Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Amazing Power of Agreement With God

One who knows the written Word of God ought to be able to confidently declare what is on the heart of God.  And let's be clear on this:  Satan came to kill, steal, and destroy.  Our Sovereign God came in the form of man, Christ Jesus, to give abuntant life, restore what was stolen, and heal and forgive.  He has comissioned us to share what Christ has accomplished for us, cast out devils, and heal the sick.  The following will stretch over several blog posts and if you are tracking with me on the "decree and declare" series, this should be empowering.

We are so trained to speak our negative feelings and perceptions, to repeat bad news and to think and declare the worst case senerio, that we need to re-train our communication with each other as well as our praying.  Scripture informs me that we will get what we think and feel and speak over a period of time.  Fear sustained produces the very thing of which we are afraid. 
I decree and I declare. . . .
that this generation of youth will rise up and demonstrate the Kingdom as not other generation.
that my children will rise up in a mighty demonstration of the resurrection life of Christ in them.
that through them, Your light will dispel darkness in hearts and in situation s where destruction has held sway.

I decree and I declare the finished work of Christ over all situations that threaten to stop the Kingdom of God.  The gates of hell can not prevail in their passion to steal, kill and destroy what God has ordained to live, to prosper and to bring glory to His name.

Greater is He who redeems, than he who deceives.
It is God's goodness that leads to repentance.
It is God's work to restore and transform, to call the dead to live.
It is God's love and mercy that draws me out of my false self and into Himself.

I decree in agreement with King Jesus,  as it is in heaven, so let it be done on earth. . . .
. . in my situation, that Jesus be glorified and seen as awesome.
. . in my part of the world,  that Jesus reap the harvest of His obedience in the souls of men.

I trust You Holy Spirit, to correct my understanding and application to situations in agreement with Your heart and purposes. 

I want to see a full manifestation of the sons of God in this generation.

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