Tuesday, March 26, 2013

#9 Detox Spritzer

I am excited about this health drink.  It may just be the simplest answer for replacing toxin laden sodas like Cokes, Mountain Dews, etc.  Get yourself off of these kinds of drinks.  They are very asidic, full of toxins and the cans and plastic are contaminated.  Ocassionally your strengthened body can handle them, but not daily or even weekly. 

Some of you know about the power of raw Apple Cider Vinegar to dissolve kidney stones.  Apple Cider Vinegar has many health beneifts simply because it alkalizes body acids.  It is a great prep for digestion taken about 30 minutes before a meal.  This is also a great tonic when you have over-indulged in a heavy meal and you feel sluggish.  Lemon juice does the same and adds it's own nutritional properties.   A glass of Lemon water or ACV in the morning before breakfast and evening before going to bed,  is an exceptional tonic.  Ginger Root is in most of my smoothies due to it's own healing benefits.  (google ginger root for information I can't provide in these short posts.)

Lemon Spritzer

6 to 8 oz Sparkling Water  like Pellegrino Mineral Water)
Half of a Lemon juiced
1 T. raw Apple Cider Vinegar  (not a distilled ACV.  All distilled vinegars are acidic)

I like to add grated Ginger Root and Mint.
 (Put Ginger Root in freezer to keep it fresh.  It grates easily.  Return it to the freezer pronto, because it will thaw out quickly)

If you do not like ice in your drinks, leave it out.  This is a great party drink when you don't want to endulge in "soft" drinks or "hard" drinks.  It will also cut your craving for sweets offered.

I gave one of these to Tal to test out.  He said, "It's not very sweet."  That would defeat the purpose.  Then I thought about adding Stevia, which does not raise the blood sugar level, does not lower the immune system, does not put more toxins to clean out, etc.  However, be aware that all stevia on the market today is not equal in quality.  Check out Truvia, for instance.  When a product becomes popular as a healh food, you can count on the food industries providing their own corrupted product.  For instance, soy beans are a great protein food in it's natural state, but by the time the food industry offers it to you, they have GMO soy and have added many artificial substances and processed it in a way to destroy it's value for human consumption.  Milk is another.  Raw milk has nourished populations for thousands of years, but homogenized, ultra pasturized milk is poison to the human system.  And now to get your hands on raw milk you have to purchase it with the lable "for animal's only" or "not for human consumption".  What a reversal of the truth!

Wow!  I have strayed from the subject, haven't I?

Hope this simple and very inexpensive stritzer pleases you.  I raise my glass to your health!


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