Religion is the counterfeit to authentic Christian expression. Christianity becomes religion when the Lordship of Christ is removed from ones' practical expression of life. . .hearing and obeying God.
Religion creates appetites it can not fulfill.
By nature it carries a value for form without power to live the Christ Life.
It carries a value for information and knowledge without experience.
It carries a value for outward appearance over issues of the heart.
Judiasm became religious, settling for form and law, instead of a living relationship with the God who gave it meaning. Hebrews speaks much of this and points us to the New Covenant that Christ ratified by His death. (Isaiah 58 John 5:42 (37-40) John 8:55-56) Hebrews 3 and 4 urge us to enter God's REST. Begin to enjoy retreating within yourself to relax with the indwelling Jesus and listen to Him. Get in touch with His celebrating heart and dance until your fears and negative inner dialogue is silenced.
Ask the Lord to make you aware of the many expressions of the spirit of religion in the church today. Would the Lord say to us what He said in John 10:1-4? (Read the whole chapter. Better yet, read John 10 through 17)
"I have come to lead My sheep out of the sheep pen, and give them abundant life." I think the sheep pen Jesus refers to is Judiasm. It had become a religion of rules, law that condemned, restricted God-fearing men from enjoying God and recognizing the Messiah when He came.
Labor to enter into His REST. The labor here refers to a determination to make time for your soul to rest. "Come away My beloved." Hear Jesus call you? Don't keep Him waiting due to busyness.
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