I am an open heaven in the earth. This may sound strange, so let me explain.
Christ Jesus lived under an open heaven, in constant communion with the Father. It did not prevent him from being exposed to the darkness of a messed up world. He experienced the same suffering and pain in His soul and body that we do. But it did not keep Jesus from living under an open heaven.
An open heaven kept Jesus connected to the Father's heart and purposes. He did only what He saw the Father do and said only what He heard the Father say. His soul never got "stuck" in negativity of bitterness or self-pity. He always knew who He was, where He had come from, and where He was going; therefore, He had singleness of purpose and nothing distracted Him.
An open heaven empowered Jesus to move in expressions of radical love toward everyone, even His tormentors and abusers. He revealed the Father's heart of mercy and relinquished His own life to give LIFE to everyone and to deliver us out of our personal pits.
Here is the exciting thought: I too am an open Heaven because I live under an open heaven. I live under an open heaven, because Christ lives in me. He is resurrection Life, One with the Father, prepared to be all He was and do all He did in a mortal body and do it through me. Stop and allow that reality to grip you. If we could develop awareness of this reality, we would be fulfilling what Jesus said in John 14:9-18. Verse 12 "Yes, indeed! Whoever trusts in Me will also do the works I do!" (even greater works) I am so under-developed! Lord Help my unbelief.
I am an open Heaven in the Earth
God is here!
Spirit of the Living God, be released in me. . .flow through me. Demonstrate the life of God in the soul of me.
How precious to me is Your grace. . .that people like me can come to You.
People like me are allowed to take refuge in the shadow of your wings and meet with you continually in the secret place of communnion. Ps. 36:5-10 Ps.91
People like me are welcome to feast on the bounty of Your house in the presence of enemies who would rob me of my JOY and PEACEFULNESS. Ps. 23
People like me are invited to drink deeply from the streams of Your delight. Ps.36:9-10
People like me find You to be the fountain of Life and in Your Light I can see and move.
Continue You grace to those who know You, so we can be the conduit of grace to others.
Continue Your righteousness to those You have made righteous, in such a way that the Kingdom will be seen as reality on earth as it is in Heaven NOW.
I am a city of God.
His river flows through me.
I am His holy habitation.
God is in the city and it will not be shaken so as to be moved.
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