Saturday, March 9, 2013

Post #2 of the Detox Smoothies

Giving your body alkalizing foods and drink relieves the stress of toxic overload.  Toxic overload is one of the contributing factors in being overweight and in pain and degenerative disease.  The body creates fat as a storage for acid and acid accumulation equals pain, according to Dr. Robert Young.   Do a little google searching and read several sites on acid/alkaline balance so you will know how to help your body do it's work.  We must begin to take responsibility for knowing how our Creator designed these amazing bodies we live in.  You do not have to buy the  products sold on websites to have good health, because you can usually find simple inexpensive ways.  For instance, you can buy bottled Aloe Vera juice and jel or you can grow your own plant.  You can buy drugs for heartburn or use Baking Soda.  You can buy probiotic food and pills or you can make your own.  You pay dearly for convenience, however there are some situations that demand emergency help and/or the conveneince is worth it to you.

The drink I am presenting today is an example of a quality alkaline hydrating drink.  When you drink one quart, refill with water and drink another one and you will probably have an adequate amount of water for the day.  If you have city water with clorine and other acid additives to make it safe, then I advise bringing it to a boil, cool it and use it for your drinking water.  Or buy pure water.  This is another subject for another time.  There are other ways to provide yourself with alkalizing, life giving water.

Here is what to do:

Fill a quart jar with water and ice if you like it cold. 
Add slices of cucumber and Lemon/Lime.  I often add thin slices of Cucumber. 
Cut a long sprig of Rosemary, Basil or Mint and plunge into the jar. 
I amost always shred frozen Ginger Root to the water and to my smoothies for digestion.   

I like the ice because it holds the slices in suspension.  Take a wooden spoon or spatula and mash the slices against the ice or the jar to release their life giving properties.  I also squeeze the lemon or limes or eat them  some time before the end of the day. 

Lemons and Limes are very alkalizing to the body.  Ginger Root aids digestion and many other benefits. 
Google Ginger Root and read about the health benefits.
Also Aloe Vera, Cucumber, fermented foods like Kefir, Kombucha to use as pro-biotics for intestinal health.

Here is a website for more ideas for flavored water drinks.

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