform us, spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions) and body to agree with what he designed and brought forth in the earth. EXCITING isn't it?
My vision for this series is to provide thoughts that are in heaven according to the Scripture and according to what Jesus taught, so that you can make declarations to see them manifest on the earth. This is the work of the Kingom that has already come.
The following is a short example.
According to II Corinthians 5:17 If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.
With the authority of Jesus, I decree that what He brought about by the sheding of His blood is true and is a reality for me and Tal, is a reality in my three children and for my grandchildren.
I declare that we do walk in the NEW for the honor of crucified Savior.
The old ways have no power to restrain the new that has come.
The new ways of the Kingdom compel and motivate.
Our lives have the fragrance of Christ.
We have ears that hear in the heavenly realm.
We have eyes that see in God's Spirit realm,.
We can walk in the newness of resurretion life and the completed covenant in Christ's blood.
As it is written, so let it be done.
Christianity is not a religion of doctrinal truth and righeous activity designed to gain the favor of God. It is a relationship designed to enjoy the Triune God. The promised life of abunance flows out of intimate relationship with the heart of God. Through companionship and dialogue, one is privileged to maintain close connections with our Heavenly Father, who loves us unconditioanlly. No matter what, His arms and heart are always opened to receive us. He wants to do life with us.
Since God is holy and has called us to work with Him for His purposes, He will be renewing our minds and teaching us to think like He things. His love never changes, His arms are never closed to us, however, expect Him to be true to Himself and transform us, spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions) and body to agree with what he designed and brought forth in the earth. EXCITING isn't it?
My vision for this series is to provide thoughts that are in heaven according to the Scripture and according to what Jesus taught, so that you can make declarations to see them manifest on the earth. This is the work of the Kingom that has already come.
The following is a short example.
According to II Corinthians 5:17 If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.
With the authority of Jesus, I decree that what He brought about by the sheding of His blood is true and is a reality for me and Tal, is a reality in my three children and for my grandchildren.
I declare that we do walk in the NEW for the honor of crucified Savior.
The old ways have no power to restrain the new that has come.
The new ways of the Kingdom compel and motivate.
Our lives have the fragrance of Christ.
We have ears that hear in the heavenly realm.
We have eyes that see in God's Spirit realm,.
We can walk in the newness of resurretion life and the completed covenant in Christ's blood.
As it is written, so let it be done.
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