Jesus said, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Fahter." "I am united with the Father and the Father is united with me. What I say and do is not my own initiative. The Father living in me is doing His own works. Trust me, that I am ONE with the Father, but if you can't because I tell you so, trust because of the works themselves."
Jesus seems to be saying that the works he does should validate who he says he is.
Then comes the shocker:
"Yes indeed! I tell you that whoever trust in me will also do the works I do."
This has always disturbed me. Why do so many American Christians believe that the time of signs and wonders, miracles of healing and the authority to confront the darkness is over? When miracles do happen, we are never sure of the source of the miracle. We are very skeptical that it even happened as reported. Yet, Jesus expected the people to trust him based on the works He did.
Much of the Church today assigns the miraculous to be the works of the devil, when once they were the very things Jesus said affirmed the authenticity of one who was united to the Father.
Jesus was the incarnation of the Father. He represented Him perfectly and his works represented the heart of the Father flowing through Jesus. He has called us and commissioned us to do the same things he did. Jesus is in us, ready to live the same way he did in his human body.
Isn't the New Testament clear that the redeemed "whosoevers" are to be the incarnation of Jesus Christ the Son?
Is it reasonable to think that, for the first time in history, God would strip His followers of power and the tools to face the darkness that is increasing in these End Times?
Shouldn't the world say about us, "if we don't see the works Jesus did, then maybe you are not authentic." Think about it.