God's love is so extravagant that most of us have trouble receiving it freely. We may know better on the conscious level, but we feel strongly that our wrong choices, our weaknesses, our failures must hinder God's love and more certainly, our usefullness in Kingdom building.
God's grace also gives us a problem. How can it be true that God would take on Himself the judgement and condemnation we deserve, inorder to gain our love, inorder that He might restore us to Himself and to our original assignment.
Grace to me means that God's love covers all my defects, lack, wrong motivations, self-serving empulses, mixed motives of service, my easy fear, anger and hurt feelings. . . .you get the idea.
And His love whispers to my shame, "No condemnation. I forgive you. Go share My love and grace."
God's grace treats me with tenderness and compassion. So why do I find myself so easily moved to impatience and irritation with my husband? Why do I expect more out of him than I myself can give. Why do I find it so easy to endulge in self-pity and worse, to justify my negative attitude and hurt feelings? Grow up Liz! Grow into His love and grace.
Why do we separate from one another when we disagree in opinions, doctrine, ways of worship? God's grace does not treat me differently when I fail to interpret Scriptures correctly. I am still learning and changing in my understanding of God and His ways. God sees that my heart longs for truth and to know His heart. This should guide me as I respond to those who see things differently and are in another place of pilgrimage. We are all God's work in progress.
I am learning to lift to the Lord those I strongly disagree with or fear or those I feel disgust for. My ego wants to glow with pride that I am not where they are. I may be in a better place, but I see the seeds of deception in me and the potential for me is the same.
As the Spirit of love and mercy prompts me, I now see me stand in their place and I meditate and pray, expanding four short statements.
I am so sorry.
Forgive me.
Thank You Father.
I love You Lord.
I believe this honors the Lord who stood in for me and asked the Father to forgive me, for I know not what I am doing, nor understand as I ought.
Liz thanks for the encouragement and reminder. I was actually pondering some of these very thoughts yesterday and today. In seeking to let go of more and more judgments of others I also heard the words of Jesus, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". In this I realized how this is so true. It is true of me when I do not walk in the truth or when I walk in fear. If I can learn to respond in love to others fear I open the door for them to have ears to hear. I realize that in any situation I have a choice and a responsibility to choose to forgive and love. In this I can turn my focus from blaming or fearing that the other person does not "get it" and active the power of "faith working through love" that overcomes the evil.
ReplyDeleteIt is neat to see how the Holy Spirit is teaching His children these things corporately.
He will fill His temple, His body, His church suddenly! He is preparing His bride!