Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20

Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Living God. . . .what a wonder you are!
My counselor, my teacher, instructor, guiding me on my journey of life.
You reveal the hidden things of Triune God, for I was designed to know You and enjoy You forever.

You are glorious and reign victorious over the death cycle this planet is caught up in. In You, life springs up like a fountain.

You are the Oil of anointing,
Fragrance of divine presence,
Wind under my wings,
Fire, Light, and Warmth,

You draw my soul with the "bonfire" of Your love.

You are the Potter, I am clay in Your hands.
Mold me and make me useful, according to Your design.
Love through me today and make me a delight to Your heart.

I am holy, set apart unto Christ, my Lord. God chose me to be holy - not common or unclean. Holiness is a position and a destiny before it is a behavior. I Peter 2:9 This is why both Peter and Paul encourage us to "put on" the behavior that reflects our calling, our position of holiness.

Dress to fit who you are in Christ. Wear holiness, because you are holy. Wear the clothes Jesus provided and laid out for you:

Shoes of peace - determine to walk in peace.
Robe of righteousness - the identity He gave you.
Belt of truth - Come into agreement with what He says.
Head dress of salvation - you have the mind of Christ. You can think His thoughts.
Sword of the Spirit - Words He gives when You turn your attention to Him.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Simple Quick Dish

I was thinking of a quick meal plan for tonight. Since Tal and I missed lunch and had been in town till 3:00, we were hungry. We both held strong against the temptation to stop for a quick, "not so nutritious" snack.

I had one Zucchini that needed to be used before it spoiled and leftover rice. I worked these two into a dish that has many faces. Mother called it Pasta-shuta (Hungarian Goulash of sorts). I change this basic recipe up by changing the seasonings & add-ins. Since we drastically limit pasta and cheese, I have ended up with the following basic combination.

1 lb "clean" lean Ground Beef
1 sm. Onion chopped & 1 Clove of Garlic
1 tsp. quality Sea Salt
2 tsp. Itallian Seasoning
Sprinkle liberally with a cajun blend or Mexican blend
1 - 2 /zuchini, chopped in thick slices, then half or quarters
1 16 oz. can Diced Tomatoes (read lables to avoid sugar & high fructose corn syrup)
1 sm can Tomato Sauce

Brown the meat, then add the onions & garlic to saute.
Add other ingredients and cook until the zuchini is tender crisp.

I served this over the brown rice I had leftover and topped it with Fritos Chips. Tal would have loved shredded cheese under those Fritos, but we were abstaining. I have served this with beans added and placed on top of a plate of chopped Romaine.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15 DEVOTIONAL


Think about being loved.

I am loved and valued by God.
Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on me. I John 3:1
The love of God has been poured out in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Rom. 5:5

I am anointed by God to love God with all my heart, body, soul. This encludes the supernatural ability to feel God's love and then to feel great love for God. If you are walking with Him (not just religious doctrine & activities) He makes Himself known in relational ways. Don't depend on your church experience of teaching, preaching, acts of kindness, and loyal attendance to know God. You get to know someone by living with them or being in close contact with them.

I am anointed by God to love all others He loves - everyone, even those who act unloveable. I can at least love them enough to earnestly request they be touched by my loving God. He is the sourse of love.

The Lion of the tribe of Judah has won the right to be Lord. At the cost of His own blood, He ransomed unto Himself every tribe, every people group, every nation.

THINK ABOUT IT: He had the authority to reign by creating all things but He stepped out of this glorious place, into the darkness of our realm to be led as a lamb to the slaughter.
You are worthy of our praise, oh Lord.
You deserve the honor my heart feels.
You deserve the surrender of all I am and have.
You made your redeemed people into a kingdom of lovers and priests to serve You. Through us, you will love and serve this realm in our generation.

Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14 DEVOTONAL

"Rejoice in the Lord always - delight, gladden your heart in Him." Philippians 4:4

So begin right now to delight your mind and your emotions until your body experiences a change. This is God's command to you especially if your heart is heavy or fear grips you. If you are in a negative situation, you will have the PRIVILEGE of bringing your conscious mind, multiple times a day and night, to think on the things that lift your awareness to your heavenly Father/Pappa. I say privilege, because this is the stuff of life that bonds you to Him and allows His Spirit to communicate His thoughts to your heart. His thoughts are not naturally our thoughts about anything we are experiencing.

So, THINK ON THESE THINGS. A list is given by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippian saints. Phil.4:8 But let me remind you that you must get God's interpretation for each of these: (what is true, nobel, righteous, pure, admirable, etc.) Our natural bent is to evaluate the situation through our frame of reference, our history, our perceptions and state it as we see it. So with every negative you experience, don't lean on your own understanding of it, but let it take you to Him.

And remember that our Father takes pleasure in causing the worst things in life to work for our good and His glory as we sit at His feet in humility and gratitude. He really does want us to live free from controlling fear. His peace is our strength and confidence. But this does not come without effort and you must contend for it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12 DEVOTIONAL

"I am resolved no longer to linger
Charmed by the world's delights
Things that are higher, things that are nobler
These have alllured my sight."

I praise You, Lord of glory, for giving me a glimpse of things that are higher and nobler. You, glorious Son of God, You are my treasure. . .my highest imagination, full of joyful anticipation. I delight to think on these things.

"I will hasten to Him. . .hasten so glad and free.
Jesus. . greatest, highest, I will come to Thee."

It is natural to come to You when life brings comfortable and pleasant places and people. But I resolve to use every "slap in the face" and "kick in the gut" to birng me to You.

I am resolved no longr to linger in morbid introspection, nursing my wounds as though this shouldn't be happening to me. Jesus promised I would experience tribulation, trials, struggles against the weakness of my flesh. SO. . .I am resolved to run to my Savior every time I am offended by my mate or others, made anxious by my children, become fearful, angry or distressed, or any other negative that reminds me I live in a wildernes under the curse of futility. Romans 8:20-22

Jesus Christ! You are my Garden of Eden. . .my paradise. I want to be where You are.

Lead me to walk in more conscious awareness of You with me, as Jesus modeled for me with the Father.

Closer Father.
More Father.
Clearer Father.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sepetember 7


Who is my "lord"? Let my worship reveal Christ as Lord. I bow to Your authority.

Self worship is the struggle to get life to serve me and to bow down to my wants and my ways. Self demands the right to it's own way. Surrender is yielding control to Christ and the Kingdom coming. We dare not think God will lay aside His Kingdom for our ways or for the emotions and desires that drive our personal lives.

Christ is LORD!
I will die so He can live through me. I will let go, so He can fill the void, change the negative emotions and agony of soul when I can't control life around me.
What I surrender control of, He transforms into Kingdom diminsions; thus my prayer is being answered, "Let Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, here and now, just as it is being done in Heaven."

"As it is in Heaven, so let it be done now." You are LORD. So let it be done as You see it."

I serve the God who calls the dead to live and calls those things that be not as though they are, so that they will become what He says they are. When I surrender my ways and my desires, I am free to see and hear what You are saying. I become Your partner when I come into agreement with Your words and repeat them.

As it is written, so let it be done in me, my Lord.

September 16 DEVOTIONAL

"Your thinking is from a human perspective." Matthew 16:23

According to Jesus, the human perspective is in agreement with Satan and the self-focus from which we live our lives. God warns us not to lean on our own understanding, but in all our ways to acknowledge Him so He can direct our paths. Proverbs 3:5-8 This pattern for living promises healing for the body and strengthening for our bones.

Satan's original suggestion is that personal independence is worth defying the authority and fellowship of God. The way this speaks to the human mind is that it is unthinkable to surrender ones human autonomy and the significance of their personal contribution and life force to God. Yet Satan gets our surrender by default.

It was unthinkable for Peter and those who loved Jesus to willingly allow Him to be mis-treated, abused and killed. Yet Jesus regarded Peter's perspective as Peter siding with Satan to block His path to the redemption of mankind.

Jesus said the Father was looking for those who would worship Him in spirit and in truth. To me, this means ordering my steps according to the authority of every WORD that the Spirit communicates to me, as I look to Him.

Lord, You are more precious than silver to me, more costly than gold. Diamonds are only a reflection of your beauty. Nothing is more desirable to me than You. Nothing compares with the value and worth of my Redeemer.

Let fear and awe of You buffer me from the demands and manipulation of my false self.
Let me understand that Immanuel is my reality. (Emmanu El - God with me.)

"Without firm faith, you will not be established. Take care to stay calm and unafraid. Do not become demoralized. Do not come into agreement with the enemy."
Isaiah 7:4, 9, 14

September 2 Devotional


God is a stronghold in the time of trouble. God takes care of those who take refuge in Him.

Lord, You are my hiding place.
You are my secret place of communion and safety.
You are my resting place from stress of living in a broken world.

Do not be afraid! Because I am with you.
Do not fear! Because I am your God.
Do not be distressed! Because I give you help.
I give you strength.
I support you with My victorious right hand.

I, the Lord your God say to you, as I hold your right hand, "HAVE NO FEAR!"

August 30 Devotional

"God will circumcise your heart. . .to love the Lord your God." Deut. 30:6
We are to love our redeemer God with all our heart, soul, strength, with all we are and have.

God graciously enables the conditions He requires. I was reading Deut. 30 and thought about what St. Augustine prayed, "Grant what Thou commanest and command what Thou wilt." It was his way of saying, "My heart is surrendered to Your will, but my flesh is incapable of that kind of surrender."

Several places in the New Tesstament we are told to circumcise our heart or sanctify ourselves unto the Lord. Jesus placed the conditions of following Him so high that the disciples were appauld. "Who then can be saved?" Jesus answered, "With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

God tells Jeremiah about a new covenant He would make with Israel (Gentiles were brought into this covenant.) "I will place My law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be My people."

Even though the Old Covenant was cast in the conditions of laws and precepts, the Apostle Paul refers back to Deut. 30:14 and casts this statement in grace. (Romans 10:6-11 & 17).

So faith that saves and circumcises my heat comes as God's gracious act. His voice awakens my soul to Him and the gift of faith willingly receives Him. My faith to believe unto salvation is evidence that He has circumcised my heart so I can love Him and follow Him.

Yes, You have circumcised my heart and enabled me to hear and trust and obey.

My heart sings out my gratitude to Your loving heart. You have not left me in darkness or in the pit of hopelesness. Command what You will of me, but also grant to me the desire and the power (grace) to obey.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Red Cabbage Salad

Here is a good Cabbage Salad using Chick Peas or Garbanzo Beans. Of course fresh cooked is always better than canned. Some of you will not want to make this dressing because of the Tahini, but if you have it on hand because you use it for Hummus, try this salad. This makes a thick creamy dressing. The beans and the Tahini add good sourse of protein. Tahini is sesame seed paste.

Garbanzo Beans (if using canned, rince & drain)
2 cups chopped Cabbage
1 T. Onion
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/2 cup chopped Tomato (optional)

If you are preparing for two, measured amounts don't matter. I cut the amount of Cabbage I thought we would eat, then sprinkled in some Garbanzo Beans, some chopped Purple Onion. Don't over do the salt until you add the dressing. It may be salty enough.

1/4 cup Tahini
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Water
1/8 cup Braggs Liquid Aminos or Tamari
1 T. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar or Red Wine Vinegar
2 T. Lemon Juice
2 tsp. Ginger Root minced
1 Clove Garlic minced
Black Pepper
Stevia and/or Honey (I used both for depth of flavor. Go easy on the sweetener.)

I rough chop cabbage rather than shred it too finely. Shredding on the large shred would work well.

If you like this dressing, you will probably like the Salad.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


"Grant what Thou commandest and command what Thou wilt." St. Augustine

O gracious Lord. You have opened my heart to love You. Command what You will from me, but also grant me the grace to obey. I want to walk in step and in harmony with You and fulfill Your design for me.

"Thy Kingdom come on earth, just as it is being done in Heaven."
Thy will be done, as two powers colide.
Your rule and reign is what I want.
Let me see it in my day, in me and in those around me.

Seek first, as priority, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in the sons of God.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


If you have liked the raw kale dishes I have posted, you are sure to enjoy this one. Check out the ingredients for the dressing, then I will give you the other ingredients. I love this dressing by the spoonfuls. You may come up with other ways to use it.

4 T. Almond Butter
1 Clove Garlic, minced (If you like lots of Garlic, use 2)
1 T. Braggs Liquid Aminos or Tamari
1 inch fresh Ginger Root, minced
1 T. Maple Syrup or Raw Honey that is local with where you live.
Water to thin.

I also added 1 tsp. Jalepenos to give it a kick, but it would be just as good without it.

Kale, washed, dried and broken into small pieces
Cabbage, shredded
Apple, chopped finely
Dried Cherries or Craisins
Toasted Pecans or Almonds puts this salad over the top.
I also added some shredded Jicima because I had it and sliced Spring Onions.

Now if you don't want to use the dried fruit, try chopped Tomatoes and toasted Walnuts.

Message the Kale with your hands to soften it. Expect it to be reduced in volume. Add more if it is not enough.
Add the other ingredients. Don't overpower the Kale with too much Cabbage. And watch the Ginger. You can adjust the portions after you make it once. I didn't use more than more than a tsp. of chopped Ginger, but didn't measure either.

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15

Hello bloggers, that is, if I have any bloggers now after such a long absence. May 20 was my last entry. I don't promise to do better, because I am a bit random in my living patterns. I now have some things I want to say and since I have a blog I will write.

I hope you have had a good summer and more importantly that you have sensed the Lord enjoying it with you. Tal and I were blessed to be part of a group helping to rebuild homes after the tornadoes ripped through some unsuspecting parts of our country. I attended a gathering where five Christian leaders working in the Middle Eastern countries had come to share what Christ is doing in the midst of violence and deprivation. I was convicted and have continued to be disturbed by the average American's concepts of what Christ has called us to and our half-hearted deovtion to our Lord. Are we really New Testament saints? Will the sons/daughters of the Kigdom of God be able to stand up when the shaking becomes violent in America?

Do we really want God to show up in visible ways, or would his appearance disrupt our plans and challange our motives? Do we really want to live our lives, even the moments we think are secret, in God's presence? "Walk before me in whole-hearted devotion." Gen. 17:1-2 "Don't lean on your own understanding. In all your WAYS acknowledge me. I will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

Have you set yourselves to be God's man/woman, to be free of the contamination of the world's ways and dreams and pursuits, so you can be available for Kingdom expression? Do you delight to sing and dance before the Lord in your secret place to his great delight, or is more time spent delighting in the pleasures of television, Netflex, and other activities that tie your emotions to the lusts & fear that drives this troubled, collapsing world system? "Oh God, You are my God. I shall seek You earnestly. My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water." Ps. 63:1

Is affectionate love being directed toward God in my thoughts, all day long? "Pray without ceasing". Do I live in the awareness that God is right here and available and is the most intelligent person I know? And He is for me and not against me. Does the peace of God guard my heart? If not, am I willing to let this world go, so that I can do what Jesus did to enjoy the relationship he enjoyed with the Father and do the things he did in our world, for the same reasons he did them?

Thomas Kelly has put it this way. "This life, this abiding, enduring peace that never fails, this serene power and unhurried conquest, inward conquest over ourselves, outward conquest over the world, is meant to be ours. It is life that is freed from strain and anxiety and hurry; for something of the Cosmic Patience of God becomes ours."

Friday, May 20, 2011


"Father, I made Your name known to them and revealed Your character and Your very Self. I will continue to make You known, that the love which You have bestowed upon Me may be in them - felt in their hearts - and that I Myself may be in them." John 17:26

Oh, how my soul leaps and dances! This truely is good news from the lips of Jesus, recorded by John.

Jesus declares that the same love the Father has for him, is also for me. WOW! WOW!

The love of God has been poured out into my heart by the Holy Spirit loving me. Romans 5:5
It takes God to love God. My love is inadequate
This is the measure of love I want to run through my heart, soul, mind.
Overpower my self-centered love for radical obedience to every word You say to me.

Prepare my heart, soul, and mind for new measures of enjoying Jesus, for recognizing His presence with me.
It is in the overflow of enjoying my God, that I find the strength to love.

Oh, Lover of my soul, let me experience love-sickness
that lifts me out of self-awareness and self-protection,
that lifts my thinking to heavenly themes,
that lifts me to demonstrate Kingdom realities here on earth.

We are to reign in life in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


If you like the taste of curry but not the heat, you should enjoy this salad. Tal is not a big curry fan, but he liked the combination of flavor. I do not recommend Bacon because of the preservatives and other additives, but I have found a sourse of Bacon that have none. Ingles carries Harvest, All Natural and the health food stores usually carry clean Bacon. If this is not on your list of "no-no" foods and you use Bacon occassionally as I do, this may be another salad to add to your raw food recipe book.

For a family of 4, the following portions should be adequate. I split it for 2.

4 - 6 slices of Bacon
two heads or stalks of Broccoli
Diced Sweet Onion
Dried Cherries
Sunflower Seeds or use Slivered Almonds, etc.

Make a dressing of:
3/4 cup Mayo (I make my own or use Veganaise with Grape Seed Oil, no egg, etc.)
1 tsp Curry Powder
2 T. ACV (raw apple cider vinegar - I try to avoid distilled vinegars. or use Lemon)
Pinch of Stevia Powder. Honey might work, but I have not tried it.

Fry Bacon and crumble it into the salad. Make this dish first so it can marinate the flavors.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rice and Kale Salad W/Spicy Dressing

Another successful creation, according to family and friends. So I will share it with you. Although I am not a raw foodist, I am convinced that an 80-20 ratio (80% being raw) is a healthier way to eat for most people. I try to eat as much dark green vegetables as I can. A hand full of raw Kale, Spinach, Chard, are my favorite additions to fruit smoothies. I have a few more Kale Salads to share with you, so come on and get brave.

And remember, raw vegetables taste quite different than cooked ones.

Spicy Lemon/Lime Cilantro Dressing (with variation of Sun-dried Tomato Dressing)

1 TBS. chopped Cilantro
1/4 cup fresh Lemon/Lime Juice (can use only lemon or lime)
1 small Clove Garlic, minced
1/4 tsp. Dijon Mustard
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/4 tsp. Sea Salt (don't buy sea salt that has been bleached or added anti-caking
agents. This is not healthy salt)
Dash of Cumin and Cayenne

Make the Sun-dried Tomato Dressing by chopping about 8. Add them to the Lime/Lemon Cilantro Dressing. Blend in a blender or use an emulsifier stick to encorporate into the dressing. (The Spicy Lime/Lemon cilantro Dresssing would probably be good also.)

Prepare the Kale
You want the Kale in bite size pieces. I remove the tough ribs, wash well and dry, and place in a bowl whatever amount you want to serve.

Add some cooked Brown Rice, you decide the ratio of rice to Kale, but don't add a bit of Kale with your rice, add a bit of rice with the Kale.

Pour some Sun-dried Lime/Cilantro Dressing over the kale and rice. Then massage the rice with your hands. Allow to soften while you prepare the rest of your meal.

Give me feed back, please.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Be Thou my vision, Oh Lord of my heart.
Be nothing else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best thought both day and night.
Waking and sleeping, Thy presence my light.

This song holds much meaning for me. It is running through my mind this morning and it has framed my entercession for several personal situations.

When life becomes a challenge or down right grievious, you find yourself in another battle. Life is full of battles. Battles are not an option. So Jesus told us, "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

So I asked, "What does that mean? How does that benefit my life? Does it mean that in Christ I will escape the battles since He has fought and won? If I could just do life right, gain enough spiritual knowledge, and get close enough to Jesus, I would not have to experience the tribulations that are common in the world." I had hoped that Jesus would agree with that, but He has altered my understanding drastically.

Jesus is acknowledging the condition that exists; "All of creation is out of order due to sin, but don't despair. Instead, look to Me, come close to Me, draw what you need for what you are facing from Me. Let My vision become yours. I have overcome all you will ever be confronted with. I have taken upon Myself your condemnation and shame, so now just step in to your inheritance. When you feel established in My peace, stand up and be My representative in your present situation. Discover what I want to do here and declare it to be so." Ro.8

If this is God's perspective and His expectation for His sons and daughters, then I say with the one who penned this song.

BE MY VISION. Allow me to see the King. Create in me Heaven's perspective here. I choose to relax in You regardless.

BE NOTHING ELSE TO ME SAVE THAT THOU ART. I am not demanding you be for me or do for me more/less than You are. Only let me stand in Your sufficiency. I want nothing more than Kingdom reign here. You always do abundantly above all I could ask or think.

THOU MY BEST THOUGHT BOTH DAY AND NIGHT. Open my eyes to Your highest good. You have told me to pray for and expect Kingdom to come and Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. You are my Treasure, the One I would surrender all else for. My highest thoughts bring me into worship of highest praise. My soul rests in the assurance that Your grace and power always works for my highet good.

WAKING AND SLEEPING, THY PRESENCE MY LIGHT. Your light fills my vision. You are enough. Hold me in agreement with all You are and all You have made available, as we apply it to this current issue in my life. Above all, let my life honor You.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I read a statement some time ago that I had written down in a journel. I had heard it spoken by some evangelist years ago as a child; perhaps from the old radio broadcasts of the Pacific Garden Mission. Do any of you remember or listen to that.

GOD IS ABLE TO SAVE FROM THE GUTTER-MOST TO THE UTTER-MOST. My devotional takes off from this statement. Use it to interceed for family and friends; place their name in the blanks.

to keep that which I have committed to Him and increase it's measure.
. . . I am Yours.
. . . You are in me never to leave me.
. . . You are in me to guard Your investment.
. . . I am hedged by God's love.

to communicaye His mind and heart with me.
. . . I can hear You - I know Your voice.
. . . I am willing to be made willing.
. . . Use me as You choose.

to complete what You start. Author and Finisher You are.
. . . You remove the grave clothes.
. . . You tare down and smash strongholds.
. . . You push back human limitations for love's sake.

to teach the ways of the Kingdom.
. . . You train me to think like You.
. . . You establish me, shielding me from that which distracts me from You.

to take me from here to there.
. . . ______ from here to there.

to awaken love and awaken in me new places to surrender to my King.
. . . to awaken _______.

to open eyes and ears to greater insights, understanding and spiritual reality.

to mature me in Christ, so that I can more readily release Christ to be who He is in me, and do what He wants to do through me.

Friday, April 1, 2011


The following devotional is an example of praying in faith. We so seldom talk to our Heavenly Father from a position of peace and confidence, gratitude and trust. It us usually pleading and panic or anxiety and unbelief. I wrote this down as my daily confession of God's grace on my son, Paul, when he made a mission trip to India. I have sense used it as I lift the rest of my family members to God in prayer. I have written it in first person so that it will be your personal confession of declaring God's shepherding heart toward you.

Father, deliver Your people from the evil of fear and unbelief. Shepherd us forever, for we are sheep-like, and we need a shepherd like You.

Good Shepherd, I am Your little lamb. I live in a community of sheep who all need a Shepherd like You. You care for what belongs to You. I belong! You are here!

I lack nothing! You are provision for me, abundant supply. In Your presence, even my mind senses no lack.

I enjoy green pastures for rest and nourishment.

I am refreshed by limitless streams of Living Water.

Your presence restores, corrects, builds up.

You guide me in paths of rightness of Your design.

I do not fear disaster, for Your voice reminds me of Your promised presence as I move through death's dark ravines that cast threatening shadows on my soul.

Your shepherding rod and staff are such a comfort to me! You are so skilled in using these tools to form me in Your image.

The table You prepare for me is sumptuous! You have forgotten nothing, no disappointment in what You provide.

You call me to walk openly where enemies watch. They may try to distract me, to turn away from Your sufficiency and superior pleasures. But You guard my heart and are jealous for my affections.

Your anointing of my head is from an overflowing cup. Your goodness and grace follow and pursue me, providing a covering for my back.

Father, receive my gratitude for Your provisions through the finished work of Christ in my behalf. I love You.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I read Isaiah 12. Several verses became my often repeated thoughts for the day. I hope you find them comforting, as well.

"Great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee."

I thank You, Adonai, because although You have good reason to be angry at me, Your anger is now turned away through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

See! You are my salvation because I desire You. You are comforting me as You presently surround me with Your love.

I am confident and not afraid, beause You are my strength and my song, I will joyfully draw water from the springs of salvation. I call on Your name and look to You for all I need for life and godliness.

You are with me in Your greatness. In all my darkness, You are my light.


Thursday, March 24, 2011



Here is your God. See, He comes with strength, with power to establish His rule. His reward is with Him. His gifts accompany Him.

Sovereign God protects His flock, for He is their Shepherd. He gathers lambs in His arms and carries them in the fold of His garments.

Who has directed the Spirit of God and who gave the Lord the councel He uses to guide me like a shepherd? Who will you compare Him with? What likenes will you compare Him to? . .an idol? . .a human? . .another so called god? Have you considered the foundations of the earth? God is enthroned above the circle of the earth. The Sovereign Lord says, "Who will you compare Me to or who is my equal? Why do you say, "My way is hidden from the Lord. My claim is ignored by my God?"

(God is talking to the nation of Israel, but how many times have I felt the same? If you identify, allow the Holy Spirit to ask you this question and answer you.)

Remember, Yahweh is the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth. He never grows faint or weary. There is no limit to His understanding or His awareness. He gives strength to the weary and powerless.

"Those who trust in Me will find renewal and strength and soar on winds of Spirit energy, as eagles do the wind currents. Relax. I am present with you."

"I the Lord, am first and with the last. I am He. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not fear, I have chosen you and not rejected you, just like I did Abraham."

"I have chosen you Elizabeth, (insert your own name) knowing your beginning and your end. I have chosen you not for your greatness or your potential, but for love's sake. You are My servant, my friend, my bride, my child. I will never leave you alone nor abandon My work of full salvation. I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand. Your Redeemer is your shepherd and the lover of your soul."


Father, where does this death to self take place or what is it that must die as we follow Jesus? Is it in the mind as theological platitudes? I think too often the evangelical church has settled around theological truth on the mind level, and this does not feel secure to me. One can believe in the mind the right things, but You want truth to be written on the heart level where it displays itself in life situations and as we relate to others.

My Jesus, I love You! I know You are mine. For You all the follies of Self I resign.

Increase all my borders in You.
Increase intimacy with You to enjoy You more.
Increase clarity of hearing and seeing You.
Increase love and faithfulness from my heart.
Increase humility and weaken every trace of false pride.

Release from me self-consciousness

Lord Jesus, I realize I am actually requesting that You also increae my suffering. In union with You, I deny myself, take up my personal killing cross and cling to You.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


You are my Life Source, Almighty God. You are not just an impersonal energy vibration of love. You are the most exciting personality beyond all imagination. You show me just enough of Yourself to keep me longing for more.

United with Christ in God these things are true of me.
1.There is no longer any condemnation waiting me. The finished work of Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death.

2.Christ's presence in me provides the power to fulfill the commands Christ speaks to me.

3.The Spirit keeps drawing me to find my identity in Christ. What He has done for me inspires me to love and trust Him completely.

4.The Spirit calls me to turn my attention from daily concerns to Him loving me and Him receiving my affection. Sitting with Hin in the secret place of silence removes my stress and dis-ease.

5.This dialogue of friendship enables me to understand His heart and ways. The more I know Him and experience Him, the more I want to be consummed by Him.


When I turn to You, Lord, and see You with open arms, then my anger, jealousy, fear, lust, self pity, hurt, bitterness, resentment and pride all loose their power, their sting, their control and torment.

When I turn to You Jesus, Your peace takes over, Your life flows to wash away the painful, negative thoughts and emotions. I am empowered to let them go and REST in You.

Stand between me and those hellish gates. Release the fragrance of Jesus to me, so that the reality of His presence will be available to all who touch my life.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Because of the completed work of Christ in my behalf, I am holy, set apart for God. God chose to make me holy - not common or unclean. How grateful I feel.

Holiness is a position and a destiny before it is a behavior. "You are a chosen people, holy priesthood, a people for God to possess!" Why? "In order for you to declare the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." I Peter 2:9

"Dear friends, I urge you as aliens and temporary residents not to give in to the desires of your old nature, which keeps warring against you; but to live such good lives among the careless that even though they now speak against you as radical, they will see your peace and joyful lives and give glory to God on the day of His coming." I Peter 2:11 (Liz's paraphrase)

Since we are holy, we must "put on holiness", or behave in a way that reflects our calling, our position of holiness. Dress to fit who we are in Christ. Wear holiness, because we are holy - set apart unto God.

I choose to wear the clothes Jesus laid out for me:

SHOES OF PEACE - that gives me steady footing.

GARMENTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS - a sense of identity, for my heart is His throne.

BELT OF TRUTH - holding all I am together (body, soul, spirit) in the enabling power of agreement with who He is in me.

HEAD COVERING - redemption was instant but salvation is an on going process of renewing mind and emotions, motives and responses. Salvation is my crown of glory.

SWORD OF THE SPIRIT - His words spoken as I need to hear His mind on a matter.

Lord, Your kingdom has come in me. Let Your will be done on earth where I am, just as it is being done in Heaven. I live to reveal Your Kingdom.

March 21

Holy Spirit, what a wonderful teacher, counselor, guide You are! You are to be worshipped and valued above all. Your glories are beyond description and You reign in victory over all who would rise up against the knowledge of You.

You are. . .oil of anointing, fragrance of divine presence, wind under my wings, fire to purify and water to refresh me. Bring me closer still.

What a wonderful Lord. . .and I am privileged to know You and serve Your purposes in the earth. Have Your way.

We are saints in God's eyes and we must spend more time agreeing with the Divine Resident within us Who makes us holy and declares who we are in Christ. Look within for a few minutes. . .into the bonfire of His presence in you. The gates of hell can not prevail against you and Divine Resident.

Change my heart O God, make me ever true.
Change me to be like You.
You are the Potter, I am clay
Mold me and make me useful according to Your design.
Love through me and make me a delight to You.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20

How excellent, hallowed
Full of wonder, authority, awe inspiring

God requires two things for relationship with His human creation:
heart affection and agreement
punishment for rebellion to His sovereignty - independence from Him
God has provided both for me in Christ Jesus.

Think about it: I am helpless, hopeless and desperate to meet Your requirements for relationship. Think about my lostness and my separation from this holy, majestic God. I have lost my way from the design and all You intented for mamkind. Without you I am empty, self destructive, wierd; but Your emprint is within my soul. My heart is bewildered without You on the throne. I am to be like Jesus.


THANK YOU FATHER - for agagpe love that had a plan.
THANK YOU CHIRST JESUS - for agape that carried out the plan.
THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT - for agape that awakened my heart and mind to truth and grace.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The last two posts have dealt with actually becoming, in this life time, all Christ said we could be. Each generation has struggled with staying on the path of true humility as modeled by Jesus. As we try to mature in the Spirit and do the works of Jesus, we tend to get prideful and depend on ourselves or we shrink back in fear and false humility, never walking in confidence and power. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal the lies that keep you from walking in the fullness of your identity in Christ.

Please know that I have a long way to go. Old programing is hard to throw off. Christ has called us to be His voice and His physical body in the earth in our generation. Surely there is to be one generation who will reveal the glorious Bride that Christ died for.

I AM JUST WONDERING OUT LOUD HERE, but I wonder how differently the world would view the church if we would dis-entangle ourselves from the Old Testament law based religion and live the Christ life of humility and love. "Let your attitude toward one another be governed by your being in union with the Messiah Jesus." Phil.2:5-11

The Church is so sin conscious that to call ourselves saints, as the New Testament calls us, sounds like blasphemy. We are saints, not sinners. We are saints who sin but are being delivered from self-focus. Isn't self-focus what sin is? It makes us twisted and perverted from our original design. The Holy Spirit is trying to get us to be God focused and to live by every word He speaks to our heart, not get us so heavily envolved in church centered activities, that we make Christ jealous for our attention.

Pride is not dealt with by demeaning the true self that God created. God has assigned great value humanity. He expects us to move from sinner mentality, poverty and victim mentality, to true humility, self-giving and reigning in life in union with Christ. Christ died to forgive our mess and to restore us to our original purpose. To continue to say, "Oh, I'm not worth much," is to deminish what Christ expects from the new creation saint.

Romans 3:23 states, "We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," but the obvious benefit of the death and resurrection of Christ is to restore us. We were created for that glory. The price Jesus paid reveals the value of the people He purchased with His blood. Is it possible that the greatness of God's human creation actually glorifies God Himself? "We are to be blameless and pure children of God, without defect in the midst of a twisted and perverted generation. We are to shine like stars in the sky, as we hold on to the Word of Life, Christ." Phil.2:15

Humility is not thinking negative of ourself, but in seeing God as being the Source of our greatness. Without Him I am nothing.

Humility is not the absence of confidence, but strength displayed by drawing on the One who promised to never leave us alone. I am called to heal, love, and to give comfort as Jesus did for everyone who would receive Him. I am not called to point my angry, self-righteous finger at all that is wrong in my communty and nation or call fire down in judgment, or to enforce the Christian perspective that would fix our cultural mess. Jesus refused to do this and He could have.

Humility is born out of an awareness of God's presence and how much I need all of Him for all of me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This is quite good if you like Kalamata Olives. I don't enjoy eating them alone, but this is a delightful warm dish with lots of flavor.

1 lb. Broccoli Cut off the tough stalks and use the head.
Cut Broccoli into bite size pieces and steam until tender crisp.

6 Kalamata Olives, chopped
1/4 cup Feta Cheese, craumbled
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Lemon Juice or Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
2 TBS Walnut
Sea Salt

While the Broccoli steams, chop Olives and heat the Walnuts if you want them toased. Watch that the nuts don't burn and the Broccoli doesn't get too cooked.
If you like Garlic Cloves, mince one and add to the mix.

Add all ingredients together while the Broccoli is still warm and eat immediately.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My last post concerned a prevailing spirit of poverty in the American Christian community. I talked about contending for all that God's covenant provides the followers of Jesus and refusing to compromise the standard Jesus modeled. I tried to define prosperity as more than currency and possessions. Before going on to other topics, I want to approach this whole issue from a different perspective.

Biblical prosperity does not primarily refer to monetary wealth and possessions. It does enclude these kind of riches, but many godly people live low on the financial income scale. You should be able to pay your bills for the necessities of life, not for keeping up with the American dream. I would call Mother Teresa a very prosperous woman of God, yet she had nothing to call her own. She chose to submerge herself in Calcutta, India, allowing Jesus to love the lowest of humanity and minister to their physical bodies. Heidi and Roland Baker have given up earthly possessions and the "good life" American style, to live among the people of Mozambique, but they see provisions multiplied, healing miracles of all kinds and yes the dead raised on a regular basis.

As we have traveled to Romania and worked with the national Christians, I have been inspired by their faith, humility and giving heart. I know pastors there who serve faithfully tiny churches without a salary. Tal and I ended 2010 by spending December in Romania with Ben and Anna Boingeanu. To me they are truely wealthy people and have lived a lifetime of drawing on the riches of God's grace and provision to meet every kind of need imaginable; from growing up through Communisim and its oppression and hardship, to church planting after the revolution with no adequate salary, to currently becoming foster parents of 12 children and pastor of the large Holy Trinity Church in Braila. They are not wealthy by American standard but they manage what they do have remarkably and they know how to draw on the Covenant of Grace and experience God's peace. Each one of their own two and the foster sons & daughters have experienced God's provision for the family and are being lifted out of the destruction, poverty and victim mentality of so many of their peers. They are experiencing true success and prosperity.

We are children of the King and we have a limitless supply of all we need for living life where God has planted us in a godly manner, but that does not garuntee that we will all have unlimited possessions, travel opportunities, the best of everything, no troubles, trials or disapppointments. It does mean that our hevenly Father knows what we are experiencing, hurts with us according to Jesus, is always working to bless us and care for us.

He never says, "No, I won't forgive your "sins" this time." Or "No, I won't heal you this time." (Psalm 103: I believe He has made it all available to us, but we sabetage God's plans and provision by our unbelief, by our preconceived concepts and blindness, and by destructive habits we are not even aware of, to name a few.

So I say again, God is good, better than we can imagine and He is still a GIVER. God has brought us out (of our human fallenness) to bring us in (to all He is and has). He intends to teach us how to draw on our eternal inheritance now, so don't limit the GIVER by unbelief or false humility. If you fail to withdraw portions of that inheritance, don't blame or shame yourself. There is not a human who ever lived who has, except Jesus Christ. Rather, give serious question when you excuse unbelief by saying, "Well I don't think God still does those things any more. Or I'm not a good enough Christian." or "It is normal to be anxious or angry." Question whether or not you have been unconsciously influenced by American religious ideas and your spiritual upbringing by family and denominational dogmas. This is still an unresolved issue with me and everyone I know to some degree or another.

This is the secret missing ingredient in American Christianity: We have depended more on teaching correct doctrine to become strong in the Lord, than we have depended on knowing God through Jesus Christ and deepening the love relationship. We are more likely to have a conference with our pastor or some spiritual leader, than we are to worship at the feet of Jesus until He speaks peace to our emotions. Most do not value even 1 hour daily to sit in a quiet place longing to encounter God face to face, heart to heart. We resemble the elder brother more than the prodigal son, so when life gets hard and things are with held, we become bitter, fearful, anxious and demanding, rather than running into the arms of Jesus for our answers and to put our hearts at peace.

I know! We are all influenced by our modern culture and the American lifestyle. I don't mean to shame, but there is a strong tendency to interpret Scripture according to our culture and the lowest common denominator of Christianity and I feel compelled to resist this tendency in my own life.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


With all the many expressions and examples of God being a generous GIVER, why do so many of His disciples put limitations on Him and re-interpret His gracious promises outside of our reach?

"But God has brought us out from there, (poverty & lack)
to bring us in, (to a completed covenant)
and to give us, (all we need for life and godliness) so that we might always
prosper and be kept alive."

Read Deut.6:24 5:29-30 8:6, 17-18

It is God who Gives the ability to produce wealth and so
confirms His covenant, which He swore to Abraham.

Abraham was a wealthy man. I am offspring of Abraham through Jesus, ratifier of a new and better covenant. Galatian 3:28-29

I have been reluctant to post this writing due to the certainty of creating a theological disturbance in my friends. I find it difficult to write enough to fully explain my point, so let me give this disclaimer. I am not presenting the idea that we can escape suffering, trials, disease or become perfect examples of Christ in the earth. I am not saying that following Jesus will never call on us to be a martyr, to make sacrifices in our life, to surrender our possessions, or our reputation for the Kingdom's sake.

But here is the reality that I am trying to work through: IF I AM A CHILD OF THE KING, WHY DO I LIVE LIKE A PAUPER? LIKE ONE UNDER THE CURSE OF THE LAW? WHY DON'T I SEE THE KINDGOM MANIFEST IN MY DAILY LIFE? WHY DO I LIVE IN FEAR, NEGATIVITY, SICKNESS, POVERTY MIND SET, HELPLESSNESS AND HOPELESSNESS? If Jesus died and resurrected to make us like Him and do the works He did, why do we settle for the lowest common denominator in the Christian community? And worse still, we re-interpret Scripture to fit our experience. I am opting to make my experience fit what Jesus said I could have. Read your covenant.

Let's define wealth. Poor in spirit does not mean a spirit of poverty. Humility is not humiliation. Wealth is value oriented, not just possessions and currency. Wealth is success oriented, as opposed to failure or victim mentality. As covenant people, we are wealthy and successful beyond our wildest dreams because of who we have become in Christ. We are expected to grow up in the ways Christ modeled for us, not stay in our childhood understanding. Paul said that we would reign IN THE EARTH, in life, through Christ Jesus.

I think many in the church have conflicting views on Biblical prosperity. On one hand, we have been taught that wealth is dangerous and not very spiritual. On the other hand, we feel entitled to a certain share of financial security as American Christians. I know I am treading on dangerous ground on this subject, but feel compelled to throw out some thoughts to ponder.

It bothers me that Christian people have been GIVEN everything we need for living life abundantly and in a godly manner. (II Pet.1:3) Yet we appear to be paupers, we live defeated lives, we lack wisdom, supernatural love, peace, joy, and the authority to dispell the darkness around us and bring God's will on earth as it is in Heaven. We shame, blame, criticize and use fear to manipulate others to maintain control for our comfort.

I think we have developed a distorted sense of wellness. If I ask, "Is it God's will for you to live in health and to prosper?", most people feel conflicted or they will truely believe that God may want them to remain ill and broken down. (for God's glory or to teach them something or to punish them for something) If this is really true, then the devil has a clear advantage and has put a wedge between the heart as a receiver of all things (Romans 8: and II Peter 1:3) and God's heart as a GIVER of New Covenant provision. Most will not contend for deliverance or healing beyond commonly accepted modalities, and resentment toward God becomes an inner battle.

If you have a disease process destroying your body and you believe it is not God's will for you to be healthy, then how can you justify going to the medical community and taking up their ways and means to achieve health? You would be resisting God's will for you. I am not saying you should not seek medical help. I am saying that the two ideas are conflicting. (I am aware of exceptions - a separate discussion)

I believe God is a GIVER. He has brought us out, to bring us in and to give us a completed covenant, abundant life, fullness of joy, freedom from controling passions, and arrogant pride. If I am not experiencing that peace that Jesus gives and love that allows me to forgive, I will still cling to the covenant as written and contend until I remove all blocks in me to receiving.

One more thought. GRACE covers my blindness, inconsistencies, weaknesses, lack, and everthing else in me that does not receive all Christ died to provide me. There is no shame or condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. So even if some unhealed disease takes me out, or unresolved negative issues continue to haunt my pursuit of spiritual maturity, I will continue to believe that God forgives ALL my sins and heals ALL my diseases, be they physical, mental or emotional. (Psalm 103:3-5) Our God is a GIVER, always at work bringing us out, inorder to bring us in to Himself and the new order of His Kingdom living. Don't settle for less in the Church age.

God's covenanat is designed to restore all I lost in my dis-connect with His active voice. It is to remove the shame and reproach that I feel, and that makes me hide from Him behind the fig leaves of accomplishments and shallow pleasures.

God's covenant of grace is a completed work, finished at Calvery. We don't have to work or deserve it, but we do have to draw on it by resting in God's goodness and enjoy His conscious presence.


We have been meditating on Deuteronomy 6:23 "I have brought you OUT of there, to bring you IN and GIVE you the land." We have looked at what God has brought us out of and into. I challenge you to make two lists. One of all He has brought you OUT of, and one of all He has brought you IN to. Keep this list where you can refer to it often. Add to it and let it bring you to worship.

We are so trained to see the negative and to fixate on the few things we do not have yet, that we fail to rejoice over the abundance we already have in Christ and acknowledge His faithfulness. Therefore, we forfeit the peace and fail to enter into the joy of abundance already provided.

So often this past year I have heard the Spirit whisper, "Who told you that you were naked? Where did this victim attitude come from? Are these the thoughts I would be thinking? Come, sit before Me and let us reason together."(Prov.3:5-6 come to mind.)

Psalm 42 has become so meaningful to me the past few years. I love the fact that Father wants me to come to Him when I am in an angry, complaining, or anxious mood. Like David, I allow the Spirit to probe my inner most heart instead of hide from Him. "Soul, why are you so downcast? Remember who your Father is and what your Father can do."

Let's focus our attention now on "to GIVE us. . ". I love this word from God; so powerful, so lifting of my mood, full of grace toward me. My God is a Giver.

Our God does not bring us OUT to leave us on our own. That is how I got in to my mess in the first place. I have a bent to make decisions based on how it looks to me and how I feel about a matter, rather than what He says. God is a GIVER. (Read Romans 8:32-32) If God has brought you OUT, to bring you IN, you can be assured He is always trying to GIVE you the best He has. God hasn't changed, our perspective has chanaged.

Oh my! You have brought me out of myself. I have fallen into myself, into the reason and logic of the fallen self. You have re-connected me to Yourself. . .to Your father-heart. You have brought me out of myself, into Yourself, into Your land, Your realm of reality, into Your Kingdom.

Yes! T0 give you what I origionally designed to give.
. . .to give all the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant plus more.
. . .to give what has always been in My heart to give. . abundance of good.
. . .to give you the mind of Christ for every thing than concerns you and causes your heart to be troubled. Seek My perspective.
. . .to give you peace that passes human understanding, because you know Me. You walk in the power of my resurrection. You enter into the fellowship of the things I suffered for.
. . .to give you a lively hope and a glorious future, even as you reign now on earth through Christ Jesus. You are my voice, my body. Use your arms to touch others in a loving, healing way. Use your words to bring a sence of dignity and worth to everyone you see, regardless of outward appearance.

I have brought you out, to bring you in, and to give you all I am and have. So now go bless your area of influence. Call forth what I show you in Heaven, to be the reality in the earth.

Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on the earth, as it is done in Heaven.

Friday, February 25, 2011


"I have brought you out for a purpose, to bring you in." (Deuteronomy 6:23)

Into what, into where, when and how?

"I have a plan, a purpose. You are valuable to Me. Not to accomplish great things, but to know Me deeply as companion and friend. (John 15:9-15) I have brought you into Myself and into My joy. My purposes are beyond what you are capable of knowing now. What I purpose, nothing can stop Me. What I start in you, I will finish. Is anything too hard for Me?

Father, I know that You have brought Your people into a completed covenant of grace and we already possess everything we need for life and godliness, but it doesn't seem to be a practical reality for the churches of America. Many of us are still stuck with Old Covenant concepts that keep us trying to relate to You at a distance as the Hebrew people did.
Deut.5:28-29 "I have heard what this people have said, Moses. Their heart is sincere before me, that is good. But Oh, how I wish their hearts would stay like this always, that they would fear Me and obey Me, so that it would go well with them and their children forever."

We have a better covenant than they and we have Your presence within us. When is the world supposed to recognize that we are new creations after the order of Jesus Christ? When will the Christian community reflect the reality of Christ in us? I guess I never realized how strong the cultural influences are to program us, nor how tanatious we are to defend ourselves and cling to our judgements.

Will You bring me into freedom from a deceived mind, programmed by my culture and the filter of my own ego? According to what You told Moses, I have a "YES" from You. According to Jeremiah, You know the plans You have for me, to GIVE me a hope and a future. I now choose to agree with You Father, regardless of common religious dogma and experience.

I just stopped to read again Jeremiah 29:11-13 and WOW. Forgive me for my discouragement. When things don't go our way immediately, we tend to blame You and feel like a victim.

"Plans for well-being, not for bad things." I am hearing You say to me, "My heart toward you is always to GIVE you good things, but often my people block the very things they ask for. Who told you that you are still naked." (unworthy, unable, lacking, disqualified?)

In spite of all I see to the contrary, I am persuaded that Your Word is true. I will not re-interpret the Word to fit the culture or the experience of the lowest common denominator in the Christian community.

You bring us OUT, to bring us IN, to all You died to GIVE us.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


In this devotional meditation on Deuteronomy 6:23, I wrote three pages. This series of writings will be in the form of my conversation with my Shepherd. I hope it is not objectionable or confusing.

When God told Moses that He took responsibility for bringing the nation out of Egypt. His purpose was not just to relieve their physical pain and humiliation. He brought them out inorder to bring them in and to give them the land that He promised. This is still God's heart and purpose for us individually and as a corporate body of those who love Him.


This is the heart of God, to GIVE.
God initiates. He comes looking for me! To bring out, to bring in and to give.
He draws me out of my hiding places. . . He bids me come to Him.

"I have brought you out of your fear, your slavery to. . . .shame for. . .poverty.
I have brought you out OUT, so that I can bring you IN and GIVE you abundance of all I am and have."

Why Lord? Why would You do that for me?

"I have brought you out of yourself, into Myself, for the purpose of giving you more than you can ask of think now."

What have you brought me into Lord?

I have brought you into covenant! Into favor . . .into bliss . . .into blessings.
Into intimacy! Into the inner chambers of My heart.
Into peace! Into your created design and tranquility. Nothing missing or broken.
Into companionship! Into a place of hearing My voice.
Into partnership! Into a place of authority with Me. Your voice makes a difference.
Into an indestructable life! I have come looking for you to give you life abundant.
I AM . . .more than enough . . full cup and running over. . .goodness and mercy following on your heels.

Read and enjoy the blissfulness of God's "more than enough". Roamsn 5:17 John 10:10

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Reading back over entries I made in my journel last year, I thought I would start with some thoughts written in March. The Lord has brought this over and over this past year. Sometime it is His question to my self-consicous voice of shame. Other times He challenges the judgements I place on others when I disapprove of their actions. Hope you can relate and find comfort.

When God confronted Adam and Eve, "Who told you that you are naked?", He was describing where they were emotionally, mentally and spiritually. He needed them to acknowledge how they felt and where they were in relation to their heart connection to Him.

The feeling of nakedness describes the loud and persistent voice of humiliation and vulnerability that drove them into hiding. I can only imagine the overwhelming obligation for survival after they dis-connected from God's heart.

God's mercy toward their situation and the rebellion that caused it is astounding! He covered them with animal skins, who gave up their life to be that covering, until God Himself took a human body and surrendered His for us. John 1:36 God offers grace to everyone who will receive Him.

The question, "Who told you that you are naked?" is meant to confront man with the outworkings of his disconnected and newly independent soul. How tragic when we do not understand the heart of God. Too many people today still are hiding from this happy, loving, giving Creator. His name is I AM. I AM whatever My people need.

Too many of the Redeemed see God as unapproachable, harsh, demanding, and either angry or grieving when He thinks of them. However, they see Jesus as approachable, compassionate, full of grace and patient. Jesus the Christ is the same as the God of the Old Testament. He came to reveal the Father heart of God.

Here is what I hear in this encounter with the first couple. "Where are you? I know where you are hidding, but where is your heart toward Me? I even know why you are hiding. You told you that you are naked? Have you eaten of the tree that brings death and distruction? Your heart has been disconnected from Me. I feel it too. But come out of hiding. Come to Me. I have a plan that can re-connect our hearts, to give you a hope and a future with Me."

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Hello blogger friends. I am making another attempt to write consistently. As you know, I am living 24/7 with my retired husband, the same one God gave me as a gift almost 50 years ago. I am not making a joke. . .he really is a gift to me. However, until retirement there were unresolved issues in both of us that we were not forced to deal with in a serious manner. Without going into detail, both of us have had to make adjustments in how we spend our time and harmoniously blending of our agendas.

Make no mistake, my husband is a great man in my eyes. My heart is full of gratitude for his faithfulness, kindness and pursuit of God's character. We are both growing at a new accelerated rate again and though at times painful, it is bringing more freedom from the religious spirit of judgement and a great deal more rest and tranquility of soul.

I offer my retirement adjustments as the reason I have not been writing on the blog spot or keeping up with Facebook. We are on another trip because Tal loves to travel and I don't. (Can you read between the lines?) I find that I have more time to write while on a trip, unless I don't have good compuler service.

So now, this is what I want to say as an introduction to a new attempt at writing. I will be using my spiritual journal from last year. As I stated above, I have experienced an excelleration of understanding myself and answers concerning why the Church is stuck. My prayer is that you who are faithful reader will not be disappointed with me. If you are, please pray for me and love me anyway. If you have words of encouragement and affirmation, I would appreciate hearing from you by email or Facebook. I am old enough to risk more than I did in my younger years.

Together on this journey called LIFE. Elizabeth Thompson

Sunday, February 13, 2011


My son Paul shared this raw kale salad with me. If you are trying to get more raw greens in your meals I encourage you to try this raw kale salad too.

Spinach and kale can also be put in smoothies with fruit and you won't taste the greens. It does make the color dull when you mix blueberries or strawberries and greens. If kale and spinach are not park of your meal planning, think outside the box. Try them uncooked.

Here is the Sweet Raisin Kale Salad

Kale Wash and pull off the tough stem the amount you want to serve.
Tear Kale into bite size pieces.
Drizzle with Olive Oil
Drizzle with a good quality of Honey Don't get too much. Start little and add
more as you taste it.
Massage the oil and honey into the Kale with your hand. This softens and
reduces the Kale a bit.
Add Raisins and a sprinkle of quality Sea Salt. If you question the need for salt,
take a bite before adding and then after adding.
You can add sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds if you like.

A reminder about sea salt: Look for sea salt that has no anti-caking agents or is bleached and heated in processing. These are inferior salts. Your body needs the organic minerals found in natural salt harvested from the oceans.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Our six weeks stay in Romania was coming to a close. The Boinganue family were "over the top" gracious hosts. The children began leaving for college and I felt a bit sad, realizing I may never see them again. Ben and Anna are dear friends, the kind you have for a life time regardless of the distance. We were so pleased that they had the time to take us on this site-seeking trip and leave us at a hotel near the Bucharest Airport.

I reported on the Bram Castle and now I want to report on the King's Castle. As you can see from the picture above, the grounds are very picturesque. I often wished we had made this trip in Spring or Fall. The mountains were beautiful anyway.

We were not allowed to take pictures inside, but it was on the order of Biltmore in Ashville. The castle had the first electric elevator in Europe, fully functioning bathrooms, radiant heat behind fake firepaces, and a central vacuum system. Every guest suite represented the decor of a different country. The Bram castle's walls were very plain with few picures or hangings, but the Sinaia Castle had gorgeous wood paneled walls, ornately carved in many places, lots of marble, huge framed pictures that the queen painted or that were presented by other countries.

Music filled this castle home because the queen was creative and musical herself, as well as bringing it into the family life in the form of concerts and art forms of all kinds. I enjoyed trying to imagine what it would have been like living in this spacious place as a child. Hide n Seek would have been a blast with secret doorways through huge wardrobes standing in a hall and a whole section of the library wall that opened up as a secret passage to somewhere I don't remember.

There was a lot of fascinating history that passsed through my mind. The Romanian people are lovers, not fighters, very creative, excelling in art, music and poetry.

Friday, January 14, 2011


We finally got our trip to two of Romania's famous castles. Bram Castle belonged to the legendary Count Dracula of Transylvania. It was built right out of the rock base. The town of Bram was in the valley. At the base of this castle, shops and restaurants have sprung up to take advantage of the constant stream of visitors that come all year.

It was very plain construction with secret staircases and low ceilings and doors. I was told that Dracula was a short man. He was very cruel, as most rulers in those days were. But was not a vampire. He was called Vlad the Impailer. There were no lavish furnishings, only the bare necessities. It was totally different from the king's castle in Sinaia. I will report on it next blog.

In these shops, Tal found the hat like Ben's that he had looked for all over Braila. It looks a bit Russian I think. We bought other things to bring home as well. From here we continued our road trip that took us closer to our departure on Tuesday. But first, I must show you the King's castle in Sinaia. We acturally saw it first after registering in a cute Bed and Breakfast. We spent two nights there.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


We are so grateful to see the sunshine today after three days of intense fog and cold. I took close up pictures of the trees with the frozen snow. The sun warmed our face as we walked with hundreds of Greek Orthodox worshipers below our apartment on the Danube River. Barriers and stage props were being set up all day yesterday, so we went down to meet Ben and to get a closer look at how they carry out this special celebration. It has something to do with Saint John the Baptizer.

Tal got video of the army band playing as they marched up the street from the church where they had first had a service. All the people who were in this service followed the priests, who followed the band. A priest in beautiful robes and crown was blessing the by-standers with holy water. Just as he reached us, he dipped the "sprinkler" on a stick in the pot of holy water carried by his helper,and flung it on us. Ben said the "sprinkler" was a bundle of special herbs. I guessed maybe it was Rosemary.

The procession made their way on down a long flight of stairs to the amphitheater beside the river. I came back to the house and checked on the ceremony from our 5th floor porch window. Ben wanted to hear what the priests were telling the people, so he and Tal stayed a bit longer.

There were six barrels of water set up and after the priests bless each barrel by stirring it with their hands, they allow the people to bring their plastic bottles and draw off this holy water to take home. Every Orthodox church we passed in the city all day has had long lines of people waiting to fill their containers.

The last thing to happen in this ceremony is for the priest to throw a cross into the Danube River and young men dive in hoping to be the favored one to retrieve the cross. He receives a special blessing. Tal remembered that in Tarpon Springs, Florida, the Greek Orthodox carry out this same ceremony. It took place this past Tuesday. In Florida the weather was in the 50s; here in Braila, Romania it is 32 degrees temperature with ice on the edge of the river. It makes me shutter to think of making a plunge into that water for whatever reason.