Monday, June 4, 2012

I degree and declare that for me, Pslam 28:6-9 is my reality.

Oh, Lord my God, Your heart is compassionate and Your character is unquestionable. 

You are giving and nurturing.  Therefore I declare that
. .You are worthy to be trusted and my praise of You is well founded.
. .You always hear my cry for mercy, for love, for affirmation of belonging.
. .You are always doing me good and working for my highest good.  That glorifies You.

I declare that You, Lord Jesus, do strengthen me and shield me.
My heart trusts in You and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy, knowing You are with me.

I decree to my soul. . .the strengthening Presence of Jesus is with me now.
. .that I am being saved on every level because that is what You do.
. .that You are a fortress of salvation around me.
. .that You bless Your inheritance forever.

I declare to my soul. . .rejoice and embrace Your Shepherd who carries you forever.

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