Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Christ Is The "Yes". I Sound The Amen.

Since You, O lord, are my Rock, my Shepherd;  deliver me from the shame of my brokenness, my afflictions, my fears, my false self.  

Jesus You are the "Yes" to all of my human "no's". 

Give me a heart of compassion like Yours, Jesus, to forgive, to release peace and loving acceptance to those who need to know what You are prepared to do for them.  Empower me to see them as You see them and embody Your love to them.  They need Your love as  much as I do.

I decree
. . .that the steps of a righteous woman/man are ordered by the Lord.
. . .that no weapon formed against me; my family will prosper. Isaiah 54:10-17
. . .that Your words do not return to You empty. They are accomplished as You say. Isaiah 55:11
. . .that I have been given ears to hear and can come into agreement with throne room reality.
. . .that because my Shepherd is Jesus the Christ,  I lack nothing.  He is my supply.
. . .that Christ covers me on every front.  He prepared a table before me, even in the presence of enemies.
. ..that I have all I need to represent the Kingdom in the economy of God.  I do not lack patience, love, faithfulness,  endurance for righteousness sake. . .anything I need for life and godliness. II Peter 1:3-4

I enter into deliberate worship of the three in one God.  I turn  my whole heart and mind to hear, to see heaven's reality.  I am drawn into the throne room to be with the King, to be caught up in the over-powering influence of the Source of life. . .to have my eyes and ears adjusted so I can see and hear the sounds of heaven and get in the flow of God's activities and ways.

Through the finished work of Christ in the earth realm,  He has removed the "NOs" of condemnation, rejection, of lack, of fear.  In Heaven, I hear the "Yes" to all of God's promises.  I am now able to add the "Amen" to it for the sake of earth receiving heaven's supply. 

I find the Secret Place to be the vestibule of heaven.  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  I decree it because heaven declares it. 

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