As the deer longs for running streams, so my soul longs for You God.
I am thirsty for God, for the living eternal God.
When can I come and appear before You? Psalms 42:1-2
Just like King David, we also have seasons of our life that cause us to cry out for relief from the burden. I love the way David talked to himself? He wanted his joy, peace and contentment to return.
"My soul, why are you so downcast? Why are you groaning inside me?"
David spoke good advise to his own soul (his mind, will, emotions). "Soul hope in God, since I will praise Him again for the salvation that comes from His presence."
He turnes his affections toward his God and stirs up the remembrances of His faithfulness. This act of obedience by David activates his attitude of gratitude and his soul is cut free from the "downer". In God's presence dark moods flee, like turning on a light in a darkened room.
This is how David strengthened himself in the Lord. It is not enough to just say words of praise. One must saturate his whole soul in face to face encoungers. "Deep is calling to deep. All Your waterfalls, all Your surging rapids and waves are sweeping over me." I may be wrong about this verse, but it says to me that God's Deep, all consuming presence, is calling to the deep places hidden in me that get triggered by life. He wants to heal the deepest places in me.
David asks, "When can I come and appear before You?" He may be so downcast that he feels he would like to "throw in the towel". But I think the salvation he is talking about refers to life's many "downers". David's adversaries taunt him unmercifully and he needs relief. Can you identify? It may be a situation that seems impossible, or it may be accusations of guilt from the inner voice of your soul. In either case, God knows all about it and He is so willing to comfort and lift. No condemnation from Him. He has already received the punishment for whatever you feel guilt over.
Isaaiah 40:26-31 God is asking, "Why do you complain? Why do you think and say, 'My way is hidden from the Lord. My rights are ignored by my God.'" Remember that this God is the everlasting God. He does not grow weary or tired in His relationship as Father to us or as brother/friend, or as Holy Spirit teacher, revelator, comforter.
When can I come and apper before You, all-sufficient Lord?
I will turn my attention to Your faithful love. My affection burns for You.
I will hope in You and praise You for the salvation that comes from awareness of Your presence. Like the eagles, I can soar on Spirit energy.
The choice is mine.
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